906 research outputs found

    The response of the calcified structures of teeth and periapical areas to direct electric current in the dog

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    Thesis (M.Sc.D.)--Boston University, School of Graduate Dentistry, 1971. (Pedodontics)Bibliography included

    Social Simulation of Stock Markets: Taking It to the Next Level

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    This paper studies the use of social simulation in linking micro level investor behaviour and macro level stock market dynamics. Empirical data from a survey on individual investors\' decision-making and social interaction was used to formalize the trading and interaction rules of the agents of the artificial stock market SimStockExchange. Multiple simulation runs were performed with this artificial stock market, which generated macro level results, like stock market prices and returns over time. These outcomes were subsequently compared to empirical macro level data from real stock markets. Partial qualitative as well as quantitative agreement between the simulated asset returns distributions and the asset returns distributions of the real stock markets was found.Agent-Based Computational Finance, Artificial Stock Markets, Behavioral Finance, Micro-Macro Links, Multi-Agent Simulation, Stock Market Characteristics

    Individual Differences and the Ergodicity Problem

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    Traditional research into individual differences (ID) in second language (L2) learning is based on group studies with the implicit assumption that findings can be generalized to the individual. In this article, we challenge this view. We argue that L2 learners do not form ergodic ensembles and that language learning data lack stability. The data from our experiment show that even highly similar learners in terms of ID show clearly different learning trajectories over time; however, we did find that those who showed the greatest degree of variability gained the most in proficiency. Such findings lead to the view that group studies and individual case studies are complementary. Group studies give us valuable information about the relative weight of individual factors that may play a role in L2 development, but longitudinal case studies are needed to understand the process of individual learners’ development

    Complex Dynamic Systems and Language Education:A Sampling of Current Research – Editorial

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    It has been twenty-five years since second language acquisition/development researchers and practitioners were introduced to chaos/complexity theory and its systems (variously referred to in our field as “complex systems,” complex adaptive systems,” and “complex dynamic systems”) (Larsen-Freeman, 1997). Unsurprisingly, the uptake of the new ideas was nonlinear. When they did attract a growing number of scholars, almost all of the research reports were descriptive—pointing out how language—its evolution, its use, its learning, and its teaching—were all complex, dynamic, nonlinear, emergent, feedback-sensitive, self-organizing, initial condition-sensitive, open, adaptive systems. In addition to these characteristics, because language is comprised of many interacting components and can be characterized by a number of scale-free power laws, such as Zipfian distributions, it indeed qualifies as a complex system

    Avaliação econômica de sistemas de produção de arroz irrigado em regiões selecionadas do Rio Grande do Sul, safras 2007/2008 a 2009/2010.

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    O presente trabalho objetivou o levantamento e avaliação da viabilidade dos Sistemas de produção modais de arroz irrigado praticados na Fronteira Oeste e na região Sul do RS

    Concentração espacial e dinâmica da produção de arroz no Brasil, de 1975 a 2005.

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    Introdução. Metodologia geral. Dados. Distribuições. Ordenamentos. Ordenamento das regiões e das unidades da federação. Ordenamento das microrregiões. Assimetria de distribuição de frequência. Medida de concentração. Distâncias com áreas geográficas. Centro de gravidade. Mapas estatísticos. Estatísticas básicas. Nível regional. Nível de unidade da federação. Nível de microrregião: ordenamento por volume. Procedimento básico. Concentração da quantidade produzida. Microrregiões no grupo 25 da quantidade produzida. Dinâmica da quantidade produzida. Contribuição percentual das partes A, B e C da quantidade produzida. Mapas de dinâmica da quantidade produzida. Nível de microrregião: ordenamento por densidade. Procedimento básico. Concentração da quantidade produzida. Mapa da quantidade produzida, com base na densidade de produção. Microrregiões com as mais altas densidades de produção de arroz. Dinâmica com base na densidade de produção. Nível de microrregião: ordenamento por produtividade. Procedimento básico. Concentração da quantidade produzida. Mapa da quantidade produzida, com base na produtividade. Microrregiões com as mais altas produtividades. Dinâmica com base na produtividade. Dinâmica de centros de gravidade. Centros de gravidade. Distâncias percorridas pelos centros de gravidade. Considerações finais. Referências.bitstream/item/80031/1/seriedocumentos-283.pd

