143 research outputs found

    Demonstration of a multi-technique approach to assess glacial microbial populations in the field

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    The ability to perform microbial detection and characterization in-field at extreme environments, rather than on returned samples, has the potential to improve the efficiency, relevance and quantity of data from field campaigns. To date, few examples of this approach have been reported. Therefore, we demonstrate that the approach is feasible in subglacial environments by deploying four techniques for microbial detection: real-time polymerase chain reaction; microscopic fluorescence cell counts, adenosine triphosphate bioluminescence assay and recombinant Factor C assay (to detect lipopolysaccharide). Each technique was applied to 12 subglacial ice samples, 12 meltwater samples and two snow samples from Engabreen, Northern Norway. Using this multi-technique approach, the detected biomarker levels were as expected, being highest in debris-rich subglacial ice, moderate in glacial meltwater and low in clean ice (debris-poor) and snow. Principal component analysis was applied to the resulting dataset and could be performed in-field to rapidly aid the allocation of resources for further sample analysis. We anticipate that in-field data collection will allow for multiple rounds of sampling, analysis, interpretation and refinement within a single field campaign, resulting in the collection of larger and more appropriate datasets, ultimately with more efficient science return

    Centre for Ice, Cryosphere, Carbon and Climate (iC3). Closing large-scale uncertainty in Polar ice sheet impacts on the global carbon cycle

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    Poster presentation at the International UK Arctic Conference, Cambridge, UK, 11.09.23 - 13.09.23: https://www.bas.ac.uk/event/uk-arctic-science-conference-2023/

    Stable microbial community composition on the Greenland Ice Sheet

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    The first molecular-based studies of microbes in snow and on glaciers have only recently been performed on the vast Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS). Aeolian microbial seeding is hypothesized to impact on glacier surface community compositions. Localized melting of glacier debris (cryoconite) into the surface ice forms cryoconite holes, which are considered ‘hot spots’ for microbial activity on glaciers. To date, few studies have attempted to assess the origin and evolution of cryoconite and cryoconite hole communities throughout a melt season. In this study, a range of experimental approaches was used for the first time to study the inputs, temporal and structural transformations of GrIS microbial communities over the course of a whole ablation season. Small amounts of aeolian (wind and snow) microbes were potentially seeding the stable communities that were already present on the glacier (composed mainly of Proteobacteria, Cyanobacteria and Actinobacteria). However, the dominant bacterial taxa in the aeolian samples (Firmicutes) did not establish themselves in local glacier surface communities. Cryoconite and cryoconite hole community composition remained stable throughout the ablation season following the fast community turnover, which accompanied the initial snow melt. The presence of stable communities in cryoconite and cryoconite holes on the GrIS will allow future studies to assess glacier surface microbial diversity at individual study sites from sampling intervals of short duration only. Aeolian inputs also had significantly different organic δ13C values (-28.0 to -27.0‰) from the glacier surface values (-25.7 to -23.6‰), indicating that in situ microbial processes are important in fixing new organic matter and transforming aeolian organic carbon. The continuous productivity of stable communities over one melt season makes them important contributors to biogeochemical nutrient cycling on glaciers

    Drainage-system development in consecutive melt seasons at a polythermal, Arctic glacier, evaluated by flow-recession analysis and linear-reservoir simulation

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    The drainage systems of polythermal glaciers play an important role in high latitude hydrology, and are determinants of ice flow rate. Flow-recession analysis and linear-reservoir simulation of runoff time series are here used to evaluate seasonal and inter-annual variability in the drainage system of the polythermal Finsterwalderbreen, Svalbard, in 1999 and 2000. Linear flow recessions are pervasive, with mean coefficients of a fast reservoir varying from 16 h (1999) to 41 h (2000), and mean coefficients of an intermittent, slow reservoir varying from 54 h (1999) to 114 h (2000). Drainage-system efficiency is greater overall in the first of the two seasons, the simplest explanation of which is more rapid depletion of the snow cover. Reservoir coefficients generally decline during each season (at 0.22 h d–1 in 1999 and 0.52 h d–1 in 2000), denoting an increase in drainage efficiency. However, coefficients do not exhibit a consistent relationship with discharge. Finsterwalderbreen therefore appears to behave as an intermediate case between temperate glaciers and other polythermal glaciers with smaller proportions of temperate ice. Linear-reservoir runoff simulations exhibit limited sensitivity to a relatively wide range of reservoir coefficients, although the use of fixed coefficients in a spatially-lumped model can generate significant sub-seasonal error. At Finsterwalderbreen, an ice-marginal channel with the characteristics of a fast reservoir, and a subglacial upwelling with the characteristics of a slow reservoir, both route meltwater to the terminus. This suggests that drainage-system components of significantly contrasting efficiencies can co-exist spatially and temporally at polythermal glaciers

