182 research outputs found

    Visualisation to enhance biomechanical tuning of ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) in stroke: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    There are a number of gaps in the evidence base for the use of ankle-foot orthoses for stroke patients. Three dimensional motion analysis offers an ideal method for objectively obtaining biomechanical gait data from stroke patients, however there are a number of major barriers to its use in routine clinical practice. One significant problem is the way in which the biomechanical data generated by these systems is presented. Through the careful design of bespoke biomechanical visualisation software it may be possible to present such data in novel ways to improve clinical decision making, track progress and increase patient understanding in the context of ankle-foot orthosis tuning

    Research on the Geography of Agricultural Change: Redundant or Revitalized?

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    Future research directions for agricultural geography were the subject of debate in Area in the late 1980s. The subsequent application of political economy ideas undoubtedly revived interest in agricultural research. This paper argues that agricultural geography contains greater diversity than the dominant political economy discourse would suggest. It reviews ‘other’ areas of agricultural research on policy, post-productivism, people, culture and animals, presenting future suggestions for research. They should ensure that agricultural research continues revitalized rather than redundant into the next millennium

    Permeability-porosity relationships in seafloor vent deposits : dependence on pore evolution processes

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 112 (2007): B05208, doi:10.1029/2006JB004716.Systematic laboratory measurements of permeability and porosity were conducted on three large vent structures from the Mothra Hydrothermal vent field on the Endeavor segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Geometric means of permeability values obtained from a probe permeameter are 5.9 × 10−15 m2 for Phang, a tall sulfide-dominated spire that was not actively venting when sampled; 1.4 × 10−14 m2 for Roane, a lower-temperature spire with dense macrofaunal communities growing on its sides that was venting diffuse fluid of <300°C; and 1.6 × 10−14 m2 for Finn, an active black smoker with a well-defined inner conduit that was venting 302°C fluids prior to recovery. Twenty-three cylindrical cores were then taken from these vent structures. Permeability and porosity of the drill cores were determined on the basis of Darcy's law and Boyle's law, respectively. Permeability values range from ∼10−15 to 10−13 m2 for core samples from Phang, from ∼10−15 to 10−12 m2 for cores from Roane, and from ∼10−15 to 3 × 10−13 m2 for cores from Finn, in good agreement with the probe permeability measurements. Permeability and porosity relationships are best described by two different power law relationships with exponents of ∼9 (group I) and ∼3 (group II). Microstructural analyses reveal that the difference in the two permeability-porosity relationships reflects different mineral precipitation processes as pore space evolves within different parts of the vent structures, either with angular sulfide grains depositing as aggregates that block fluid paths very efficiently (group I), or by late stage amorphous silica that coats existing grains and reduces fluid paths more gradually (group II). The results suggest that quantification of permeability and porosity relationships leads to a better understanding of pore evolution processes. Correctly identifying permeability and porosity relationships is an important first step toward accurately estimating fluid distribution, flow rate, and environmental conditions within seafloor vent deposits, which has important consequences for chimney growth and biological communities that reside within and on vent structures.Support from the National Science Foundation under grants NSF OCE-9986456 (W.Z. and M.K.T.) and NSF OCE-0327488 (P.R.C.) is gratefully acknowledged. We also thank the WHOI summer student fellowship for providing support to H.G

    The feasibility of determining the impact of primary health care research projects using the Payback Framework

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Primary health care research is under pressure to be accountable to funders in terms of benefits for practice and policy. However, methods to assess the impact of primary health care research must be appropriate to use with the diverse topics, settings and approaches of this sector. This project explored the feasibility of using the Buxton and Hanney Payback Framework to determine the impact of a stratified random sample (n = 4) of competitively funded, primary health care research projects.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The project conducted telephone interviews based on the Payback Framework with leaders of the research teams and nominated users of their research, used bibliometric methods for assessing impact through publication outputs and obtained documentary evidence of impact where possible. The purpose was to determine the effectiveness of the data collection methods and the applicability of the Payback Framework, and any other issues which arose around the assessment of impact of primary health care research.</p> <p>Results and discussion</p> <p>The thirteen interviews were resource intensive to organise conduct and analyse but provided better information about impact than bibliometric analysis or documentary analysis. Bibliometric analysis of the papers published from the four projects was hampered by the inclusion of only one of the journals in major citation indexes. Document analysis provided more evidence of dissemination than of impact.</p> <p>The payback framework and logic model were a sound basis for assessing impact. Chief investigators and nominated users of research provided substantial information relevant to the impact categories closest to their spheres of influence and awareness, but less about the impact their research had on the wider health sector, population health or economic benefits. An additional category of impact emerged from the interviews, that of strengthening research networks which could enhance the impact of later work. The framework provided rich information about the pathways to impact, better understanding of which may enhance impact.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It is feasible to use the Buxton and Hanney Payback framework and logic model to determine the proximal impacts of primary health care research. Though resource intensive, telephone interviews of chief investigators and nominated users provided rich information.</p

