160 research outputs found

    Analisis Penerapan Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Pada Bank Umum Syariah

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    This study aims to determine the analysis of the implementation of good corporate governance(GCG) in Islamic Commercial Banks, which is represented by Bank Syariah Mandiri and BankMuamalat Indonesia. This research method is included in qualitative research with a library researchapproach, namely a series of studies relating to library data collection methods. The results showedthat the implementation of GCG in BUS as represented by Bank Syariah Mandiri and Bank MuamalatIndonesia has implemented the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in accordance withthe prevailing laws and regulations, namely Bank Indonesia Regulation Number. 11/33 / PBI / 2009dated 7 December 2009 and Circular Letter (SE) of Bank Indonesia No. 12/13 / DPbS dated 30April 2010 concerning the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance for Sharia CommercialBanks (BUS) and Sharia Business Units (UUS), especially Article 62 and Article 63 concerning theobligations of Banks to submit GCG Implementation Reports to Bank Indonesia (BI) and stakeholders.other interests

    The Implementation of Compensation for the Rest of the Land in Land Procurement for the Construction of Public Facilities

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    This study aims to find out and analyze the implementation of compensation for the remaining land parcels in land acquisition for the construction of public facilities in Bogor Regency, as well as to find out and analyze the obstacles and solutions in the implementation of compensation for the remaining land parcels in land acquisition for the construction of public facilities in the Regency. Bogor. This research method uses a sociological juridical approach, namely legal research that uses secondary data as initial data, which is then followed by primary data in the field or on the community. Based on the results of the study concluded: 1) The implementation of compensation for the remaining land parcels in land acquisition for the construction of public facilities in Bogor Regency, namely the implementation of the construction of the Bogor Outer Ring Road (BORR) as a whole has not been carried out optimally because there is still land that has not been paid for with various kinds of problems. . Until the end of this research, there are still 36 (thirty six) of the 171 (one hundred and seventy one) remaining land parcels that have not received compensation, namely the remaining land parcels located in Cibadak Village and Kayu Manis Village; 2) Implementation of compensation for the remaining land there are several obstacles that hinder the implementation, namely obstacles from the community which include objections to the amount of compensation, objections to the provisions on the area of the remaining land parcels to be compensated, and the application for compensation for the remaining land which is not done collectively. Meanwhile, the obstacle from the government is that there is a legal vacuum regarding the compensation mechanism for the remaining land which has an area of more than 100 m2

    Proses Penyidikan Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Aborsi Yang Dilakukan Oleh Mahasiswa Di Wilayah Hukum Polrestabes Semarang

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    Dimasa sekarang ini hamil diluar nikah sering terjadi, ada awalnya para anak muda tersebut hanya berpacaran biasa, akan tetapi setelah cukup lama berpacaran mereka melakukan hubungan seksual. Ketika hubungan mereka membuahkan janin dalam kandungan, timbul masalah karena mereka belum menikah dan kebanyakan masih harus menyelesaikan sekolah atau kuliahnya, maka ditempuh aborsi untuk menghilangkan janin yang tidak dikehendaki tersebut. Tujuan penilitian adalah untuk mengetahui proses penyidikan dan kendala serta solusi pada proses penyidikan terhadap pelaku tindak pidana aborsi yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan yuridis sosiologis, yang bertujuan memaparkan perolehan pengetahuan secara empiris dengan cara terjun lansung ke lapangan untuk menggambarkan kenyataan atau kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh obyek-obyek yang diteliti, berdasarkan asas-asas hukum, kaidah-kaidah hukum, atau perundang-undangan yang ada kaitannya dengan permasalahan yang diteliti dan menggunakan penelitian pustaka. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah secara kualitatif, yaitu data yang diperoleh akan digambarkan dan disampaikan sesuai dengan keadaan yang sebenarnya. Proses penyidikan terhadap pelaku tindak pidana aborsi dilakukan dengan (a); menindak lanjuti dengan laporan dari warga dengan melakukan tindakan menutup tempat kejadian dengan mengamankan barang bukti, melakukan pemotretan, dan mencari saksi; (b) melakukan penyidikan dengan memeriksa saksi dan pemeriksaan secara laboratoris terhadap bukti yang tertinggal di TKP; (c) pembuatan Berita Acara Acara oleh penyidik. Kendala dan solusi pada proses penyidikan yaitu kurangnya kemampuan petugas penyidik maka petugas harus meningkatkan kemampuan penyidik, sulitnya mencari saksi maka petugas harus melakukan penyamaran dan pendekatan kepada masyarakat. Kata Kunci : Penyidikan, Tindak Pidana, Aborsi, Mahasisw

