1,157 research outputs found

    Art, aesthetics and supplementarity: Re-evaluating the distinctions between the work of art and supporting material

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    This thesis analyses the importance of supplementary material for art history and philosophy by addressing its shifting and problematic relationship to the ‘work of art’. Through the use of philosophical and critical theories, including Heidegger, Benjamin, Adorno, Deleuze and Derrida, the nature and status of artworks are explored through different uses of supplementarity that are identified and developed in order to re-evaluate the cultural significance of supplementarity itself. This theoretical analysis is complemented by a cultural history that demonstrates, through a discussion of changes in artistic practices, theoretical perceptions, markets and ‘cultures of display’, the ways in which conceptions of the work of art and supplementarity are historically contingent.The main body of the thesis is composed of four case studies. In the first, Heidegger’s distinction between art and equipment and his notion of causality is used to analyse Henry Moore’s maquettes, plasters, and bronze works, in order to distinguish preliminary and preparatory material from complete works of art. The second focuses on hierarchy and supplementarity, developing Deleuze’s concept of the simulacrum by showing how the drawings and sketches of Antonio Sant’Elia can be considered works of art, despite being traditionally identified as supporting material. Walter Benjamin’s theory of aura, and Theodor Adorno’s notion of enigmaticalness, are deployed in a third case study that analyses the significance of the relocation of Francis Bacon’s studio from London to Dublin, and the use of biographical material to foreground the creative process. The final case study deploys Jacques Derrida’s analysis of Antonin Artaud’s works on paper that problematises prevailing classifications of art, and Derrida’s interpretation of Artaud’s notion of the subjectile, in order to emphasise the often ambiguous status of ostensibly supplementary material.Overall, the thesis re-evaluates the cultural significance of supplementarity for aesthetics by analysing the ways in which supplementary material affects how works of art are experienced and understood

    Gated metabolic myocardial imaging, a surrogate for dual perfusion-metabolism imaging by positron emission tomography

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    Acknowledgments The authors are grateful for the help from Dr H Ali and Dr A Dawson. Funding: This study was performed using a research grant from the Aberdeen Royal Hospitals Trust's Endowment Fund, with further support from the Department of Medical Physics at the University of Aberdeen, for which the authors express their gratitude.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Game-centered approaches in a PETE program

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    In this article we will describe the use of Game-Centered Approaches (GCAs) within an undergraduate Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) program. Specifically, our intent is to show the progression of how GCAs are implemented as well as the GCA experiences pre-service teachers receive within this program. The specific program, at Kent State University (KSU) in Ohio, USA, is a typical four year teacher education licensure program (five years if students choose to also pursue a Health Education teaching license). It includes general education, content-based, and pedagogical courses, culminating with a student teaching field experience. Students are first exposed to, and then increasingly study and implement GCAs as they progress throughout the program. This manuscript is organized chronologically in that first we describe the prior experiences of our undergraduate students and their ability to understand GCAs as an innovation. Second, we outline the practical experiences provided to students early in their program of study. These experiences provide initial exposure to GCAs across all game categories (invasion, net/wall, striking/fielding, target – Almond, 1986) and combine the implementation of GCAs with the Sport Education curriculum model (Siedentop, Hastie & van der Mars, 2011). Third, we describe the latter stages of the PETE program in which the emphasis transitions from GCA content to GCA pedagogy. Teaching methods and content courses include the pedagogy of GCAs at both the elementary and secondary levels, and Ohio’s state assessment procedures during student teaching require a focus on assessment of children’s learning while participating in GCAs.El presente artículo describe un programa de formación en la Enseñanza Comprensiva del Deporte (ECD) dentro de un plan de estudios de profesores de Educación Física. El principal interés de este trabajo es mostrar la progresión en la implementación de la ECD, así como las experiencias durante las prácticas de enseñanza sobre este enfoque. El plan de estudios de la Universidad de Kent State (Ohio, EEUU) es un típico programa de cuatro años de licenciatura de formación de profesores (cinco años si los alumnos eligen continuar el programa en Educación para la Salud). Incluye materias de educación general, de contenido y de didáctica, culminando con prácticas externas en centros educativos. A lo largo del plan de estudios los estudiantes primero experimentan la ECD y posteriormente la estudian e implementan. El presente artículo está organizado cronológicamente, la primera parte consta de lo que describimos como las experiencias previas de nuestros alumnos y su capacidad para comprender la ECD como innovación. Segundo, resumimos las experiencias aportadas a los alumnos en las primeras fases del plan de estudios. Estas experiencias aportan una primera exposición a la ECD en todas las categorías de juegos deportivos (invasión, red y muro, campo y bate, y blanco y diana – Almond, 1986), combinada con el modelo de instrucción de Educación Deportiva (Siedentop, Hastie & van der Mars, 2011). Tercero, describimos la última etapa del plan del programa de formación, en el cual se pone énfasis en la transición del contenido de la ECD a la didáctica de la ECD. Las materias de metodología y de contenido incluyen la didáctica de la ECD a los niveles de Educación Primaria y Educación Secundaria, así como los procedimientos de evaluación establecidos por el estado de Ohio, los cuales requieren centrarse en los aprendizajes de los alumnos durante su participación en la ECD

