1,198 research outputs found

    Submergence of the Sidebands in the Photon-assisted Tunneling through a Quantum Dot Weakly Coupled to Luttinger Liquid Leads

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    We study theoretically the photon-assisted tunneling through a quantum dot weakly coupled to Luttinger liquids (LL) leads, and find that the zero bias dc conductance is strongly affected by the interactions in the LL leads. In comparison with the system with Fermi liquid (FL) leads, the sideband peaks of the dc conductance become blurring for 1/2<g<1, and finally merge into the central peak for g<1/2, (g is the interaction parameter in the LL leads). The sidebands are suppressed for LL leads with Coulomb interactions strong enough, and the conductance always appears as a single peak for any strength and frequency of the external time-dependent field. Furthermore, the quenching effect of the central peak for the FL case does not exist for g<1/2.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Charge Transport Through Open, Driven Two-Level Systems with Dissipation

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    We derive a Floquet-like formalism to calculate the stationary average current through an AC driven double quantum dot in presence of dissipation. The method allows us to take into account arbitrary coupling strengths both of a time-dependent field and a bosonic environment. We numerical evaluate a truncation scheme and compare with analytical, perturbative results such as the Tien-Gordon formula.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Rectangular quantum dots in high magnetic fields

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    We use density-functional methods to study the effects of an external magnetic field on two-dimensional quantum dots with a rectangular hard-wall confining potential. The increasing magnetic field leads to spin polarization and formation of a highly inhomogeneous maximum-density droplet at the predicted magnetic field strength. At higher fields, we find an oscillating behavior in the electron density and in the magnetization of the dot. We identify a rich variety of phenomena behind the periodicity and analyze the complicated many-electron dynamics, which is shown to be highly dependent on the shape of the quantum dot.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Spin interactions and switching in vertically tunnel-coupled quantum dots

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    We determine the spin exchange coupling J between two electrons located in two vertically tunnel-coupled quantum dots, and its variation when magnetic (B) and electric (E) fields (both in-plane and perpendicular) are applied. We predict a strong decrease of J as the in-plane B field is increased, mainly due to orbital compression. Combined with the Zeeman splitting, this leads to a singlet-triplet crossing, which can be observed as a pronounced jump in the magnetization at in-plane fields of a few Tesla, and perpendicular fields of the order of 10 Tesla for typical self-assembled dots. We use harmonic potentials to model the confining of electrons, and calculate the exchange J using the Heitler-London and Hund-Mulliken technique, including the long-range Coulomb interaction. With our results we provide experimental criteria for the distinction of singlet and triplet states and therefore for microscopic spin measurements. In the case where dots of different sizes are coupled, we present a simple method to switch on and off the spin coupling with exponential sensitivity using an in-plane electric field. Switching the spin coupling is essential for quantum computation using electronic spins as qubits.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Faster Approximate String Matching for Short Patterns

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    We study the classical approximate string matching problem, that is, given strings PP and QQ and an error threshold kk, find all ending positions of substrings of QQ whose edit distance to PP is at most kk. Let PP and QQ have lengths mm and nn, respectively. On a standard unit-cost word RAM with word size wlognw \geq \log n we present an algorithm using time O(nkmin(log2mlogn,log2mlogww)+n) O(nk \cdot \min(\frac{\log^2 m}{\log n},\frac{\log^2 m\log w}{w}) + n) When PP is short, namely, m=2o(logn)m = 2^{o(\sqrt{\log n})} or m=2o(w/logw)m = 2^{o(\sqrt{w/\log w})} this improves the previously best known time bounds for the problem. The result is achieved using a novel implementation of the Landau-Vishkin algorithm based on tabulation and word-level parallelism.Comment: To appear in Theory of Computing System

    Transport spectroscopy in a time-modulated open quantum dot

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    We have investigated the time-modulated coherent quantum transport phenomena in a ballistic open quantum dot. The conductance GG and the electron dwell time in the dots are calculated by a time-dependent mode-matching method. Under high-frequency modulation, the traversing electrons are found to exhibit three types of resonant scatterings. They are intersideband scatterings: into quasibound states in the dots, into true bound states in the dots, and into quasibound states just beneath the subband threshold in the leads. Dip structures or fano structures in GG are their signatures. Our results show structures due to 2ω\hbar\omega intersideband processes. At the above scattering resonances, we have estimated, according to our dwell time calculation, the number of round-trip scatterings that the traversing electrons undertake between the two dot openings.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Mapping Vesta: First Results from Dawn’s Survey Orbit

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    The geologic objectives of the Dawn Mission [1] are to derive Vesta’s shape, map the surface geology, understand the geological context and contribute to the determination of the asteroids’ origin and evolution.Geomorphology and distribution of surface features will provide evidence for impact cratering, tectonic activity, volcanism, and regolith processes. Spectral measurements of the surface will provide evidence of the compositional characteristics of geological units. Age information, as derived from crater sizefrequency distributions, provides the stratigraphic context for the structural and compositional mapping results, thus revealing the geologic history of Vesta. We present here the first results of the Dawn mission from data collected during the approach to Vesta, and its first discrete orbit phase – the Survey Orbit, which lasts 21 days after the spacecraft had established a circular polar orbit at a radius of ~3000 km with a beta angle of 10°-15°

    Partitioning Graphs to Speed Up Dijkstra's Algorithm

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    In this paper, we consider Dijkstra's algorithm for the point-to-point shortest path problem in large and sparse graphs with a given layout. Lauther presented a method that uses a partitioning of the graph to perform a preprocessing which allows to speed-up Dijkstra's algorithm considerably. We present an experimental study that evaluates which partitioning methods are suited for this approach. In particular, we examine partitioning algorithms from computational geometry and compare their impact on the speed-up of the shortest-path algorithm. Using a suited partitioning algorithm speed-up factors of 500 and more were achieved. Furthermore, we present an extension of this speed-up technique to multiple levels of partitionings. With this multi-level variant, the same speed-up factors can be achieved with smaller space requirements. It can therefore be seen as a compression of the precomputed data that conserves the correctness of the computed shortest paths

    On the SigmaN cusp in the pp -> pK+Lambda reaction

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    Measurements of the pppK+Λpp \to pK^+\Lambda reaction at TpT_p = 2.28 GeV have been carried out at COSY-TOF. In addition to the Λp\Lambda p FSI and NN^* resonance excitation effects a pronounced narrow structure is observed in the Dalitz plot and in its projection on the pΛp\Lambda-invariant mass. The structure appears at the pppp \to NK+ΣK^+\Sigma threshold and is interpreted as Σ\SigmaN cusp effect. The observed width of 20 MeV/c2c^2 is substantially broader than anticipated from previous inclusive measurements. Angular distributions of this cusp structure are shown to be dissimilar to those in the residual pK+ΛpK^+\Lambda channel, but similar to those observed in the pK+Σ0pK^+\Sigma^0 channel