1,935 research outputs found

    Asymptotic self-similarity breaking at late times in cosmology

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    We study the late time evolution of a class of exact anisotropic cosmological solutions of Einstein's equations, namely spatially homogeneous cosmologies of Bianchi type VII0_0 with a perfect fluid source. We show that, in contrast to models of Bianchi type VIIh_h which are asymptotically self-similar at late times, Bianchi VII0_0 models undergo a complicated type of self-similarity breaking. This symmetry breaking affects the late time isotropization that occurs in these models in a significant way: if the equation of state parameter γ\gamma satisfies γ4/3\gamma \leq 4/3 the models isotropize as regards the shear but not as regards the Weyl curvature. Indeed these models exhibit a new dynamical feature that we refer to as Weyl curvature dominance: the Weyl curvature dominates the dynamics at late times. By viewing the evolution from a dynamical systems perspective we show that, despite the special nature of the class of models under consideration, this behaviour has implications for more general models.Comment: 29 page

    Bodily relations and reciprocity in the art of Sonia Khurana

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    This article explores the significance of the ‘somatic’ and ‘ontological turn’ in locating the radical politics articulated in the contemporary performance, installation, video and digital art practices of New Delhi-based artist, Sonia Khurana (b. 1968). Since the late 1990s Khurana has fashioned a range of artworks that require new sorts of reciprocal and embodied relations with their viewers. While this line of art practice suggests the need for a primarily philosophical mode of inquiry into an art of the body, such affective relations need to be historicised also in relation to a discursive field of ‘difference’ and public expectations about the artist’s ethnic, gendered and national identity. Thus, this intimate, visceral and emotional field of inter- and intra-action is a novel contribution to recent transdisciplinary perspectives on the gendered, social and sentient body, that in turn prompts a wider debate on the ethics of cultural commentary and art historiography

    Self-similar Bianchi models: I. Class A models

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    We present a study of Bianchi class A tilted cosmological models admitting a proper homothetic vector field together with the restrictions, both at the geometrical and dynamical level, imposed by the existence of the simply transitive similarity group. The general solution of the symmetry equations and the form of the homothetic vector field are given in terms of a set of arbitrary integration constants. We apply the geometrical results for tilted perfect fluids sources and give the general Bianchi II self-similar solution and the form of the similarity vector field. In addition we show that self-similar perfect fluid Bianchi VII0_0 models and irrotational Bianchi VI0_0 models do not exist.Comment: 14 pages, Latex; to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    A new proof of the Bianchi type IX attractor theorem

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    We consider the dynamics towards the initial singularity of Bianchi type IX vacuum and orthogonal perfect fluid models with a linear equation of state. The `Bianchi type IX attractor theorem' states that the past asymptotic behavior of generic type IX solutions is governed by Bianchi type I and II vacuum states (Mixmaster attractor). We give a comparatively short and self-contained new proof of this theorem. The proof we give is interesting in itself, but more importantly it illustrates and emphasizes that type IX is special, and to some extent misleading when one considers the broader context of generic models without symmetries.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    GPU-accelerated aerodynamic shape optimisation framework for large turbine blades

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    Cylindrically symmetric dust spacetime

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    We present an explicit exact solution of Einstein's equations for an inhomogeneous dust universe with cylindrical symmetry. The spacetime is extremely simple but nonetheless it has new surprising features. The universe is ``closed'' in the sense that the dust expands from a big-bang singularity but recollapses to a big-crunch singularity. In fact, both singularities are connected so that the whole spacetime is ``enclosed'' within a single singularity of general character. The big-bang is not simultaneous for the dust, and in fact the age of the universe as measured by the dust particles depends on the spatial position, an effect due to the inhomogeneity, and their total lifetime has no non-zero lower limit. Part of the big-crunch singularity is naked. The metric depends on a parameter and contains flat spacetime as a non-singular particular case. For appropriate values of the parameter the spacetime is a small perturbation of Minkowski spacetime. This seems to indicate that flat spacetime may be unstable against some global {\it non-vacuum} perturbations.Comment: LaTeX, 6 pages, 1 figure. Uses epsfig package. Submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    An almost isotropic cosmic microwave temperature does not imply an almost isotropic universe

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    In this letter we will show that, contrary to what is widely believed, an almost isotropic cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature does not imply that the universe is ``close to a Friedmann-Lemaitre universe''. There are two important manifestations of anisotropy in the geometry of the universe, (i) the anisotropy in the overall expansion, and (ii) the intrinsic anisotropy of the gravitational field, described by the Weyl curvature tensor, although the former usually receives more attention than the latter in the astrophysical literature. Here we consider a class of spatially homogeneous models for which the anisotropy of the CMB temperature is within the current observational limits but whose Weyl curvature is not negligible, i.e. these models are not close to isotropy even though the CMB temperature is almost isotropic.Comment: 5 pages (AASTeX, aaspp4.sty), submitted to Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Global dynamics of the mixmaster model

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    The asymptotic behaviour of vacuum Bianchi models of class A near the initial singularity is studied, in an effort to confirm the standard picture arising from heuristic and numerical approaches by mathematical proofs. It is shown that for solutions of types other than VIII and IX the singularity is velocity dominated and that the Kretschmann scalar is unbounded there, except in the explicitly known cases where the spacetime can be smoothly extended through a Cauchy horizon. For types VIII and IX it is shown that there are at most two possibilities for the evolution. When the first possibility is realized, and if the spacetime is not one of the explicitly known solutions which can be smoothly extended through a Cauchy horizon, then there are infinitely many oscillations near the singularity and the Kretschmann scalar is unbounded there. The second possibility remains mysterious and it is left open whether it ever occurs. It is also shown that any finite sequence of distinct points generated by iterating the Belinskii-Khalatnikov-Lifschitz mapping can be realized approximately by a solution of the vacuum Einstein equations of Bianchi type IX.Comment: 16 page

    The Asymptotic Behaviour of Tilted Bianchi type VI0_0 Universes

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    We study the asymptotic behaviour of the Bianchi type VI0_0 universes with a tilted γ\gamma-law perfect fluid. The late-time attractors are found for the full 7-dimensional state space and for several interesting invariant subspaces. In particular, it is found that for the particular value of the equation of state parameter, γ=6/5\gamma=6/5, there exists a bifurcation line which signals a transition of stability between a non-tilted equilibrium point to an extremely tilted equilibrium point. The initial singular regime is also discussed and we argue that the initial behaviour is chaotic for γ<2\gamma<2.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, to appear in CQ