2,419 research outputs found

    A 100-year record of North Pacific volcanism in an ice core from Eclipse icefield, Yukon Territory, Canada

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    A record of regionally significant volcanic eruptions in the North Pacific over the last century has been developed using a glaciochemical record from Eclipse Icefield, Yukon Territory, Canada. Tephrochronology of the Eclipse ice core provides positive identification of the 1907 Ksudach, Kamchatka, the 1912 Katmai, Alaska, the 1947 Hekla, Iceland, and the 1989 Redoubt, Alaska, eruptions. Non-sea-salt SO42− residuals above a robust spline and empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis were used to identify volcanic SO42− signatures. Volcanic sulfate values are more conservatively identified by the EOF analysis as sulfate deposition from other sources is more robustly accounted for. Some eruptions are also recorded as peaks in non-sea-salt chloride. The volcanic signals in the Eclipse ice core are mostly attributable to Alaskan, Aleutian, or Kamchatkan eruptions. Conversely, the Eclipse ice core provides a poor record of globally significant tropical eruptions. These results are promising for the development of longer ice core based records of paleovolcanism in the North Pacific rim

    Curriculum design through lesson study

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    Lesson study is increasingly prevalent as a collaborative activity in which teachers take part to explore their practice. There are many variations in how lesson study manifests itself, even in Japan, where it originated. However, in Japan, fundamental to lesson study is a focus on collaboration in researching teachers’ professional practice. In this article, we draw on experiences of our collaborative research with colleagues in Japan to provide theoretical insights into how we might conceptualize and inform future developments of lesson study as action research that informs curriculum design and implementation. The approach taken develops ideas of the theory of didactical situations, and draws on the construct of boundary objects to understand Japanese lesson study. We identify a class of artefacts, didactical devices, that may provide a useful form of boundary object that supports the collaborative action research of lesson study. Although the particular focus of the work presented here is mathematics, the lessons that we draw should have applicability across the curriculum more widely

    Ice core evidence for a second volcanic eruption around 1809 in the Northern Hemisphere

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    A volcanic signal observed in ice cores from both polar regions six years prior to Tambora is attributed to an unknown tropical eruption in 1809. Recovery of dacitic tephra from the 1809 horizon in a Yukon ice core (Eclipse) that is chemically distinct from andesitic 1809 tephra found in Antarctic ice cores indicates a second eruption in the Northern Hemisphere at this time. Together with the similar magnitude and timing of the 1809 volcanic signal in the Arctic and Antarctic, this could suggest a large tropical eruption produced the sulfate and Antarctic tephra and a minor Northern Hemisphere eruption produced the Eclipse tephra. Nonetheless, the possibility that there were coincidental eruptions of similar magnitude in both hemispheres, rather than a single tropical eruption, should not be discounted. Correctly attributing the source of the 1809 volcanic signal has important implications for modeling the magnitude and latitudinal distribution of volcanic radiative forcing

    Ice core paleovolcanic records from the St. Elias Mountains, Yukon, Canada

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    We previously reported a record of regionally significant volcanic eruptions in the North Pacific using an ice core from Eclipse Icefield (St. Elias Mountains, Yukon, Canada). The acquisition of two new ice cores from Eclipse Icefield, along with the previously available Eclipse Icefield and Mount Logan Northwest Col ice cores, allows us to extend our record of North Pacific volcanism to 550 years before present using a suite of four ice cores spanning an elevation range of 3–5 km. Comparison of volcanic sulfate flux records demonstrates that the results are highly reproducible, especially for the largest eruptions such as Katmai (A.D. 1912). Correlation of volcanic sulfate signals with historically documented eruptions indicates that at least one-third of the eruptions recorded in St. Elias ice cores are from Alaskan and Kamchatkan volcanoes. Although there are several moderately large (volcanic explosivity index (VEI) ≥ 4) eruptions recorded in only one core from Eclipse Icefield, the use of multiple cores provides signals in at least one core from all known VEI ≥ 4 eruptions in Alaska and Kamchatka since A.D. 1829. Tephrochronological evidence from the Eclipse ice cores documents eruptions in Alaska (Westdahl, Redoubt, Trident, and Katmai), Kamchatka (Avachinsky, Kliuchevoskoi, and Ksudach), and Iceland (Hekla). Several unidentified tephra-bearing horizons, with available geochemical evidence suggesting Alaskan and Kamchatkan sources, were also found. We present a reconstruction of annual volcanic sulfate loading for the North Pacific troposphere based on our ice core data, and we provide a detailed assessment of the atmospheric and climatic effects of the Katmai eruption

