366 research outputs found

    Nannofossil biostratigraphy, strontium and carbon isotope stratigraphy, cyclostratigraphy and an astronomically calibrated duration of the Late Campanian Radotruncana calcarata Zone

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    AbstractA section from the southern (Austro-Alpine Northern Calcareous Alps) margin of the Penninic Ocean in the NW Tethys realm of Late Campanian age is investigated stratigraphically. Plankton foraminifer and nannofossil biostratigraphy designate the presence of the Globotruncana ventricosa Zone and the Radotruncana (Globotruncanita) calcarata Zone, and standard nannofossil zones CC21–UC15cTP and CC22ab–UC15deTP. The combination of carbon isotope stratigraphy, strontium isotopes, and cyclostratigraphy allows a detailed chronostratigraphic correlation. Periodicity was obtained by power spectral analysis, sinusoidal regression, and Morlet wavelets. The duration of the calcarata Total Range Zone is calculated by orbital cyclicity expressed in thickness data of limestone–marl rhythmites and stable carbon isotope data. Precessional, obliquity, and short and long eccentricity cycles are identified and give an extent of c. 806kyr for the zone. Mean sediment accumulation rates are as low as 1.99cm/kyr and correspond well to sediment accumulation rates in similar settings. We further discuss chronostratigraphic implications of our data

    Assessing pelagic palaeoenvironments using foraminiferal assemblages — A case study from the late Campanian Radotruncana calcarata Zone (Upper Cretaceous, Austrian Alps)

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    AbstractTwo upper Campanian sections in the Austrian Alps representing the north western Tethyan biogeographic realm from either sides of the Penninic Ocean (Alpine Tethys) have been examined aiming at a high-resolution assessment of foraminiferal assemblages: the Postalm section from the Northern Calcareous Alps (southern active margin) and the Oberhehenfeld section from the Ultrahelvetics (northern passive margin). This study focuses on plankton biostratigraphy and foraminiferal palaeoecology of the Radotruncana calcarata Total Range Zone.The Postalm section displays cyclic red deposits with marls and marly limestones, while we find uniform grey marls at Oberhehenfeld. The Oberhehenfeld section from the Ultrahelvetics can be correlated stratigraphically to the Postalm section using foraminifera, calcareous nannoplankton and stable isotope stratigraphy, and provides a point of comparison from the northern margin of the Penninic Ocean.The two sections show minimal difference in faunal composition and few distinct local stratigraphic signals. Palaeoenvironmental trends from the late Campanian can be recognised relating the two sections from the Austrian Alps. The depositional water depth can be reconstructed as some 500–800m. Plankton assemblages show a remarkable stability despite the sudden appearance and disappearance of R. calcarata, hinting at the late Campanian as a time interval of general foraminiferal stasis without significant evolutionary events. We speculate that the origin and extinction of R. calcarata are related to the prolonged evolution of ocean stratification during the Campanian from the mid-Cretaceous sluggish hothouse during a time of general slow greenhouse climate decline

    Selbstkonzept und Schul- und Klassenklima

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    Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Zusammenhang des Selbstkonzeptes mit dem Schul- und Klassenklima bei Schülern der achten Schulstufe in Niederösterreich. Zur quantitativen Untersuchung dieses Themas wurde ein Fragebogen konstruiert, der von den Schülern in der Schule während der Unterrichtszeit ausgefüllt wurde. Die Auswertung der Daten wurde mittels SPSS vorgenommen, es wurden eine Reliabilitätsanalysen, mehrere Korrelationen, sowie zwei Faktorenanalysen und mehrere Kruskal-Wallis- Rangvarianzanalysen durchgeführt. An der Befragung nahmen insgesamt 326 niederösterreichische Schüler der AHS und HS teil. Diese vom Landesschulrat bewilligte Untersuchung fand im April 2010 statt. Schlüsse, die aus dieser Diplomarbeit gezogen werden können, sind, dass es einen signifikanten Zusammenhang zwischen dem Selbstkonzept von Schülern und dem Schul- und Klassenklima gibt, der jedoch relativ gering ausfällt. Ein höherer Zusammenhang ist im Bereich der gelebten Menschlichkeit an der Schule und dem Wohlbefinden an der Schule zu finden. Die Arbeit bringt im theoretischen Teil auch einige Beispiele von Interventionskonzepten zur Verbesserung des Schul- und Klassenklimas und Einflussfaktoren auf das Selbstkonzept. Hier wäre auch ein Ansatzpunkt für Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten von Lehrern im Bereich der positiven Selbstkonzeptförderung und der Förderung eines positiven Schul- und Klassenklimas. Das Ziel der Untersuchung war es, Werte bezüglich des Selbstwertes und des Schul- und Klassenklimas aufzuzeigen und zu berechnen, ob es einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Selbstkonzept und dem Schul- und Klassenklima von Schülern der achten Schulstufe gibt und im Weiteren wie in Zukunft darauf Einfluss genommen werden könnte.This thesis deals with the context of self-concepts and school/classroom atmosphere of 8th graders in Lower Austria. Questionnaires were used as a quantitative research method, which were filled out during teaching time. The data was processed by SPSS, including an analysis of reliability, several correlations, as well as two factor analysis and Kruskal-Wallis tests for several independent samples. All together, 326 students of Lower Austria, both grammar and secondary schools, were questioned. The survey was approved in April 2010 by the state authority of education. Conclusions, which can be drawn, are that there is a significant context between self-concepts of students and the school/classroom atmosphere. Although, more valued context can be found between practiced humanity and well-being at school. The theoretical part of this thesis consists of a few examples of intervention concepts to improve the school/classroom atmosphere and influences on the self-concept. Offering professional teacher development courses in “positive self-concept” and “encouragement of a positive school/classroom atmosphere” would be a good starting point. The aim of the survey was to point out the values with reference to self-concept and school/classroom atmosphere, and to calculate the context of self-concept and school/classroom atmosphere of 8th graders. Furthermore, the thesis discusses how an influence can be taken in this case

