296 research outputs found

    VUV Optical Properties of Rare Earth Doped YPO4 Prepared by Different Routes

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    The optical properties of nanocrystalline YPO4:Ln3+ (Ln = Eu, Sm, Tb) prepared via co-precipitation are compared to larger crystallites of YPO4:Ln3+ prepared via traditional solid state reaction. In larger crystals (~330 nm) a distinct peak is observed at 150 nm in the excitation spectra, the intensity of which decreases markedly in smaller crystals (~20 nm). Using excitation and reflectance spectroscopy, host–to–activator energy transfer efficiencies were calculated for Y1-xPO4:Lnx3+ (0.01 ≤ x ≤ 0.10). From the transfer efficiency data, we estimate that trapping by Eu3+ and Sm3+ is at least five times more efficient than trapping by Tb3+ for excitation at the band edge. The fraction of energy lost to the surface or grain boundaries for excitation at 150 nm and 138 nm is also estimated. We propose that in the samples prepared via co-precipitation, an amorphous phase forms at grain boundaries that is responsible for the loss of efficiency under 150 nm excitation

    Is the quantum world composed of propensitons?

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    In this paper I outline my propensiton version of quantum theory (PQT). PQT is a fully micro-realistic version of quantum theory that provides us with a very natural possible solution to the fundamental wave/particle problem, and is free of the severe defects of orthodox quantum theory (OQT) as a result. PQT makes sense of the quantum world. PQT recovers all the empirical success of OQT and is, furthermore, empirically testable (although not as yet tested). I argue that Einstein almost put forward this version of quantum theory in 1916/17 in his papers on spontaneous and induced radiative transitions, but retreated from doing so because he disliked the probabilistic character of the idea. Subsequently, the idea was overlooked because debates about quantum theory polarised into the Bohr/Heisenberg camp, which argued for the abandonment of realism and determinism, and the Einstein/Schrödinger camp, which argued for the retention of realism and determinism, no one, as a result, pursuing the most obvious option of retaining realism but abandoning determinism. It is this third, overlooked option that leads to PQT. PQT has implications for quantum field theory, the standard model, string theory, and cosmology. The really important point, however, is that it is experimentally testable. I indicate two experiments in principle capable of deciding between PQT and OQT

    Dynamical Mass Measurement of the Young Spectroscopic Binary V343 Normae AaAb Resolved With the Gemini Planet Imager

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    We present new spatially resolved astrometry and photometry from the Gemini Planet Imager of the inner binary of the young multiple star system V343 Normae, which is a member of the beta Pictoris moving group. V343 Normae comprises a K0 and mid-M star in a ~4.5 year orbit (AaAb) and a wide 10" M5 companion (B). By combining these data with archival astrometry and radial velocities we fit the orbit and measure individual masses for both components of M_Aa = 1.10 +/- 0.10 M_sun and M_Ab = 0.290 +/- 0.018 M_sun. Comparing to theoretical isochrones, we find good agreement for the measured masses and JHK band magnitudes of the two components consistent with the age of the beta Pic moving group. We derive a model-dependent age for the beta Pic moving group of 26 +/- 3 Myr by combining our results for V343 Normae with literature measurements for GJ 3305, which is another group member with resolved binary components and dynamical masses.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Accepted to A

    QCD Sum Rules for Σ\Sigma Hyperons in Nuclear Matter

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    Within finite-density QCD sum-rule approach we investigate the self-energies of Σ\Sigma hyperons propagating in nuclear matter from a correlator of Σ\Sigma interpolating fields evaluated in the nuclear matter ground state. We find that the Lorentz vector self-energy of the Σ\Sigma is similar to the nucleon vector self-energy. The magnitude of Lorentz scalar self-energy of the Σ\Sigma is also close to the corresponding value for nucleon; however, this prediction is sensitive to the strangeness content of the nucleon and to the assumed density dependence of certain four-quark condensate. The scalar and vector self-energies tend to cancel, but not completely. The implications for the couplings of Σ\Sigma to the scalar and vector mesons in nuclear matter and for the Σ\Sigma spin-orbit force in a finite nucleus are discussed.Comment: 20 pages in revtex, 6 figures available under request as ps files, UMD preprint #94--11

    Illness perceptions and explanatory models of viral hepatitis B & C among immigrants and refugees: a narrative systematic review.

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    © 2015 Owiti et al.; licensee BioMed Central. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.BACKGROUND: Hepatitis B and C (HBV, HCV) infections are associated with high morbidity and mortality. Many countries with traditionally low prevalence (such as UK) are now planning interventions (screening, vaccination, and treatment) of high-risk immigrants from countries with high prevalence. This review aimed to synthesise the evidence on immigrants' knowledge of HBV and HCV that might influence the uptake of clinical interventions. The review was also used to inform the design and successful delivery of a randomised controlled trial of targeted screening and treatment. METHODS: Five databases (PubMed, CINHAL, SOCIOFILE, PsycINFO & Web of Science) were systematically searched, supplemented by reference tracking, searches of selected journals, and of relevant websites. We aimed to identify qualitative and quantitative studies that investigated knowledge of HBV and HCV among immigrants from high endemic areas to low endemic areas. Evidence, extracted according to a conceptual framework of Kleinman's explanatory model, was subjected to narrative synthesis. We adapted the PEN-3 model to categorise and analyse themes, and recommend strategies for interventions to influence help-seeking behaviour. RESULTS: We identified 51 publications including quantitative (n = 39), qualitative (n = 11), and mixed methods (n = 1) designs. Most of the quantitative studies included small samples and had heterogeneous methods and outcomes. The studies mainly concentrated on hepatitis B and ethnic groups of South East Asian immigrants residing in USA, Canada, and Australia. Many immigrants lacked adequate knowledge of aetiology, symptoms, transmission risk factors, prevention strategies, and treatment, of hepatitis HBV and HCV. Ethnicity, gender, better education, higher income, and English proficiency influenced variations in levels and forms of knowledge. CONCLUSION: Immigrants are vulnerable to HBV and HCV, and risk life-threatening complications from these infections because of poor knowledge and help-seeking behaviour. Primary studies in this area are extremely diverse and of variable quality precluding meta-analysis. Further research is needed outside North America and Australia

    Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer: demonstrating advanced exoplanet characterization techniques for future extremely large telescopes (Conference Presentation)

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    The Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer (KPIC) is an upgrade to the Keck II adaptive optics system enabling high contrast imaging and high-resolution spectroscopic characterization of giant exoplanets in the mid-infrared (2-5 microns). The KPIC instrument will be developed in phases. Phase I entails the installation of an infrared pyramid wavefront sensor (PyWFS) based on a fast, low-noise SAPHIRA IR-APD array. The ultra-sensitive infrared PyWFS will enable high contrast studies of infant exoplanets around cool, red, and/or obscured targets in star forming regions. In addition, the light downstream of the PyWFS will be coupled into an array of single-mode fibers with the aid of an active fiber injection unit (FIU). In turn, these fibers route light to Keck's high-resolution infrared spectrograph NIRSPEC, so that high dispersion coronagraphy (HDC) can be implemented for the first time. HDC optimally pairs high contrast imaging and high-resolution spectroscopy allowing detailed characterization of exoplanet atmospheres, including molecular composition, spin measurements, and Doppler imaging. We will provide an overview of the instrument, its science scope, and report on recent results from on-sky commissioning of Phase I. We will discuss plans for optimizing the instrument to seed designs for similar modes on extremely large telescopes