    Evaluating the effectiveness of digital communication within the National Medication Safety Network for England

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    Objectives: The medication safety officer (MSO) role was created following a patient safety alert, with an action for MSOs to be active participants in a national network in England, which included regular online webinar meetings and an online forum. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of digital platforms in facilitating interaction and communication by the MSO network. The objectives were to establish the proportion of MSOs who interact through monthly webinars and the online forum. A secondary objective was to identify barriers and facilitators for engaging digitally within the MSO network. Methods: An online survey was used alongside semistructured interviews. The online survey was disseminated to all 400 MSOs registered with the UK Department of Health Central Alerting System from December 2018 to February 2019. Interviewees were identified purposively through snowball sampling and voluntarily through the survey. Results: 84 MSOs responded to the survey (21% response rate) and 10 participated in the semistructured interviews. The majority of the respondents were pharmacists (79/84, 94%) from NHS large healthcare providers (44/84, 52%). MSO respondents (61/84, 73%) joined the monthly webinar and 47/84 (56%) believed the webinar was useful for networking. Ten (12%) did not attend the webinars due to technical difficulties or lack of time. The online forum was used less frequently, with a third (27/84, 32%) that had never used it. Conclusions: Digital communications through webinars and online forums were perceived by respondents as a way to facilitate networking but require a robust information technology infrastructure that can be accessed without difficulty. User-friendly platforms can help the MSO network achieve critical mass and greater interaction, allowing timely access to information

    Preservation of glaciochemical time-series in snow and ice from the Penny Ice Cap, Baffin Island

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    A detailed investigation of major ion concentrations of snow and ice in the summit region of Penny Ice Cap (PIC) was performed to determine the effects of summer melt on the glaciochemical time-series. While ion migration due to meltwater percolation makes it difficult to confidently count annual layers in the glaciochemical profiles, time-series of these parameters do show good structure and a strong one year spectral component, suggesting that annual to biannual signals are preserved in PIC glaciochemical records

    An Analysis of Black Greek-letter Organization Philanthropy

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    Philanthropy is a significant component of the mission of many fraternities and sororities, especially Black Greek-letter organizations. We examine the role of philanthropy in these organizations, employing an approach infrequently used — archival data collection combined with quantitative methods. We first document the history of philanthropic activity among the nine members of the National Pan-Hellenic Council. Then, we use data from IRS tax returns to document quantitative patterns in these organizations’ income and spending. Though the analysis is merely exploratory, we find evidence that BGLOs have lower median revenues and expenditures than do other similar organizations, though a small number of outliers may fuel much of the difference in averages

    An Integrative Approach to Phylogeography: Investigating the Effects of Ancient Seaways, Climate, and Historical Geology on Multi-Locus Phylogeographic Boundaries of the Arboreal Salamander (Aneides Lugubris)

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    Background: Phylogeography is an important tool that can be used to reveal cryptic biodiversity and to better understand the processes that promote lineage diversification. We studied the phylogeographic history of the Arboreal Salamander (Aneides lugubris), a wide-ranging species endemic to the California floristic province. We used multi-locus data to reconstruct the evolutionary history of A. lugubris and to discover the geographic location of major genetic breaks within the species. We also used species distribution modeling and comparative phylogeography to better understand the environmental factors that have shaped the genetic history of A. lugubris. Results: We found six major mitochondrial clades in A. lugubris. Nuclear loci supported the existence of at least three genetically distinct groups, corresponding to populations north of the San Francisco Bay and in the Sierra Nevada, in the Santa Cruz Mountains, and in the central coast and southern California. All of the genetic breaks in mitochondrial and nuclear loci corresponded to regions where historical barriers to dispersal have been observed in other species. Geologic or water barriers likely were the most important factors restricting gene flow among clades. Climatic unsuitability during glacial maximum may have contributed to the isolation of the mitochondrial clades in the central coast and southern California. A projection of our species distribution model to a future scenario with a moderate amount of climate change suggests that most of the range of A. lugubris will remain climatically suitable, but climatic conditions in the Sierra Nevada and low elevation areas in Southern California are likely to deteriorate. Conclusions: Aneides lugubris contains substantial cryptic genetic diversity as a result of historical isolation of populations. At least two (and perhaps three) evolutionarily significant units in A. lugubris merit protection; all six mitochondrial clades should be considered as management units within the species

    Family communication following a diagnosis of myotonic dystrophy: To tell or not to tell?

