56 research outputs found

    The influence of time and irrigant refreshment on biofilm removal from lateral morphological features of simulated root canals

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    Aim: To evaluate the effect of irrigant refreshment and exposure time of a 2% sodium hypochlorite solution (NaOCl) on biofilm removal from simulated lateral root canal spaces using two different flow rates. Methodology: A dual-species biofilm was formed by a Constant Depth Film Fermenter (CDFF) for 96 h in plug inserts with anatomical features resembling an isthmus or lateral canal-like structures. The inserts were placed in a root canal model facing the main canal. NaOCl 2% and demineralized water (control group) were used as irrigant solutions. Both substances were applied at a flow rate of 0.05 and 0.1 mL s−1. The samples were divided into three groups with zero, one or two refreshments in a total exposure time of 15 min. A three-way analysis of variance (anova) was performed to investigate the interaction amongst the independent variables and the effect of consecutive irrigant refreshment on percentage of biofilm removal. A Tukey post hoc test was used to evaluate the effect of each independent variable on percentage biofilm removal in the absence of statistically significant interactions. Results: For the lateral canal, NaOCl removed significantly more biofilm irrespective of the number of refreshments and exposure time (P = 0.005). There was no significant effect in biofilm removal between the consecutive irrigant refreshments measured in the same biofilm. For the isthmus, NaOCl removed significantly more biofilm irrespective of the number of refreshments and exposure time; both NaOCl and a high flow rate removed significantly more biofilm when the exposure time was analysed (P = 0.018 and P = 0.029, respectively). Evaluating the effect of consecutive irrigant refreshment on the same biofilm, 2% NaOCl, 0.1 mL s−1 flow rate and one or two refreshments removed significant more biofilm (P = 0.04, 0.034 and 0.003, <0.001, respectively). Conclusions: In this model, refreshment did not improve biofilm removal from simulated lateral root canal spaces. NaOCl removed more biofilm from the lateral canal- and isthmus-like structure. A higher flow rate removed significantly more biofilm from the isthmus-like structure. There was always remaining biofilm left after the irrigation procedures

    Follow My Eyes: The Gaze of Politicians Reflexively Captures the Gaze of Ingroup Voters

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    Studies in human and non-human primates indicate that basic socio-cognitive operations are inherently linked to the power of gaze in capturing reflexively the attention of an observer. Although monkey studies indicate that the automatic tendency to follow the gaze of a conspecific is modulated by the leader-follower social status, evidence for such effects in humans is meager. Here, we used a gaze following paradigm where the directional gaze of right- or left-wing Italian political characters could influence the oculomotor behavior of ingroup or outgroup voters. We show that the gaze of Berlusconi, the right-wing leader currently dominating the Italian political landscape, potentiates and inhibits gaze following behavior in ingroup and outgroup voters, respectively. Importantly, the higher the perceived similarity in personality traits between voters and Berlusconi, the stronger the gaze interference effect. Thus, higher-order social variables such as political leadership and affiliation prepotently affect reflexive shifts of attention

    Spermatogonial Stem Cell Niche and Spermatogonial Stem Cell Transplantation in Zebrafish

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    Background Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) are the foundation of spermatogenesis, and reside within a specific microenvironment in the testes called “niche” which regulates stem cell properties, such as, self-renewal, pluripotency, quiescence and their ability to differentiate. Methodology/Principal Findings Here, we introduce zebrafish as a new model for the study of SSCs in vertebrates. Using 5′-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU), we identified long term BrdU-retaining germ cells, type A undifferentiated spermatogonia as putative stem cells in zebrafish testes. Similar to rodents, these cells were preferentially located near the interstitium, suggesting that the SSC niche is related to interstitial elements and might be conserved across vertebrates. This localization was also confirmed by analyzing the topographical distribution of type A undifferentiated spermatogonia in normal, vasa::egfp and fli::egfp zebrafish testes. In the latter one, the topographical arrangement suggested that the vasculature is important for the SSC niche, perhaps as a supplier of nutrients, oxygen and/or signaling molecules. We also developed an SSC transplantation technique for both male and female recipients as an assay to evaluate the presence, biological activity, and plasticity of the SSC candidates in zebrafish. Conclusions/Significance We demonstrated donor-derived spermato- and oogenesis in male and female recipients, respectively, indicating the stemness of type A undifferentiated spermatogonia and their plasticity when placed into an environment different from their original niche. Similar to other vertebrates, the transplantation efficiency was low. This might be attributed to the testicular microenvironment created after busulfan depletion in the recipients, which may have caused an imbalance between factors regulating self-renewal or differentiation of the transplanted SSCs

    Personality of wild male crested macaques (Macaca nigra).