    Effectiveness of Three Decontamination Treatments against Influenza Virus Applied to Filtering Facepiece Respirators

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    Filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs) are recommended for use as precautions against airborne pathogenic microorganisms; however, during pandemics demand for FFRs may far exceed availability. Reuse of FFRs following decontamination has been proposed but few reported studies have addressed the feasibility. Concerns regarding biocidal efficacy, respirator performance post decontamination, decontamination cost, and user safety have impeded adoption of reuse measures. This study examined the effectiveness of three energetic decontamination methods [ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI), microwave-generated steam, and moist heat] on two National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health-certified N95 FFRs (3M models 1860s and 1870) contaminated with H5N1. An aerosol settling chamber was used to apply virus-laden droplets to FFRs in a method designed to simulate respiratory deposition of droplets onto surfaces. When FFRs were examined post decontamination by viral culture, all three decontamination methods were effective, reducing virus load by \u3e4 log median tissue culture infective dose. Analysis of treated FFRs using a quantitative molecular amplification assay (quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction) indicated that UVGI decontamination resulted in lower levels of detectable viral RNA than the other two methods. Filter performance was evaluated before and after decontamination using a 1% NaCl aerosol. As all FFRs displayed \u3c5%penetration by 300-nm particles, no profound reduction in filtration performance was caused in the FFRs tested by exposure to virus and subsequent decontamination by the methods used. These findings indicate that, when properly implemented, these methods effectively decontaminate H5N1 on the two FFR models tested and do not drastically affect their filtering function; however, other considerations may influence decisions to reuse FFRs

    Sistema de avaliação dos impactos econômicos e ambientais da Embrapa - Estudo de caso.

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    Resumo: Recursos para pesquisa agrícola são escassos e podem ser utilizados em outras opções de investimento. Dessa forma, avaliar os retornos econômicos que a pesquisa pública gera para a sociedade é fundamental para justificar os recursos alocados, além de incentivar seu uso nos projetos mais eficientes. No entanto, em busca do desenvolvimento sustentável, o retorno econômico não é o único que deve ser almejado. A pesquisa deve também desenvolver tecnologias que não degradem o meio ambiente ou, por outro lado, buscar identificar quais os impactos negativos que as tecnologias possam vir a gerar quando adotadas, facilitando medidas mitigadoras. Tendo isto em vista, a Embrapa tem realizado avaliações de impactos econômicos e ambientais de suas tecnologias, que procuram mostrar o retorno gerado pelos investimentos, assim como identificar quais os efeitos causados no meio ambiente. Este trabalho apresenta a metodologia de avaliação econômica e ambiental que tem sido utilizada na Embrapa, exemplificada por avaliações de duas tecnologias desenvolvidas pela Empresa: ?Eucalyptus benthamii ? tolerante a geadas severas? e ?Terminação de cordeiros em confinamento?

    Arranged marriages in people with epilepsy: A pilot knowledge, attitudes and practices survey from India

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    Introduction: Marriage is a socially challenging barrier in the personal lives of people with epilepsy worldwide. However, it is during arranges marriages, which are common in South Asian communities, that epilepsy is most profoundly stigmatizing. We hypothesized that the felt stigma associated with epilepsy during arranged marriages affects women more frequently and intensely. // Materials and methods: A pilot study in married (n = 38) and unmarried PWE (n = 58) and general public (n = 150) to explore gender-based differences in the stigma associated with epilepsy during arranged marriages. // Results: Majority unmarried PWE (87%) considered arranged marriage as the best way to realize their matrimonial plans. More unmarried women (72%) apprehended problems in adhering to their epilepsy medications regime after marriage (p 0.009) and 50% apprehended victimization in marriage on account of epilepsy (p 0.001). Moreover, 41% of the married women with epilepsy felt that the disclosure had a negative impact on their married life (p 0.047). // Conclusions: South Asian WWE experienced more felt stigma than men before and after arranged marriages and this might impact a number of health related psychosocial outcomes. The lack of past experience with epilepsy was associated with a number of misplaced beliefs about and attitudes towards epilepsy