1,815 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Skylab (EREP) data for forest and rangeland surveys

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Four widely separated sites (near Augusta, Georgia; Lead, South Dakota; Manitou, Colorado; and Redding, California) were selected as typical sites for forest inventory, forest stress, rangeland inventory, and atmospheric and solar measurements, respectively. Results indicated that Skylab S190B color photography is good for classification of Level 1 forest and nonforest land (90 to 95 percent correct) and could be used as a data base for sampling by small and medium scale photography using regression techniques. The accuracy of Level 2 forest and nonforest classes, however, varied from fair to poor. Results of plant community classification tests indicate that both visual and microdensitometric techniques can separate deciduous, conifirous, and grassland classes to the region level in the Ecoclass hierarchical classification system. There was no consistency in classifying tree categories at the series level by visual photointerpretation. The relationship between ground measurements and large scale photo measurements of foliar cover had a correlation coefficient of greater than 0.75. Some of the relationships, however, were site dependent

    Artifacts and Pheromone Blends from Nezara spp. and Other Stink Bugs (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)

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    Isomeric com pounds reportedly released by mature males o f Nezara viridula as attractants for conspecific females are evidently artifacts formed by dimerization o f (£)-4-oxo-2-hexenal. Additional analyses o f the male-specific volatiles from Italian, Australian, Brazilian, and Japanese populations o f N. viridula verify that at least two distinctive pheromone strains exist, but an active synthetic pheromone has not yet been developed. Analyses o f volatiles from N. antennata and Acrosternum aseadum males are also reported showing that the native Japanese Nezara sp., and species in the sister genus Acrosternum, produce species-specific blends based on the same com pounds as N. viridula: (Z)-a-bisabolene (l-m ethyl-4-(l,5-im ethyl-(Z )-l,4-hexadienyl)-cyclohexene), and trans- and cis- 1,2-epoxides o f (Z)-a-bisabolene. The trans-/cis- I,2-epoxide ratio o f N. antennata is within the range found for most N. viridula populations, but the blend from Japanese N. viridula males deviates radically from those o f other conspecific populations

    Analysis of geologic terrain models for determination of optimum SAR sensor configuration and optimum information extraction for exploration of global non-renewable resources. Pilot study: Arkansas Remote Sensing Laboratory, part 1, part 2, and part 3

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    Computer-generated radar simulations and mathematical geologic terrain models were used to establish the optimum radar sensor operating parameters for geologic research. An initial set of mathematical geologic terrain models was created for three basic landforms and families of simulated radar images were prepared from these models for numerous interacting sensor, platform, and terrain variables. The tradeoffs between the various sensor parameters and the quantity and quality of the extractable geologic data were investigated as well as the development of automated techniques of digital SAR image analysis. Initial work on a texture analysis of SEASAT SAR imagery is reported. Computer-generated radar simulations are shown for combinations of two geologic models and three SAR angles of incidence

    The relative importance of phytoplankton aggregates and zooplankton fecal pellets to carbon export: insights from free-drifting sediment trap deployments in naturally iron-fertilised waters near the Kerguelen Plateau

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    The first KErguelen Ocean and Plateau compared Study (KEOPS1), conducted in the naturally iron-fertilised Kerguelen bloom, demonstrated that fecal material was the main pathway for exporting carbon to the deep ocean during summer (January–February 2005), suggesting a limited role of direct export via phytodetrital aggregates. The KEOPS2 project reinvestigated this issue during the spring bloom initiation (October–November 2011), when zooplankton communities may exert limited grazing pressure, and further explored the link between carbon flux, export efficiency and dominant sinking particles depending upon surface plankton community structure. Sinking particles were collected in polyacrylamide gel-filled and standard free-drifting sediment traps (PPS3/3), deployed at six stations between 100 and 400 m, to examine flux composition, particle origin and their size distributions. Results revealed an important contribution of phytodetrital aggregates (49 ± 10 and 45 ± 22% of the total number and volume of particles respectively, all stations and depths averaged). This high contribution dropped when converted to carbon content (30 ± 16% of total carbon, all stations and depths averaged), with cylindrical fecal pellets then representing the dominant fraction (56 ± 19%).At 100 and 200 m depth, iron- and biomass-enriched sites exhibited the highest carbon fluxes (maxima of 180 and 84 ± 27 mg C m-2 d-1, based on gel and PPS3/3 trap collection respectively), especially where large fecal pellets dominated over phytodetrital aggregates. Below these depths, carbon fluxes decreased (48 ± 21% decrease on average between 200 and 400 m), and mixed aggregates composed of phytodetritus and fecal matter dominated, suggesting an important role played by physical aggregation in deep carbon export.Export efficiencies determined from gels, PPS3/3 traps and 234Th disequilibria (200 m carbon flux/net primary productivity) were negatively correlated to net primary productivity with observed decreases from ~ 0.2 at low-iron sites to ~ 0.02 at high-iron sites. Varying phytoplankton communities and grazing pressure appear to explain this negative relationship. Our work emphasises the need to consider detailed plankton communities to accurately identify the controls on carbon export efficiency, which appear to include small spatio-temporal variations in ecosystem structure

