164 research outputs found

    Fertilitas Telur Dan Mortalitas Embrio Ayam Kedu Pebibit Yang Diberi Ransum Dengan Peningkatan Nutrien Dan Tambahan Sacharomyces Cerevisiae

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    The study aimed to assess the effect increased with the addition of nutrient rations Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a source of pre-probiotics on fertility and embryonic mortality of breeder kedu hen. The materials in use are 90 black kedu chickens in a year production period with weight 1636,13 g 109, 51 for females and 1850,54 g 120,89 for males, and yeast breads (fermipan) as a source of S. cerevisiae. The ration consists of corn, concentrate, premix, rice bran, fish flour, soybean meal, lime, and shell flour. The design of experiment that is used is complete randomized design (CRD) 2x3 factorial with 3 replications. The first factor is the type of breeder ration (R1) and improved ration (R2), the second factor is the level of addition of yeast bread of 0% (S0), 2% (S1) and 4% (S2) of the ration given. The result of this research showed that there was no interaction (P>0,05) between the ration improvement and the level of yeast nread to the value of ration consumption of breeder\u27s kedu chicken for eggs fertility and embryo mortility. The addition of yeast bread factor significantly increase egg fertility and reduce embryo mortality, especially the addition of 2% (S1) than unleavened bread (S0) and the addition of 4% (S2). Based on the results, it can be concluded that administration of yeast as much as 2% can improve fertility by reduce embryo mortality in breeder kedu chickens

    Kualitas Fisik Cangkang Telur Ayam Arab dengan Ransum Kombinasi Azolla microphylla dan Sumber Mineral Kalsium Berbeda

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    The aim of the present research was to evaluate the contribution effect of calcium derived from Azolla microphylla and different mineral sources on egg shell in Arab hen. Ninety six birds of Arab hen, age was + 16 weeks, with an average body weight of 814,73 g ± 46,86 g were used as experimental animals, and were divided randomly into a randomized block design with 6 treatments and 4 replications. Feedstuffs used for dietary treatments were rice bran, yellow corn, poultry meat meal, Azolla microphylla, CaCO3, Ca2HPO4, oyster shell, palm oil, and top mix. The rations were formulated approximately iso metabolizable energy and iso protein of 3100 kkal/kg and 17% respectively. Inclusion levels of Azolla microphylla 6% in the ration were categorized as treatments, namely, Azolla microphylla 6% without different mineral source (T1); Azolla microphylla 6% and 3% CaCO3 and 6% oyster shell (T2); Azolla microphylla 6% and 3% Ca2PO4 and 6% oyster shell (T3). Conclusion of the research is that calcium retentions are not inhibited by the Azolla microphylla, moreover it can increase calcium deposited in egg shell. Keywords: Arabian chicken, eggshell, Azolla micophylla, minera

    Peningkatan Kualitas Ransum yang Ditambah Campuran Herbal Kaitannya dengan Fertilitas Telur dan Mortalitas Embrio pada Ayam Kedu Pebibit

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    The aim of the research was to assess the effect of improving dietary of nutriens and adding herbal mixture of noni, gotu kola and turmeric in the ration on fertility and embryos mortality breeder kedu chicken. Seventy two heads of one-year-old black kedu hens with average body weight of 1614 ± 124g and 18 cocks with average body weight of 1897 ± 151g were used in this research. Feed stuffs used were as follows yellow corn, soybean meal, fish meal, rice bran, flour skin shells, limestone (CaCO3), concentrates CP 124 and mineral premix. The research used completely randomized design (CRD) in 2x3 factorial patterns with 3 replications. The first factors were the type of ration namely farmer formulated (R1) and improved ration (R2). The second factors were the level of mixture 0% that is (H0), 4% (H4) and 8% (H8). The result shows that there was no interaction (P> 0.05) between the type of ration and the level of herbal mixture on feed consumption, fertility, embryo mortality as well as Hen Day Production (HDP). Nutrient differences of the ration effected (P <0.05) feed consumption and mortality of embryos, but it was not affect on fertility and HDP. The level of herbal mixture effected (P <0.05) feed consumption, but not on fertility, embryo mortality and HDP. The conclusions was 4% level of herbs mixture was the best level added to the ration since it enhanced fertility and depressed embryo mortality despite increased feed consumption

