359 research outputs found

    Genomic relatedness within five common Finnish Campylobacter jejuni pulsed-field gel electrophoresis genotypes studied by amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis, ribotyping and serotyping

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    Thirty-five Finnish Campylobacter jejuni strains with five SmaI/SacII pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) genotypes selected among human and chicken isolates from 1997 and 1998 were used for comparison of their PFGE patterns, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) patterns, HaeIII ribotypes, and heat-stable (HS) serotypes. The discriminatory power of PFGE, AFLP, and ribotyping with HaeIII were shown to be at the same level for this selected set of strains, and these methods assigned the strains into the same groups. The PFGE and AFLP patterns within a genotype were highly similar, indicating genetic relatedness. The same HS serotypes were distributed among different genotypes, and different serotypes were identified within one genotype. HS serotype 12 was only associated with the combined genotype G1 (PFGE-AFLP-ribotype). These studies using polyphasic genotyping methods suggested that common Finnish C. jejuni genotypes form genetic lineages which colonize both humans and chickens

    Inaccuracy of routine susceptibility tests for detection of erythromycin resistance of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli

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    In The Netherlands, both an increase in and regional differences in erythromycin resistance of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli have been reported. To determine the accuracy of routine tests for erythromycin resistance, 48 erythromycin-resistant isolates from various laboratories that participate in the Dutch surveillance of Campylobacter infections were reinvestigated. Initial susceptibility testing for erythromycin had been performed by disk diffusion in six and MIC-based methods in two laboratories. Reinvestigation was carried out using broth microdilution as a reference standard, as well as E-test and genetic resistance testing. Of 36 C. jejuni isolates reported by the initial laboratories as erythromycin-resistant, four (11%) and five (14%) were confirmed as erythromycin-resistant using broth microdilution according to CLSI and EUCAST resistance criteria, respectively. Erythromycin resistance was found in eight of 12 (67%) C. coli isolates according to both criteria. Results of E-tests were in accordance with these results in all isolates. Resistance-associated mutations in the 23S rRNA gene (A2059G and A2058T) were found in all isolates showing high-level resistance, whereas none were found in susceptible isolates. Routine determination of the erythromycin resistance of C. jejuni and C. coli shows unacceptable interlaboratory variation. In the absence of standardized protocols and interpretive criteria for disk diffusion, and while we await the development of easily applicable and reliable methods for molecular resistance testing, the use of broth microdilution remains the best method

    Veegerelateerde MRSA: epidemiologie in dierlijke productieketens, transmissie naar de mens en karakterisatie van de kloon

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    Onderzoek waarin gepoogd werd om meer inzicht te krijgen in het voorkomen van MRSA in de Nederlandse veehouderij. De varkenshouderij, vleeskalverhouderij en pluimveehouderij werden onderzocht. Geconcludeerd wordt dat MRSA wijdverspreid voorkomt in de intensieve veehouderij en dat Nederland hierin niet uniek is. In het bijzonder het type ST398 vormt een probleem, omdat het zich goed kan verspreiden en aanpasse

    Nieuw vaccin tegen campylobacter

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    Het vaccin dat de kip moet beschermen tegen de bacterie Campylobacter werkt in het laboratorium. Dat wil bacterioloog Jaap Wagenaar wel kwijt. Wanneer het er komt en zelfs of het er komt, daarover laat Wagenaar zich niet uit. "Het is een hele klus om het immuunsysteem van kippen effectief op te laten treden tegen Campylobacter", zegt Wagenaar die werkt bij het CVI en hoogleraar is aan de Universiteit Utrecht. "Geen van de vaccins die onderzoekers tot nu hebben uitgeprobeerd werken

    Risk factors for indigenous Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli infections in The Netherlands: a case-control study

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    A case-control study comprising 1315 Campylobacter jejuni cases, 121 Campylobacter coli cases and 3409 frequency-matched controls was conducted in The Netherlands in 2002-2003. Risk factors for both C. jejuni and C. coli enteritis were consumption of undercooked meat and barbecued meat, ownership of cats and use of proton pump inhibitors. Consumption of chicken was a predominant risk factor for C. jejuni enteritis, but many additional risk factors were identified. Unique risk factors for C. coli infections were consumption of game and tripe, and swimming. Contact with farm animals and persons with gastroenteritis were predominant risk factors for C. jejuni enteritis in young children (0-4 years). Important risk factors for the elderly (>= 60 years) were eating in a restaurant, use of proton pump inhibitors and having a chronic intestinal illness. Consumption of chicken in spring, steak tartare in autumn and winter and barbecued meat in rural areas showed strong associations with C. jejuni infections. This study illustrates that important differences in risk factors exist for different Campylobacter spp. and these may differ dependent on age, season or degree of urbanization

    Исследование семантических распределенных параметров информационных компонент системы защиты

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    A real time quantitative PCR combined with propidium monoazide (PMA) treatment of samples was implemented to quantify live C. jejuni, C. coli and C. lari on broiler chicken carcasses at selected processing steps in the slaughterhouse. The samples were enumerated by culture for comparison. The Campylobacter counts determined with the PMA-qPCR and the culture method were not concordant. We conclude that the qPCR combined with PMA treatment of the samples did not fully reduce the signal from dead cells

    Survival of Staphylococcus aureus ST398 in the human nose after artificial inoculation.

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    There is evidence that MRSA ST398 of animal origin is only capable of temporarily occupying the human nose, and it is therefore, often considered a poor human colonizer.We inoculated 16 healthy human volunteers with a mixture of the human MSSA strain 1036 (ST931, CC8) and the bovine MSSA strain 5062 (ST398, CC398), 7 weeks after a treatment with mupirocin and chlorhexidine-containing soap. Bacterial survival was studied by follow-up cultures over 21 days. The human strain 1036 was eliminated faster (median 14 days; range 2-21 days) than the bovine strain 5062 (median 21 days; range 7-21 days) but this difference was not significant (p = 0.065). The bacterial loads were significantly higher for the bovine strain on day 7 and day 21. 4/14 volunteers (28.6%) showed elimination of both strains within 21 days. Of the 10 remaining volunteers, 5 showed no differences in bacterial counts between both strains, and in the other 5 the ST398 strain far outnumbered the human S. aureus strain. Within the 21 days of follow-up, neither human strain 1036 nor bovine strain 5062 appeared to acquire or lose any mobile genetic elements. In conclusion, S. aureus ST398 strain 5062 is capable of adequately competing for a niche with a human strain and survives in the human nose for at least 21 days

    Результаты опробования метода снижения вибрации в системе управления непрерывным станом холодной прокатки полос

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    Изложены новые результаты теоретических и прикладных исследований в области диагностики резонансных вибраций и управления непрерывным станом 2030 НЛМК холодной прокатки полос, рассмотрена разработанная система контроля технологического процесса непрерывной прокатки и диагностики технического состояния оборудования клетей