769 research outputs found

    Errors in estimating unexpected accruals in the presence of large changes in net external financing

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    We demonstrate that the articulation among accruals, cash flows and revenues which is typically assumed in tests of earnings management does not hold when large (positive or negative) external financing activities are present. Our study provides evidence that managers normal operating decisions associated with net external financing activities are likely to lead to economically and statistically significant measurement errors in unexpected accruals. This is a serious concern given the frequency with which the partitioning variable used to identify instances of alleged earnings management is correlated with significant movements in net external financing. Simulation tests show that even at modest levels of net external financing changes, rejection frequencies for the null hypothesis of no earnings management rise dramaticall

    Corporate governance and the long-run performance of firms issuing seasoned equity: An Australian study

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    Corporate governance has been propelled to the forefront of contemporary business thinking by a string of high profile corporate collapses and dramatic regulatory responses in the United States, Australia and in other countries as well. A particularly extensive body of research has emerged surrounding the relationship between corporate governance and firm performance. We combine the governance literature with evidence on the long-term underperformance of firms issuing seasoned equity to examine the benefits of corporate governance in a setting where it is more likely to matter. That is, we address the question, Does good corporate governance mitigate post-issue underperformance? For a broad sample of Australian seasoned equity offerings and employing a comprehensive, self-constructed governance database, we first demonstrate that issuing firms substantially underperform a variety of benchmarks over the long term, confirming similar findings in the existing literature. We then find evidence that better-governed firms do not experience the same degree of post-issue underperformance. Our findings, which are robust to a variety of estimation methods and econometric specifications, are consistent with the windows of opportunity hypothesis and with equity raisings being an important channel through which better corporate governance can improve future performance

    Market returns to acquirers of substantial assets

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    Does poor post-acquisition performance characterise firms that make non-M&A acquisitions? We investigate the wealth effects of substantial asset acquisitions (i.e. acquisitions that cost over $10 million) on acquiring firms' shareholders. We find significant abnormal positive market reaction to asset acquisition announcements and, contrary to findings for firms undertaking M&As, the acquiring firms perform exceptionally well post-acquisition. Our findings are robust to the research method weaknesses common to many studies of long-term performance and we control for free-cash-flow as well. Our results contradict the hubris hypothesis of acquisitions and lend weight to the argument that the auction-style process that characterizes corporate takeover bids contributes to overpayment

    Competition in the market for takeover advisers

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    We investigate factors that motivate bidders to engage advisers, we model adviser selection and we test whether value-adding advisers gain market share. Our sample includes 801 attempted takeovers over 1989-1998 in Australia. Our results indicate advisers are likely to be engaged if the takeover deal is large, hostile, and includes non-cash compensation. We find deal completion is not as closely correlated with adviser rankings as does Rau (2000) but we confirm his finding that adviser ranked high on market value of deals advised do not have a comparative advantage in adding value to firms. However, we document some (limited) evidence that value- adding advisers achieve an increase in subsequent deal flow. Our results are consistent with specialization among takeover advisers

    Icequake Source Mechanisms for Studying Glacial Sliding

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    Improving our understanding of glacial sliding is crucial for constraining basal drag in ice dynamics models. We use icequakes, sudden releases of seismic energy as the ice slides over the bed, to provide geophysical observations that can be used to aid understanding of the physics of glacial sliding and constrain ice dynamics models. These icequakes are located at the bed of an alpine glacier in Switzerland and the Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica, two extremes of glacial settings and spatial scales. We investigate a number of possible icequake source mechanisms by performing full waveform inversions to constrain the fundamental physics and stress release during an icequake stick-slip event. Results show that double-couple mechanisms best describe the source for the events from both glacial settings and the icequakes originate at or very near the ice-bed interface. We also present an exploratory method for attempting to measure the till shear modulus, if indirect reflected icequake radiation is observed. The results of this study increase our understanding of how icequakes are associated with basal drag while also providing the foundation for a method of remotely measuring bed shear strengt

    Selective dorsal rhizotomy for treatment of spasticity after hemispherectomy in children: A case report