    Egg Quality and Hatchability of in Situ - Reared Kedu and Cemani Hens Fed Diet of Farmer Formulation Supplemented with Vitamin E

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    The aim of study was to evaluate the effect of dietary vitamin E supplementation in Kedu andCemani hens reraed in situ and given farmer-formulated diet on egg performances. A total of 120 femaleand 24 male birds were equally divided into two groups of Kedu and Cemani, with average body weightof 1890+216.79 and 1830+396.23 g, respectively. Basal ration was based on the diet formulated by thefarmer (R1) consisting of corn (30%), rice bran (50%), protein concentrate (15%), and premix (5%).Dietary treatments evaluated were R1 (without additional vitamin E), and the other three were theinclusion of DL α-tocopheryl acetate into the R1 diet up to 2 (R2), 4 (R3) and 6 IU (R4). The experimentwas arranged in a Randomized Block Design with 4 treatments, and 2 different groups of hen (Kedu andCemani) were assigned as block. Parameters observed were feed consumption, hen day production, feedconversion ratio, egg quality, fertility, and hatchability. The result showed that vitamin Esupplementation did not affect whatever parameters, except egg fertility. Egg hatchability between Keduand Cemani hens was significantly different (p<0.05). Trend comparison test indicated significantlylinear (p<0.05) for fertility and hatchability. In conclusion, vitamin E supplementation up to 6 IUincreased linearly egg fertility and hatchability of about 5-8%, and egg hatchability of Kedu hens washigher (11%) than that of Cemani

    Maggot Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Nutritional Content Using Various Culture Media

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    Maggot BSF (black soldier fly) (Hermetia illucens) has a high crude protein content of 42.1%. The purpose of this study was to investigate the nutritional content of maggot as a substitute for fish meal by using various culture media. This research method used a completely randomized design of 5 treatments 4 replications P0 = 100% fermented rice bran, P1 = 50% fermented coconut dregs + 50% fermented rice bran, P2 = 50% fermented tofu dregs + 50% fermented rice bran, P3 = fermented rice bran 50% fermented palm kernel kernel + 50% fermented rice bran, P4 = 25% fermented coconut dregs + 25% fermented rice bran + 25% fermented tofu dregs + 25% fermented palm kernel cake. The parameters studied were moisture content, ash content, crude protein, crude fat and carbohydrates. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the use of culture media with a combination of 25% fermented rice bran + 25% fermented coconut dregs + 25% fermented tofu pulp + 25% fermented palm kernel meal was the best combination

    Development of environmental model performance green productivity for small and medium industries

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    Small and Medium Industries has a very important role in supporting the Indonesian economy and reduce unemployment. SMEs in Indonesia contributed in employment amounted to 99.74% of the total national uptake and contribute as much as 1013.5 trillion or 56.73%. As a country that is trying to give a full effort in implementing environmental management systems in all sectors of activity, we need to pay attention to the sector of Small and Medium Industries in terms of environmental management systems. Presumably most of the SMEs in Indonesia have never committed any good environmental management. On the other hand, good environmental management which is performed by company may help to improve efficiency, reduce excessive consumption of resources, reduce waste, help the company in meeting the requirements of environmental law, encourage employment to engage in environmental performance and improve company customer relationship. This study examines indicators that influences the ability of the environmental performance of food and beverage SMEs in East Java, and measure the effect of leadership on human resources, process and environmental management as well as the influence of process and environmental management of the Environmental Performance Indicator, to illustrate how the positive and negative effects of this research using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach. Based on the t-value result, shows that significant variable is the leadership on the processes and environmental management, for human resources, process variables and environmental management of the Environmental Performance Indicator and Environmental Performance Indicator environmental performance