    The relative importance of phytoplankton aggregates and zooplankton fecal pellets to carbon export: insights from free-drifting sediment trap deployments in naturally iron-fertilised waters near the Kerguelen Plateau

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    The first KErguelen Ocean and Plateau compared Study (KEOPS1), conducted in the naturally iron-fertilised Kerguelen bloom, demonstrated that fecal material was the main pathway for exporting carbon to the deep ocean during summer (January–February 2005), suggesting a limited role of direct export via phytodetrital aggregates. The KEOPS2 project reinvestigated this issue during the spring bloom initiation (October–November 2011), when zooplankton communities may exert limited grazing pressure, and further explored the link between carbon flux, export efficiency and dominant sinking particles depending upon surface plankton community structure. Sinking particles were collected in polyacrylamide gel-filled and standard free-drifting sediment traps (PPS3/3), deployed at six stations between 100 and 400 m, to examine flux composition, particle origin and their size distributions. Results revealed an important contribution of phytodetrital aggregates (49+/-10 and 45+/-22% of the total number and volume of particles respectively, all stations and depths averaged). This high contribution dropped when converted to carbon content (30+/-16% of total carbon, all stations and depths averaged), with cylindrical fecal pellets then representing the dominant fraction (56+/-19 %). At 100 and 200m depth, iron- and biomass-enriched sites exhibited the highest carbon fluxes (maxima of 180 and 84+/- 27 mgCm-2 d-1, based on gel and PPS3/3 trap collection respectively), especially where large fecal pellets dominated over phytodetrital aggregates. Below these depths, carbon fluxes decreased (48+/-21%decrease on average between 200 and 400 m), and mixed aggregates composed of phytodetritus and fecal matter dominated, suggesting an important role played by physical aggregation in deep carbon export. Export efficiencies determined from gels, PPS3/3 traps and 234Th disequilibria (200m carbon flux/net primary productivity) were negatively correlated to net primary productivity with observed decreases from ~0.2 at low-iron sites to ~0.02 at high-iron sites. Varying phytoplankton communities and grazing pressure appear to explain this negative relationship. Our work emphasises the need to consider detailed plankton communities to accurately identify the controls on carbon export efficiency, which appear to include small spatio-temporal variations in ecosystem structure

    Spin-density-wave order controlled by uniaxial stress in CeAuSb2

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    The tetragonal heavy fermion compound CeAuSb2_2 (space group P4/nmmP4/nmm) exhibits incommensurate spin density wave (SDW) order below TN6.5 KT_{N}\approx6.5~K with the propagation vector qA=(δA,δA,1/2)\mathbf{q}_A = (\delta_A,\delta_A,1/2). The application uniaxial stress along the [010] direction induces a sudden change in the resistivity ratio ρa/ρb\rho_a/\rho_b at a compressive strain of ϵ0.5\epsilon \approx -0.5\%. Here we use neutron scattering to show that the uniaxial stress induces a first-order transition to a SDW state with a different propagation vector (0,δB,1/2)(0,\delta_B,1/2) with δB=0.25\delta_B=0.25. The magnetic structure of the new (B) phase consists of Ce layers with ordered moments alternating with layers with zero moment stacked along the cc-axis. The ordered layers have an up-up-down-down configuration along the bb-axis. This is an unusual situation in which the loss of spatial inversion is driven by itinerant magnetic order. We argue that the change in SDW wavevector leads to a concomitant Fermi surface reconstruction, similar to other materials where a SDW can be controlled by uniaxial stress or magnetic field such as Sr3_3Ru2_2O7_7

    Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer Measurements from Titan

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    Introduction: The Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) aboard the Cassini orbiter has obtained the first in situ composition measurements of the neutral densities of molecular nitrogen, methane, argon, and a host of stable carbon-nitrile compounds in its first flyby of Titan. The bulk composition and thermal structure of the moon s upper atmosphere do not appear to be changed since the Voyager flyby in 1979. However, the more sensitive techniques provided by modern in-situ mass spectrometry also give evidence for large-spatial-scale large-amplitude atmospheric waves in the upper atmosphere and for a plethora of stable carbon-nitrile compounds above 1174 km. Furthermore, they allow the first direct measurements of isotopes of nitrogen, carbon, and argon, which provide interesting clues about the evolution of the atmosphere. The atmosphere was first accreted as ammonia and ammonia ices from the Saturn sub-nebula. Subsequent photochemistry likely converted the atmosphere into molecular nitrogen. The early atmosphere was 1.5 to 5 times more substantial and was lost via escape over the intervening 4.5 billion years due to the reduced gravity associated with the relatively small mass of Titan. Carbon in the form of methane has continued to outgas over time from the interior with much of it being deposited in the form of complex hydrocarbons on the surface and some of it also being lost to space