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    Performing a hemispherotomy or hemispherectomy is known to treat medically intractable epilepsy successfully, yet contralateral hemiparesis and increased muscle tone follow the epilepsy surgery. Spasticity and coexisting dystonia presumably cause the increased muscle tone in the lower extremity on the opposite side of epilepsy surgery. However, the extent of the role of spasticity and dystonia in high muscle tone is unknown. A selective dorsal rhizotomy is performed to reduce spasticity. If a selective dorsal rhizotomy is performed in the affected patient and muscle tone is reduced, the high muscle tone is not due to dystonia. Two children, who previously underwent a hemispherectomy or hemispherotomy, had a selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) performed in our clinic. Both children underwent orthopedic surgery to treat heel cord contractures. To study the extent of the role of spasticity and dystonia in high muscle tone, the mobility of the two children was examined pre- and post-SDR. The children had follow-ups 12 months and 56 months after SDR to study long-term effects. Before SDR, both children showed signs of spasticity. The SDR procedure removed spasticity, and muscle tone in the lower extremity became normal. Importantly, dystonia did not surface after SDR. Patients started independent walking less than two weeks after SDR. Sitting, standing, walking, and balance improved. They could walk longer distances while experiencing less fatigue. Running, jumping, and other more vigorous physical activities became possible. Notably, one child showed voluntary foot dorsiflexion that was absent before SDR. The other child showed improvement in voluntary foot dorsiflexion that was present before SDR. Both children maintained the progress at the 12 and 56-month follow-up visits. The SDR procedure normalized muscle tone and improved ambulation by removing spasticity. The high muscle tone following the epilepsy surgery was not due to dystonia

    Integrative Approaches to Environmental Sustainability at Universities: an overview of challenges and priorities

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    The principles of sustainable development are becoming extremely relevant for organisations. In the case of universities, these institutions can act as agents in promoting these principles within society. The literature contains a wide range of studies which show how universities may play a critical role in disseminating sustainability principles on the one hand, and their translation into practice, on the other. At present, many Higher Education Institutions are becoming more aware of their impact on the environment, and trying to understand the environmental needs and implications of their operations. Going further, some universities are incorporating sustainability principles into their activities. One of the questions that universities are now facing is how education for sustainable development can be translated into practice so that it can be effective in transforming society. This paper will discuss the need for and the usefulness of integrative approaches to implement sustainable development in higher education. In addition to a theoretical review of the state of the art, the paper will use case studies from the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany) and Bournemouth University (UK), to illustrate the effectiveness of integration of sustainable development principles in university research and teaching activities, and the many benefits integrative approaches may bring about

    Development and validation of the African Women Awareness of CANcer (AWACAN) tool for breast and cervical cancer.

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    BACKGROUND: Measuring factors influencing time to presentation is important in developing and evaluating interventions to promote timely cancer diagnosis, yet there is a lack of validated, culturally relevant measurement tools. This study aimed to develop and validate the African Women Awareness of CANcer (AWACAN) tool to measure awareness of breast and cervical cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). METHODS: Development of the AWACAN tool followed 4 steps: 1) Item generation based on existing measures and relevant literature. 2) Refinement of items via assessment of content and face validity using cancer experts' ratings and think aloud interviews with community participants in Uganda and South Africa. 3) Administration of the tool to community participants, university staff and cancer experts for assessment of validity using test-retest reliability (using Intra-Class Correlation (ICC) and adjusted Kappa coefficients), construct validity (comparing expert and community participant responses using t-tests) and internal reliability (using the Kuder-Richarson (KR-20) coefficient). 4) Translation of the final AWACAN tool into isiXhosa and Acholi. RESULTS: ICC scores indicated good test-retest reliability (β‰₯ 0.7) for all breast cancer knowledge domains and cervical cancer risk factor and lay belief domains. Experts had higher knowledge of breast cancer risk factors (p 0.7, and lower (0.6) for the cervical cancer risk subscale. CONCLUSION: The final AWACAN tool includes items on socio-demographic details; breast and cervical cancer symptom awareness, risk factor awareness, lay beliefs, anticipated help-seeking behaviour; and barriers to seeking care. The tools showed evidence of content, face, construct and internal validity and test-retrest reliability and are available for use in SSA in three languages.Research reported in this article was jointly supported by the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA), the University of Cape Town and the South African Medical Research Council with funds received from the South African National Department of Health, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Africa Non-Communicable Disease Open Lab (via a supporting grant Project Number: 023), the United Kingdom Medical Research Council (via the Newton Fund)

    An extracellular steric seeding mechanism for Eph-ephrin signaling platform assembly

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    Erythropoetin-producing hepatoma (Eph) receptors are cell-surface protein tyrosine kinases mediating cell-cell communication. Upon activation, they form signaling clusters. We report crystal structures of the full ectodomain of human EphA2 (eEphA2) both alone and in complex with the receptor-binding domain of the ligand ephrinA5 (ephrinA5 RBD). Unliganded eEphA2 forms linear arrays of staggered parallel receptors involving two patches of residues conserved across A-class Ephs. eEphA2-ephrinA5 RBD forms a more elaborate assembly, whose interfaces include the same conserved regions on eEphA2, but rearranged to accommodate ephrinA5 RBD. Cell-surface expression of mutant EphA2s showed that these interfaces are critical for localization at cell-cell contacts and activation-dependent degradation. Our results suggest a 'nucleation' mechanism whereby a limited number of ligand-receptor interactions 'seed' an arrangement of receptors which can propagate into extended signaling arrays
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