    Factors Associated with Cadre Activities in Jember, East Java

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    Background: Since reform era in 1998, the activities of the integrated health service post (posyandu) have been declining. In order to revitalize posyandu activities, revitalization strategy was introduced. The purpose of this study was to examine factors associated with posyandu cadre actitivities in Jember, East Java, including the effectiveness revitalization strategy. Subjects and Method: This was an analytic a cross-sectional study, conducted in Jember, East Java. A sample of 80 integrated health service post (posyandu) cadres were selected for this study. The dependent variable was cadre activity. The independent variables were age, knowledge, education, employment, duration, training, and revitalization strategy. Questionnaire was used to measure variables. Logistic regression was used to analyze data. Results: Duration ≥10 years (OR= 1.53; 95% CI = 0.42 to 5.61; p= 0.524), educatioan ≥high school (OR= 2.35; 95% CI = 0.47 to 11.76; p= 0.299), housewife (OR= 9.58; 95% CI = 1.60 to 57.21; p= 0.013), ever had training (OR= 4.38; 95% CI = 1.21 to 15.77 p= 0.024), good revitalization strategy (OR= 3.71; 95% CI = 1.03 to 13.36; p= 0.045) were associated with increased cadre activity. Age 26-45 years old (OR= 0.35 ; 95% CI = 0.01 to 17.81 p= 0.604), age ≥46 years old (OR= 0.18; 95% CI = 0.01 to 3.66; p= 0.262), low knowledge (OR= 0.80; 95% CI = 0.16 to 4.02; p= 0.786), poor knowledge (OR= 0.40; 95% CI = 0.06 to 2.89; p= 0.367) were associated with decreased cadre activity. Conclusion: Housewife, ever had training, and good revitalization strategy are factors that increase cadre activity, and they are statistically significant. Age 26-45 years old, age ≥46 years old, low knowledge, poor knowledge are associated with decreased cadre activity, but they are not statistically significant. Keywords: cadre acivity, cadre characterictic, integrated health service post, revitalization strateg

    Keberadaan Bakteri Dan Perkembangan Caecum Akibat Penambahan Inulin Dari Umbi Dahlia (Dahlia Variabilis) Pada Ayam Kampung Persilangan Periode Starter

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    The purpose of the research was to study the effects of feeding inulin derived from dahlia tuber powder and extract on the existence of bacteria and growth of caecum in crossbred native chicken starter period. Experimental animals were 280 birds of unsex crossbred native chicken and source of inulin derived from dahlia tuber in the form of powders and extract which were started to be fed on day 22. The present experiment was assigned in completely randomized design with 7 treatments and 4 replications (10 birds each). Feeding treatments were as follows: T0 (basal diet/BD), T1 (BD +0.4% powder of dahlia tuber), T2 (BD +0.8% powder of dahlia tuber), T3 (BD +1.2% powder of dahlia tuber), T4 (BD +0.39% extract of dahlia tuber), T5 (BD +0.78% extract of dahlia tuber) and T6 (BD +1.17% extract of dahlia tuber). Parameter measured were lactic acid bacteria (LAB), Escherichia coli, pH of caecum, height dan weight of caecum. Data were subjected to ANOVA and followed by Duncan. The results indicated that feeding inulin derived from dahlia tuber powder form at 0.8% (T2) and extract form at 1.17% (T6) could increase lactic acid bacteria population, low pH and Escherichia coli, increased height and weight of caecum. In conclusion, feeding inulin derived from dahlia tuber powder at 0.8% (T2) and extract formed at 1.17% (T6) could increase lactic acid bacteria, but on the contrary, it decreased intestinal pH and Escherichia coli population as well as increased height and weight of caecum
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