    The Informal Logic of Mathematical Proof

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    Informal logic is a method of argument analysis which is complementary to that of formal logic, providing for the pragmatic treatment of features of argumentation which cannot be reduced to logical form. The central claim of this paper is that a more nuanced understanding of mathematical proof and discovery may be achieved by paying attention to the aspects of mathematical argumentation which can be captured by informal, rather than formal, logic. Two accounts of argumentation are considered: the pioneering work of Stephen Toulmin [The uses of argument, Cambridge University Press, 1958] and the more recent studies of Douglas Walton, [e.g. The new dialectic: Conversational contexts of argument, University of Toronto Press, 1998]. The focus of both of these approaches has largely been restricted to natural language argumentation. However, Walton's method in particular provides a fruitful analysis of mathematical proof. He offers a contextual account of argumentational strategies, distinguishing a variety of different types of dialogue in which arguments may occur. This analysis represents many different fallacious or otherwise illicit arguments as the deployment of strategies which are sometimes admissible in contexts in which they are inadmissible. I argue that mathematical proofs are deployed in a greater variety of types of dialogue than has commonly been assumed. I proceed to show that many of the important philosophical and pedagogical problems of mathematical proof arise from a failure to make explicit the type of dialogue in which the proof is introduced.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables. Forthcoming in Perspectives on Mathematical Practices: Proceedings of the Brussels PMP2002 Conference (Logic, Epistemology and the Unity of the Sciences Series), J. P. Van Bendegem & B. Van Kerkhove, edd. (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004

    Ivar Aasens kumulative metode og leksikografien

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    Artikkelen gir først ei kort orientering om arbeidet til den nynorske målreisaren Ivar Aasen (1813-1896).  Med utgangspunkt i dei reiskapane som Aasen sjølv skapte for å systematisere innsamla dialektstoff, syner forfattaren korleis Aasen kunne systematisere materialet på ein svært effektiv måte og på eit svært tidleg stadium.  Forfattaren avleier Aasens kumulative metode av den materielle situasjonen hans, som kravde at han frå første stund på innsamlingsferdene var medviten om behovet for å ha eit produkt å syne fram

    Experimental Investigation of the Auto-Ignition Characteristics of Oxygenated Reference Fuel Compounds.

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    The increased use of biofuels presents an opportunity to improve combustion performance while simultaneously reducing greenhouse gases and pollutant emissions. This work focused on improving the fundamental understanding of the auto-ignition chemistry of oxygenated reference fuel compounds. A systematic study of the effects of ester structure on ignition chemistry was performed using the University of Michigan Rapid Compression Facility. The ignition properties of the ester compounds were investigated over a broad range of pressures (P=5-20 atm) and temperatures (T=850-1150 K) which are directly relevant to advanced combustion engine strategies. Ignition delay times for five esters were determined using the RCF. The esters were selected to systematically consider the chemical structure of the compounds. Three esters were saturated: methyl butanoate, butyl methanoate, and ethyl propanoate; and two were unsaturated: methyl crotonate and methyl trans-3-hexenoate. The unsaturated esters were more reactive than their saturated counterparts, with the largest unsaturated ester, methyl trans-3-hexenoate having the highest reactivity. Two isomers of the saturated esters, butyl methanoate and ethyl propanoate, were more reactive than the isomer methyl butanoate. The results are explained if we assume that butyl methanoate and ethyl propanoate form intermediate ring structures which decompose more rapidly than esters such as methyl butanoate, which do not form ring structures. Modeling studies of the reaction chemistry were conducted for methyl butanoate and ethyl propanoate, for which detailed mechanisms were available in the literature. The new experimental data indicated that literature rate coefficients for some of the methyl butanoate/HO2 reactions were too fast. Modifying these within the theoretical uncertainties for the reaction rates, led to excellent agreement between the model predictions and the experimental data. Comparison of the modeling results with the intermediates measured during methyl butanoate ignition indicated that pathways leading to the formation of small hydrocarbons are relatively well represented in the reaction mechanism. The results of this work provide archival benchmark data for improved understanding of the dominant reaction pathways and species controlling the auto-ignition of oxygenated reference fuel compounds. These data also provide a path for continued development of chemical kinetic models to optimize practical combustion systems.Ph.D.Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/61767/1/smwalton_1.pd

    Tone Hellesund 2008. Identitet på liv og død. Marginalitet, homoseksualitet og selvmord.

