6 research outputs found

    Eficácia do extrato aquoso de Azadiracta indica no controle de Boophilus microplus em bovino Effectiveness of Azadiracta indica watery extract on the control of bovine ticks Boophilus microplus

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    <abstract language="eng">This study was carried out with two groups of bovines naturally infected with Boophilus microplus. One group was treated every week during a month with Neem's watery extract and the other group was treated only once (at the test onset) with amabectin pour-on. The results of the Kruskal-Wallis test showed no significant difference (P<0.0001) between both groups (Neem and amabectin) throughout the experiment. However, time of collection [(day0 = day15) <FONT FACE=Symbol>&sup1;</FONT> day30] and age brackets (cows<heifers) showed significant effect. Neem’s watery extract was cheap and easy to prepare, even at farm and could replace amabectin in the control of Boophilus microplus in bovines

    Diapause in parasitic nematodes: a review

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