    Temperature Variations from HST Spectroscopy of the Orion Nebula

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    We present HST/STIS long-slit spectroscopy of NGC 1976. Our goal is to measure the intrinsic line ratio [O III] 4364/5008 and thereby evaluate the electron temperature (T_e) and the fractional mean-square T_e variation (t_A^2) across the nebula. We also measure the intrinsic line ratio [N II] 5756/6585 in order to estimate T_e and t_A^2 in the N^+ region. The interpretation of the [N II] data is not as clear cut as the [O III] data because of a higher sensitivity to knowledge of the electron density as well as a possible contribution to the [N II] 5756 emission by recombination (and cascading). We present results from binning the data along the various slits into tiles that are 0.5" square (matching the slit width). The average [O III] temperature for our four HST/STIS slits varies from 7678 K to 8358 K; t_A^2 varies from 0.00682 to at most 0.0176. For our preferred solution, the average [N II] temperature for each of the four slits varies from 9133 K to 10232 K; t_A^2 varies from 0.00584 to 0.0175. The measurements of T_e reported here are an average along each line of sight. Therefore, despite finding remarkably low t_A^2, we cannot rule out significantly larger temperature fluctuations along the line of sight. The result that the average [N II] T_e exceeds the average [O III] T_e confirms what has been previously found for Orion and what is expected on theoretical grounds. Observations of the proplyd P159-350 indicate: large local extinction associated; ionization stratification consistent with external ionization by theta^1 Ori C; and indirectly, evidence of high electron density.Comment: MNRAS accepted: 30 pages, 3 Figures, 2 Table

    Levels of resilience and delivery of HIV care in response to urban violence and crime

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    Aims To understand the impact of urban violence and crime on HIV care delivery. Background Urban violence and crime can put pressure on the health care system and on nursing staff. Whilst the impact this has at the individual level has been researched, there is less research that places this within the context of the overall social eco system. Design A qualitative design using inductive thematic analysis. Methods Between July 2016 February 2017, in‐depth interviews were conducted with 10 nurses working in two neighbourhoods with high levels of violence in Cape Town, South Africa. Results The effects of crime and violence were evident at multiple levels resulting in participants feeling ‘safe and unsafe’ in a context where crime is viewed as endemic. Resilience emerged as a key concept in the findings. Resilience was apparent at individual, community and organizational levels and enabled continued delivery of HIV care. Conclusion The findings demonstrate the potential role of resilience within the social eco‐health system required to sustain delivery of HIV care in the midst of urban violence and gangsterism. Impact This study examined the impact of and response to urban violence on HIV care delivery. The findings indicate that resilience manifests at all levels of the social eco‐system. Understanding the mechanisms employed to cope with endemic violence helps to address these challenges in the study setting, but also has a much wider application to other areas with endemic urban violence and crime

    Genetic Co-Occurrence Network across Sequenced Microbes

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    The phenotype of any organism on earth is, in large part, the consequence of interplay between numerous gene products encoded in the genome, and such interplay between gene products affects the evolutionary fate of the genome itself through the resulting phenotype. In this regard, contemporary genomes can be used as molecular records that reveal associations of various genes working in their natural lifestyles. By analyzing thousands of orthologs across ~600 bacterial species, we constructed a map of gene-gene co-occurrence across much of the sequenced biome. If genes preferentially co-occur in the same organisms, they were called herein correlogs; in the opposite case, called anti-correlogs. To quantify correlogy and anti-correlogy, we alleviated the contribution of indirect correlations between genes by adapting ideas developed for reverse engineering of transcriptional regulatory networks. Resultant correlogous associations are highly enriched for physically interacting proteins and for co-expressed transcripts, clearly differentiating a subgroup of functionally-obligatory protein interactions from conditional or transient interactions. Other biochemical and phylogenetic properties were also found to be reflected in correlogous and anti-correlogous relationships. Additionally, our study elucidates the global organization of the gene association map, in which various modules of correlogous genes are strikingly interconnected by anti-correlogous crosstalk between the modules. We then demonstrate the effectiveness of such associations along different domains of life and environmental microbial communities. These phylogenetic profiling approaches infer functional coupling of genes regardless of mechanistic details, and may be useful to guide exogenous gene import in synthetic biology.Comment: Supporting information is available at PLoS Computational Biolog