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    Tone Hellesund er forskar ved Rokkan­senteret og Universitetet i Bergen, der ho i ei årrekkje har arbeidt med sosiale kontruksjonar av intimitet og seksualitet. Med Intimitet på liv og død. Marginalitet, homoseksualitet og selvmord har ho no skrive noko nær ei perfekt fagbok

    Sigrid Bø og Jarnfrid Kjøk: Lekamslyst II. Erotisk folkedikting i Noreg

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    Vitsar er som kjent saman med draumane éin av kongevegane inn i det umedvetne, og vi vitsar dermed om saker som gjer oss urolege, eller saker som vi ikkje blir ferdige med. Da NRK Telemark i 2008 skulle lage eit lite oppslag om utgivinga av det første bandet av storverket til Sigrid Bø og Jarnfrid Kjøk, kunne dei ikkje dy seg. «Erotikk mellom stive permer» proklamerte dei i overskrifta, og det var sikkert meininga at vi skulle smile av adjektivet nesten like mykje som journalisten nok hadde gjort. Men bak forsøket på å pakke det erotiske inn i humor, ligg det ei ubevisst sannkjenning av at vi kanskje heller ikkje i det teoretisk seksuelt frigjorde Noreg på 2000-talet er så bekvemme i omgangen med framstillingar av lyst som vi liker å tru. Og reint særskilt liker vi å tru at vi er meir frigjorde seksuelt enn folk som har vakse opp i tradisjonssamfunn, både i tidlegare tider her i landet, og slike som i nyare tid har flytta hit. Dermed er denne boka i tillegg til mange andre gode eigenskapar, både aktuell og nødvendig. Ho syner at tradisjonssamfunnet ikkje var monolittisk i måten å forhalde seg til det erotiske og det seksuelle på. Folk forheldt seg til desse temaa svært ulikt. Og ved å innlemme materiale frå samtida, slik forfattarane gjer, får dei synt fram kontinuiteten i måtane folk har gripe kroppen og kjønnet på, og dermed får dei også vist noko av det uoppgjorde i synet vårt på dei i dag. Såleis blir bilde 7 på side 74 av den «kvite steinen», altså ein fallos­stein, i Åmotsdalen følgt av bilde 8 sju sider seinare av ein kraftig snøståkuk utanfor hovudbygget til den daverande Høgskolen i Telemark i Bø fotografert i 2011. Slike invitasjonar til å reflektere over det kommunikative innhaldet i folketradisjonens bruk av erotiske motiv til ulike tider, er det mange av her

    The Development of a Testbed to Assess an Intelligent Tutoring System for Teams

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    Work has been ongoing to develop an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) for teams. As part of this work, we are developing a flexible, scalable, military-based set of collaborative team tasks that can serve as a “testbed” to exercise various aspects of a team ITS architecture. Warfighting teams are a core part of any operation as individual soldiers combine their skill sets and plan, coordinate and act as one entity to accomplish assigned objectives. The team ITS test bed presented in this paper uses simple team tasks to train soldiers on basic functions including observation, target detection, target identification, communication within the team and decision making under stress. The testbed allows for manipulation of various dimensions of tutor feedback, learner work-load, and team size. The testbed enables researchers to systematically evaluate the effectiveness of different types of feedback on militarily-relevant training tasks

    Evaluating Distributed Teams with the Team Multiple Errands Test

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    Modern day teams, whether in the military or civilian workplace, have the ability to achieve goals that are otherwise unobtainable by individuals. The timing and characteristics of feedback that teams receive during training are critical. Though there is a solid foundation of research on optimal feedback, there is limited exploration of what constitutes ideal team feedback including addressing the individual team member versus the whole team and whether that feedback is public (visible to the entire team) or private (visible only to one member of the team). Previous research that studied the effect of feedback on team performance has yielded slightly different conclusions. For example, research focused on the privacy of feedback suggests that public feedback can have a motivational effect that improves performance. The aim of this work is to discover the most effective combination of the target and privacy of feedback. To accomplish this goal a modified version of the Multiple Errands Test (MET) was developed to evaluate the performance of three-member teams, the Team MET (TMET). The MET, normally used for evaluating cognitive processing, requires that specific rules be followed while completing multiple tasks within a time constraint. Participants performed the TMET while coordinating purchases in a virtual mall. In each of four timed shopping sessions, participants received feedback on their performance as an individual and team. Feedback was given in one of four conditions: individual private, team private, individual public, and team public. Task performance and rule errors were measured as dependent variables. Results did not yield a broadly significant effect of feedback condition on team or individual performance. However, the study did demonstrate the validity of the TMET as a platform for assessing a team\u27s ability to perform under heavy cognitive load