    Urgency of Suspect Determining In the Investigation Process on Human Rights Perspective

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    Protection of suspect rights related to human rights protection. In the Criminal Procedure Code Investigators are given the authority for forced attempts in the form of arrest, detention, confiscation and so on. If a person is named a suspect, he is confronted by the investigator whose job it is to find, collect evidence about the criminal act that occurred. The purpose of this study 1. To analyze the determination of suspects 2. To analyze the obstacles faced by law enforcers and their solutions. The research methods used are 1. Approach method 2. Type or research specifications 3. Types of data and data sources 4. Data collection methods 5. Data analysis methods. And the conclusions in this study are 1. The implementation of the determination of the suspect, that the legality of the determination of the suspect in the investigation process can be recognized if the rights of the suspect are fulfilled. a. The investigator can only determine the status of a suspect after the results of the investigation have obtained sufficient initial evidence of at least 2 (two) types of evidence. b. to determine sufficient preliminary evidence by means of a case title. 2. Constraints faced by law enforcers related to the determination of suspects and the solutions are a. suspects often provide complicated statements in front of investigators and removing evidence will take time to reveal the criminal acts committed. b. the summons of witnesses, victims and experts are often not on time c. Lack of budget support. The solution to these constraints is a. in the future, operational funds for witnesses who are summoned are needed to provide information so as to facilitate the investigation process. b. the need for regulations that limit the length of time a person has the status of a suspect to avoid potential human rights violations and to provide legal certainty for justice seekers


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    In fact, there are still many cases of corruption that have not been revealed; this resulted in the public to be pessimistic with the seriousness of the Prosecutor Office in uncovering variouscases of corruption that are happening today. The purpose of this study is to know the role ofthe Prosecutor Office in the eradication of criminal acts, to obtain an overview of the mechanismof corruption handling by prosecutors in Indonesia and to analyze the obstacles and solutionsin eradicating crime in the Attorney General. The research method was sociological juridical,and data collection were gained by using observation and interview. The existence and role ofthe Public Prosecution Service in eradicating corruption crime begins when the case has notbeen transferred to the Court until the execution of the decision of the Court. However, in thecriminal act of corruption the Prosecutor’s Office has the authority as a public prosecutor aswell as an investigator. The authority of the prosecutor as a special criminal investigator shall beregulated by Law Number 16 Year 2004 regarding the Attorney of the Republic of Indonesia inArticle 30 paragraph (1) letter d. In addition, in its role against the eradication of corruption, theProsecutor’s Office has always conducted a coordination relationship with the Police Agency andthe Corruption Eradication Commission. The mechanism for handling corruption in the AttorneyGeneral Office, through several procedures already set out in the law includes Investigation,Investigation and Prosecution

    Legal Protection on Notary Related with Deeds which Made in Process of Police Investigation

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    The notary office law and the notary code of ethics require that notaries in carrying out their duties as public officials, in addition to being subject to the position of a notary, they must comply with the professional code and must be responsible to the people they serve . Notaries who neglect all dignity of their positions apart from being subject to moral sanctions, being reprimanded or dismissed from their organization can also be fired from their positions as notaries. In fact, not all notaries act fairly, are impartial, and protect the interests of the parties. This study wants to see how the different roles of Indonesian police investigators in handling criminal acts committed by notaries after the Constitutional Court Decision No. in legal protection for notaries related to the deed he makes, then see how the model of legal protection for notaries who commit criminal acts related to the deed he made after the Constitutional Court Decision No 49 / PUU-X / 2012 and Ministerial Regulation and Human Rights Number 7 of 2016. Research it uses a socio legal approaches. Socio legal research examines the implementation or implementation of positive legal provisions in fact at any particular legal event that occurs in society in order to achieve predetermined goals

    Judge’s Considerations Analysis toward Perpetrators of Criminal Acts of Sexual Violence to Underage Children in Demak District Court Reviewed with Law Number 35 Year 2014 about Children Protection