    The hydrology of the proglacial zone of a high-Arctic glacier (Finsterwalderbreen, Svalbard): Atmospheric and surface water fluxes

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    Proglacial areas are expanding globally as a consequence of sustained glacier retreat, but there are very few studies focusing on their hydrology. This paper examines the surface and atmospheric water fluxes over a complete annual cycle in the proglacial area of the Svalbard glacier Finsterwalderbreen (77 N), through a combination of field measurements, physical modelling and statistical estimation. Precipitation in winter (226 mm) exceeded that in summer (29 mm), and over the course of the annual cycle total precipitation exceeded total evaporation (141 mm), although evaporative outputs from the proglacial area exceeded precipitation inputs during the dry summer. Runoff was highly irregular in time, with much of the total annual flow being concentrated into two relatively brief, early-to-mid summer intervals, the greater of which was characterised by the release of subglacially-stored water. Water fluxes were dominated by meltwater supply from the glacier: the total annual glacial runoff (7.38 × 107 m3) was an order-of-magnitude greater than the precipitation flux delivered directly to the proglacial area, and two orders-of-magnitude greater than evaporative losses from it. Outputs of meltwater from the proglacial area were not significantly different from inputs over the duration of the melt season, so surface water storage does not appear to be important in the studied catchment, despite episodes of flooding over shorter timescales. A synthesised description of the seasonal hydrological cycle in Finsterwalderbreen’s proglacial area is presented, which can be viewed as a set of hydrological boundary conditions for comparable high-latitude locations. Further study of these conditions is required, because the challenging nature of hydrometry in the high-latitudes has the potential to limit progress in understanding environmental change there

    Continuous summer export of nitrogen-rich organic matter from the Greenland Ice Sheet inferred by ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry

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    Runoff from glaciers and ice sheets has been acknowledged as a potential source of bioavailable dissolved organic matter (DOM) to downstream ecosystems. This source may become increasingly significant as glacial melt rates increase in response to future climate change. Recent work has identified significant concentrations of bioavailable carbon and iron in Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) runoff. The flux characteristics and export of N-rich DOM are poorly understood. Here, we employed electrospray ionization (ESI) coupled to Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) to determine the elemental compositions of DOM molecules in supraglacial water and subglacial runoff from a large GrIS outlet glacier. We provide the first detailed temporal analysis of the molecular composition of DOM exported over a full melt season. We find that DOM pools in supraglacial and subglacial runoff are compositionally diverse and that N-rich material is continuously exported throughout the melt season as the snowline retreats further inland. Identification of protein-like compounds and a high proportion of N-rich DOM, accounting for 27-41% of the DOM molecules identified by ESI FT-ICR MS, may suggest a microbial provenance and high bioavailability of glacially-exported DOM to downstream microbial communities

    The hydrology of the proglacial zone of a high-Arctic glacier(Finsterwalderbreen, Svalbard): Sub-surface water fluxes and complete water budget

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    Proglacial areas receive fluxes of glacial meltwater in addition to their own hydrological inputs and outputs, while in high latitudes the seasonal development of the active layer also affects their hydrology. This paper supplements a previous study of the surface and atmospheric water fluxes in the proglacial area of the Svalbard glacier Finsterwalderbreen (77° N), by focusing on the sub-surface water fluxes of the active layer, and bringing together all the components of the proglacial water balance over a complete annual cycle. Particular attention is given to the transitional zone between the moraine complex and the flat sandur. Sub-surface water in the moraine complex (sourced mainly from snowmelt, lake drainage and active-layer thawing), is exchanged with sub-surface water from the sandur (sourced mainly from glacier-derived snow- and ice-melt), across a largely distinct boundary. Hydraulic head and specific discharge were monitored in a transect of wells spanning this boundary. A hydraulic gradient from the moraine complex to the sandur is maintained throughout the melt season, although this is reversed first briefly when glacial runoff floods the sandur, and then diurnally from mid-melt-season, as peak daily flow in the proglacial channel network drives sub-surface water in the sandur towards the moraine complex. It is estimated that the active layer does not freeze up until mid-December at this location, so that sub-surface water flow may be maintained for months after the cessation of surface runoff. However, the magnitude of sub-surface flow is very small: the total, annual flux from the moraine complex to the sandur is 11 mm, compared with 1073 mm of total, annual runoff from the whole catchment (glacier included). Furthermore, when considering the water balance of the entire proglacial area, there are unlikely to be significant, seasonal storage changes in the active layer

    Interannual variability in the spatial distribution of winter accumulation at a high-Arctic glacier (Finsterwalderbreen, Svalbard), and its relationship with topography.