    Die Notwendigkeit einer Lebensstiländerung bei Hypertonie-Patienten mit Schwerpunkt auf Ernährung

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    Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Beratungssituation von Hypertoniepatienten im Krankenhaus und deren Weiterleitung an Beratungsstellen nach dem Krankenhaus im Landesklinikum Thermenregion Baden in Niederösterreich. Für diese qualitative Untersuchung wurden halbstrukturierte Interviews mit fünf Patienten, fünf Pflegepersonen und einer Diätologin durchgeführt und mit der zusammenfassenden Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring ausgewertet. Schlüsse, die aus dieser Arbeit gezogen werden können sind, dass die Beratung von Hypertoniepatienten noch weit ausgebaut werden sollte. Eine besondere Stellung nimmt hierbei die Ausbildung zur Gesundheits- und Krankenschwester und zum Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger ein, die zukünftig die Beratungsrolle der Pflege verstärkt berücksichtigen sollte. Die Weiterbildung der bereits in der Praxis arbeitenden Pflegepersonen ist enorm wichtig, da es Probleme in der Beratung von Hypertoniepatienten gibt, die durch gute Schulung der Pflegepersonen verkleinert werden könnten. Das Ziel der Untersuchung war, die Notwendigkeit von Beratung, welche als Aufgabe der Pflege anzusehen ist, aufzuzeigen.This thesis looks into the consultation situation of hypertension patients in a hospital. Further it deals with the forwarding process of these patients to advice centers after their hospital stay in Baden, Lower Austria. For this qualitative research, semi-structured interviews with five patients, five nursing auxiliaries and one dietician were held. These interviews were summarized and analyzed after Mayring. In conclusion one can say that the consultation of hypertension patients can be improved. A very important part in this improvement takes up the health education of nurses. The education of these professionals should be developed. The further training of professionals working in this field plays an important part, because there are still too many problems in the consultation of hypertension patients which could be reduced through well educated employees. The aim of this research was to point out the necessity of hypertension consultations

    An introduction to causes and consequences of Cretaceous sea-level changes (IGCP 609)

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    The International Geoscience Programme Project IGCP 609 addressed correlation, causes and consequences of short-term sea-level fluctuations during the Cretaceous. Processes causing several ka to several Ma (third- to fourth-order) sea-level oscillations during the Cretaceous are so far poorly understood. IGCP 609 proved the existence of sea-level cycles during potential ice sheet-free greenhouse to hothouse climate phases. These sea-level fluctuations were most probably controlled by aquifer-eustasy that is altering land-water storage owing to groundwater aquifer charge and discharge. The project investigated Cretaceous sea-level cycles in detail in order to differentiate and quantify both short- and long-term records based on orbital cyclicity. High-resolution sea-level records were correlated to the geological timescale resulting in a hierarchy of sea-level cycles in the longer Milankovitch band, especially in the 100 ka, 405 ka, 1.2 Ma and 2.4 Ma range. The relation of sea-level highs and lows to palaeoclimate events, palaeoenvironments and biota was also investigated using multiproxy studies. For a hothouse Earth such as the mid-Cretaceous, humid-arid climate cycles controlling groundwater-related sea-level change were evidenced by stable isotope data, correlation to continental lake-level records and humid-arid weathering cycles

    Investigating Mesozoic Climate Trends and Sensitivities With a Large Ensemble of Climate Model Simulations

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    The Mesozoic era (∼252 to 66 million years ago) was a key interval in Earth's evolution toward its modern state, witnessing the breakup of the supercontinent Pangaea and significant biotic innovations like the early evolution of mammals. Plate tectonic dynamics drove a fundamental climatic transition from the early Mesozoic supercontinent toward the Late Cretaceous fragmented continental configuration. Here, key aspects of Mesozoic long-term environmental changes are assessed in a climate model ensemble framework. We analyze so far the most extended ensemble of equilibrium climate states simulated for evolving Mesozoic boundary conditions covering the period from 255 to 60 Ma in 5 Myr timesteps. Global mean temperatures are generally found to be elevated above the present and exhibit a baseline warming trend driven by rising sea levels and increasing solar luminosity. Warm (Triassic and mid-Cretaceous) and cool (Jurassic and end-Cretaceous) anomalies result from pCO2 changes indicated by different reconstructions. Seasonal and zonal temperature contrasts as well as continental aridity show an overall decrease from the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic to the Late Cretaceous. Meridional temperature gradients are reduced at higher global temperatures and less land area in the high latitudes. With systematic sensitivity experiments, the influence of paleogeography, sea level, vegetation patterns, pCO2, solar luminosity, and orbital configuration on these trends is investigated. For example, long-term seasonality trends are driven by paleogeography, but orbital cycles could have had similar-scale effects on shorter timescales. Global mean temperatures, continental humidity, and meridional temperature gradients are, however, also strongly affected by pCO2