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    The welfare of every Indonesian citizen is guaranteed in every their right including the children protection rights which is included as human right. To achieve the protection and welfare of the child, the government issued Law Number: The existence of Law Number 35 Year 2014 on the Amendment of Law Number 23 Year 2002 regarding Children Protection affirms the need for criminal sanction penalty and fines for perpetrators of crimes against children, especially to a sexual crime that aims to provide a deterrent effect, and encourages concrete steps to restore the physical, psychological and social life of the child. The research was conducted at the Demak District Court. This is kind of sociological juridical research, which examines the application of sanctions of sexual violence committed against adults at the Demak District Court. The result of the research shows that the judge of Demak District Court in applying criminal sanction is guided by Law no. 35 Year 2014. Penal sanctions, this is fair for both the public and the justice seeker itself. Judge's consideration in imposing a criminal sanctions imprisonment, is based on the defendant being polite in the court, admitting to the truth and regretting his actions

    The Strict Liability by Corporate in Enforcement of Environmental Law

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    The purpose of this study is to determine and describe the strict liability of corporations in environmental law enforcement. The research method used is a normative juridical approach and is descriptive analytical in nature. The data used in this research is secondary data, which is obtained through literature study and analyzed to obtain qualitative data. The conclusion of this study is that strict liability is an accountability without an element of error, where the element of error does not need to be proven by the plaintiff as a basis for compensation payments. The perpetrator or polluter has sufficiently been declared responsible for pollution or environmental destruction, even though the perpetrator has not been found guilty. The concept of strict liability is indirectly an embodiment of legal protection for society, which is the part that has the potential to be harmed as a result of industrial activities carried out. Strict liability arrangements by corporations are stated in Article 88 of Act No. 32 Of 2009. The amount of compensation that can be imposed on environmental polluters or destroyers can be determined to a certain extent

    Reconstruction of the retroactive principle in the Indonesian criminal Law code based on the value of religious wisdom

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    Indonesian Criminal Code that comes from Dutch heritage has to be reconstructed, because it is not in accordance with the state of Indonesia which is now already independent. One of the important principles in the Criminal Code that needs to be reconstructed is the retroactive principle contained in Article 1 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code. The law can be retroactive as long as it benefits the defendant, not until the convicted person. The purpose of this research is to evaluate retroactive principle in Criminal Code seen from perspective value of religious wisdom, and ideal reconstruction of retroactive principle in next Criminal Code in accordance with perspective value of religious wisdom. Approach method in this research was done with normative juridical, the data used were secondary data by doing the extracting data bibliography, and data analysis were done by using qualitative descriptive method. Based on the values of religious wisdom, especially from the perspective of Islamic law in the case of any change of laws and regulations, in principle, non-retroactive principle (non-retroactive) is applied, but in certain cases the principle can be disregarded in accordance with the principles of "dlarar" and " maslahat ". The ideal reconstruction of the retroactive principle in the case of a change of laws and regulations after an act has occurred, new laws and regulations shall be applied in accordance with prevailing laws and regulations in favor of the producer and to the benefit of the public for certain offenses determined by Constitution


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    In overcoming the enforcement of Criminal Law Against Drug Users In Central Java Police. The problems studied are: Criminal law policy contained in the Narcotics Act and Psychotropic Act in the prevention of narcotics and psychotropic crime, Law enforcement against the perpetrators of narcotic crime and psychotropic in Central Java Police, Efforts to overcome drug crime in Central Java Police. know and analyze the criminal law policy as well as the perpetrators as stated in Narcotics Law and Psychotropic Law in Central Java Regional Police. The results of a trial or conspiracy to commit Narcotics and Narcotics Precursor as stipulated in the narcotics law with the same imprisonment as a person committing a crime or violation of the provisions of this narcotic law, for example an experiment to provide narcotics class 1, shall be subject to imprisonment of a minimum of 4 (four) years and a maximum of 12 (twelve) years and a fine of at least Rp800.000.000,00 (eight hundred million rupiah) and a maximum of Rp8,000,000,000.00 (eight billion rupiah ). While law enforcement with non-penal efforts focus more on preventive properties (prevention / penangkalan / penegindalian) before the crime occurred. Given that non-penal crime prevention efforts are more of a preventive measure for the occurrence of crime, the main target is the conducive factors causing the crime. The effort of prevention, Police of Central Java, includes: Prevention efforts, prevention efforts and obstacles faced by Central Java Police According to AKBP Sunarto, SH that efforts to overcome narcotics abuse have obstacles and obstacles in the rehabilitation of drug addicts where there is no place that can accommodate victims of narcotics abuse to do rehabilitation in the city of Semarang.Keywords: Law Enforcement, Drug User
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