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    Glacier mass balance and hydrology are strongly influenced by the distribution of snow accumulation at the start of the melt season. Two successive end-of-winter snow-cover surveys at Finsterwalderbreen, Svalbard, are here used to investigate the interannual variability in the spatial distribution of accumulation, and its relationship with topography. 40–62% of the variance in snow depth was not determined by elevation (assessed by linear regression of snow depth on surface elevation), which could not therefore necessarily be used as a sole predictor of the spatial distribution of accumulation here. Principal components (PC) analysis of the topographic variables elevation, slope, north–south and east–west aspects shows that only two of six PCs, determined for 2 years’ sampling locations, had maximum loadings on altitude; aspect was more important, with maximum loadings on four PCs. Hierarchical cluster analysis was then applied to these PCs: significant correlations with accumulation in each of two terrain clusters were given by (1) elevation and slope, (2) east–west aspect only (1999); (1) elevation only, (2) no significant correlations (2000). There is strong interannual variability not only in the magnitude of winter accumulation (0.41mw.e. in 1999, 0.58mw.e. in 2000), but also in its spatial distribution, and its relationship with topography

    Implementation of in-field life detection and characterisation techniques in icy environments

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    An emerging trend towards non-laboratory based biological and microbiological marker analysis is occurring in multiple sectors of science and industry. In the medical sector, these trends have demonstrated that conducting sample analyses away from centralised laboratories not only makes analyses quicker and more convenient (e.g. a home pregnancy test), but can offer services that are otherwise impractical (e.g. mobile laboratories to diagnose disease in the developing world). In the environmental sector, similar benefits, plus the ability to develop and test hypotheses, protocols and sampling strategies within a field campaign, are possible with in-field analyses. Icy environments in particular would benefit from in situ or in-field life detection as they are typically remote, and hence impart high logistical costs for repeated field campaigns and associated sample return with the implication that the efficiency of scientific return is poor. Unfortunately, most equipment and protocols developed for microbiological analyses in other sectors of science and industry are unsuitable for direct application to in-field use in icy environments because of poor compatibility with icy environment sample matrices and frequently inappropriate microbiological targets. Hence within this work, two hypotheses were tested: that (i) microbiological detection infield in icy environments is possible and through this (ii) unique and more efficient scientific studies can be conducted. Cont/d.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Glacial Erosion Liberates Lithologic Energy Sources for Microbes and Acidity for Chemical Weathering Beneath Glaciers and Ice Sheets

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    Wet-based regions of glaciers and ice sheets are now recognized to host unique and diverse microbial communities capable of influencing global biogeochemical cycles. However, the isolated nature of subglacial environments poses limitations upon the supply of protons for chemical weathering and energy sources (electron donors/acceptors) to support in situ microbial communities. A less well recognized source of these substrates is the release of gases from mineral structures, pore spaces or fluid inclusions and the generation of gases from the breakage of mineral bonds during the mechanical breakdown of rocks by moving ice. Here, we investigate the potential release of H2, CO2, CO, and short chain hydrocarbons, particularly CH4, by glacial erosion at rates relevant to chemical weathering and microbial activity beneath glaciers. A wide range of magmatic, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks, and subglacial sediments from glaciated catchments in Greenland, Norway and Canada were ground in the laboratory to varying grain sizes and the release of gases was measured. The volume of gas released increased as the grain size of the ground sediments decreased. The results of these laboratory experiments were used to estimate rates of catchment-scale gas release based upon estimates of long term abrasion rates at each glacier. H2 generation was calculated to be sufficient to potentially support previously estimated rates of methanogenesis in the upper centimeters of subglacial sediment at a gneissic catchment in Greenland and a sedimentary catchment in Canada. Sufficient CO2 could be released by grinding to drive as much as 20% of subglacial chemical weathering at a metamorphic catchment in Svalbard, with potential implications for the inferred quantity of CO2 drawn-down from the atmosphere by glacial weathering. Rates of CH4 generation from grinding bedrock has the potential to be greater than subglacial microbial generation in a sedimentary catchment in Canada with carbon rich bedrock, suggesting a potentially important source of CH4 for methanotrophic microorganisms. We conclude that mechanical erosion beneath a range of glaciers generates significant quantities of gases which have the potential to enhance chemical weathering and/or support subglacial microbial communities in the deep icy biosphere
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