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    Family communication about genetic information enables informed medical and reproductive decision-making. The literature suggests that a significant proportion of genetically at-risk family members remain uninformed about genetic risk information as a result of non-disclosure. This study explored the experiences of New Zealand families communicating about a diagnosis of type 1 myotonic dystrophy (DM1). Eligible individuals were identified and recruited from the New Zealand (NZ) MD Prev study, a nationwide study which aimed to determine the prevalence, impact, and costs of genetic muscle disorders across the lifespan. Twelve qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 participants. The findings demonstrate diversity among and within families, with several distinct family narratives described. Most participants reported a motivation to tell relatives about their diagnosis to promote autonomy. Women were pivotal throughout communication processes and this was often tied to the concept of maternal responsibility and a desire to promote relatives' reproductive autonomy. The diagnosis of DM1 and the subsequent family communication decisions altered relationships for many, with both positive and negative impacts described. The findings demonstrate that individuals require time to explore the impact of a diagnosis of DM1 on self, family and intimate partner relationships to anticipate unique communication challenges. Genetic counselors can use these findings to inform their approach to counseling families with DM1. Longitudinal genetic counseling may be beneficial as a way to provide individuals with life stage specific support as they communicate with their relatives about a diagnosis of DM1

    Palaeoecological Implications of Archaeological Seal Bone Assemblages: Case Studies from Labrador and Baffin Island

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    In recent years, increasing scientific attention has been paid to sea mammals as biological indicators of Arctic environmental change. The usefulness of animals such as ringed seal (Phoca hispida), harp seal (Phoca groenlandica), bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus), and harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) as indicator species is due to the close relationship of their range, reproductive cycles, and life histories to sea ice. The behaviour and distribution of these species correlate with ice conditions in the areas where the animals are encountered. The proportions of seal species represented in archaeological deposits may therefore reflect, at least in part, environmental conditions characterizing past seascapes. This paper examines zooarchaeological data from several Thule and historic Inuit archaeological sites in Baffin Island and Labrador, sites occupied during the last 700 years, to determine whether regional relationships can be demonstrated between subsistence economies, seal populations, and sea ice conditions. Ratios of ringed seal, harbour seal, bearded seal, and walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) bone frequencies from several archaeological sites are analyzed and discussed in light of new high-resolution proxy sea ice and regional palaeoenvironmental data. This exploratory study suggests that characteristics in seal species composition reflected in these assemblages can, in some circumstances, be correlated with recent sea ice reconstructions. However, a regional comparison of a larger number of more precisely dated archaeological sites is required for a full examination of these relationships. Au cours des dernières années, on a porté de plus en plus d'attention scientifique aux mammifères marins en tant qu'indicateurs biologiques du changement global dans l'Arctique. L'utilité d'animaux tels que le phoque annelé (Phoca hispida), le phoque du Groenland (Phoca groenlandica), le phoque barbu (Erignathus barbatus) et le phoque commun (Phoca vitulina) comme espèces indicatrices est due au rapport étroit que leurs aires de distribution, leurs cycles de reproduction et leurs cycles de vie ont avec la glace marine. Le comportement et la distribution de ces espèces sont corrélés avec les conditions de la glace dans les zones où l'on rencontre ces animaux. Les proportions des espèces de phoques qui se trouvent dans les dépôts archéologiques pourraient donc refléter, du moins partiellement, les conditions environnementales qui caractérisaient les paysages marins du passé. Cet article se penche sur les données zooarchéologiques provenant de plusieurs sites archéologiques Thulé et inuits dans l'île Baffin et le Labrador, sites occupés au cours des 700 dernières années, pour déterminer si l'on peut démontrer l'existence de rapports régionaux entre les économies de subsistance, les populations de phoques et les conditions de glace marine. Des taux de fréquence d'os de phoque annelé, de phoque commun, de phoque barbu et de morse provenant de plusieurs sites archéologiques font l'objet d'une analyse et d'une discussion à la lumière de nouvelles données indirectes à haute résolution sur la glace marine et sur le paléoenvironnement régional. Cette étude préliminaire suggère que les caractéristiques présentes dans la composition des espèces de phoques reflétée dans ces assemblages peuvent, dans certaines conditions, être corrélées aux reconstructions récentes de la glace marine. Une comparaison régionale d'un plus grand nombre de sites archéologiques datés de façon plus précise est toutefois nécessaire pour un examen exhaustif de ces rapports.
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