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    Animal personalities, i.e. consistent differences in behavior across time and/or context, have received increased attention of behavioral biologists over the last years. Recent research shows that personalities represent traits on which natural and sexual selection work and which can have substantial fitness consequences. The aim of this study is to establish the personality structure of crested macaque (Macaca nigra) males as foundation for future studies on its adaptive value. We collected behavioral data through focal animal sampling and additionally conducted two sets of playback experiments. Results of a factor analysis on the behavioral data revealed a four factor structure with components we labeled Anxiety, Sociability, Connectedness and Aggressiveness. Results from the experiments revealed an additional and independent Boldness factor but the absence of Neophilia. Overall, this structure resembles other macaque and animal species with the exception of Connectedness, which might be a consequence of the species' tolerant social style. Our results thus not only form the basis for future studies on the adaptive value of personality in crested macaques but also contribute an important data point for investigating the evolution of personality structure from a comparative perspective by refining, for example, which personality factors characterized the last common ancestor of hominids and macaques

    Global and Regional Differences in Brain Anatomy of Young Children Born Small for Gestational Age

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    In children who are born small for gestational age (SGA), an adverse intrauterine environment has led to underdevelopment of both the body and the brain. The delay in body growth is (partially) restored during the first two years in a majority of these children. In addition to a negative influence on these physical parameters, decreased levels of intelligence and cognitive impairments have been described in children born SGA. In this study, we used magnetic resonance imaging to examine brain anatomy in 4- to 7-year-old SGA children with and without complete bodily catch-up growth and compared them to healthy children born appropriate for gestational age. Our findings demonstrate that these children strongly differ on brain organisation when compared with healthy controls relating to both global and regional anatomical differences. Children born SGA displayed reduced cerebral and cerebellar grey and white matter volumes, smaller volumes of subcortical structures and reduced cortical surface area. Regional differences in prefrontal cortical thickness suggest a different development of the cerebral cortex. SGA children with bodily catch-up growth constitute an intermediate between those children without catch-up growth and healthy controls. Therefore, bodily catch-up growth in children born SGA does not implicate full catch-up growth of the brain

    Is That Me or My Twin? Lack of Self-Face Recognition Advantage in Identical Twins

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    Despite the increasing interest in twin studies and the stunning amount of research on face recognition, the ability of adult identical twins to discriminate their own faces from those of their co-twins has been scarcely investigated. One’s own face is the most distinctive feature of the bodily self, and people typically show a clear advantage in recognizing their own face even more than other very familiar identities. Given the very high level of resemblance of their faces, monozygotic twins represent a unique model for exploring self-face processing. Herein we examined the ability of monozygotic twins to distinguish their own face from the face of their co-twin and of a highly familiar individual. Results show that twins equally recognize their own face and their twin’s face. This lack of self-face advantage was negatively predicted by how much they felt physically similar to their co-twin and by their anxious or avoidant attachment style. We speculate that in monozygotic twins, the visual representation of the self-face overlaps with that of the co-twin. Thus, to distinguish the self from the co-twin, monozygotic twins have to rely much more than control participants on the multisensory integration processes upon which the sense of bodily self is based. Moreover, in keeping with the notion that attachment style influences perception of self and significant others, we propose that the observed self/co-twin confusion may depend upon insecure attachment

    Antibacterial effect of calcium hydroxide combined with chlorhexidine on Enterococcus faecalis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective: Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) is the most frequently isolated strain in failed endodontic therapy cases since it is resistant to calcium hydroxide (CH). Whether a combination of CH and chlorhexidine (CHX) is more effective than CH alone against E. faecalis is a matter of controversy. Thus, the aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature. Material and Methods: A comprehensive search in PubMed, EMbase, EBSCOhost, The Cochrane Library, SciELO, and BBO databases, Clinical trials registers, Open Grey, and conference proceedings from the earliest available date to February 1, 2013 was carried out and the relevant articles were identified by two independent reviewers. Backward and forward search was performed and then inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. The included studies were divided into "comparisons" according to the depth of sampling and dressing period of each medicament. Meta-analysis was performed using Stata software 10.0. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Results: Eighty-five studies were retrieved from databases and backward/forward searches. Fortyfive studies were considered as relevant (5 in vivo, 18 in vitro, 18 ex vivo, and 4 review articles). Nine studies were included for meta-analysis. Inter-observer agreement (Cohen kappa) was 0.93. The included studies were divided into 21 comparisons for meta-analysis. Chi-square test showed the comparisons were heterogeneous (p<0.001). Random effect model demonstrated no significant difference between CH/CHX mixture and CH alone in their effect on E. faecalis (p=0.115). Conclusions: According to the evidence available now, mixing CH with CHX does not significantly increase the antimicrobial activity of CH against E. faecalis. It appears that mixing CH with CHX does not improve its ex vivo antibacterial property as an intracanal medicament against E. faecalis. Further in vivo studies are necessary to confirm and correlate the findings of this study with the clinical outcomes

    The Evaluation of the Effects of Two Probiotic Strains on the Oral Ecosystem: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

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    INTRODUCTION: In the current study, we evaluated the effectiveness of two well-defined probiotic strains, Lactobacillus paracasei LPc-G110 (CCTCC M 2013691) and Lactobacillus plantarum GOS42 (DSM 32131), during an experimental gingivitis challenge. The primary objective was to evaluate clinically the effectiveness of lozenges containing one of the two oral probiotic strains, compared with placebo lozenges, on the gingival bleeding (bleeding on marginal probing; BOMP change) after a two-week experimental gingivitis period. The secondary objectives were to assess the effects of the test products on gingival health (Modified Gingival Index; MGI), dental plaque accumulation and fluorescence, and the dynamics of immunological and microbiological aspects after the wash-in phase, followed by a two-week period refraining from oral hygiene and a two-week wash-out phase. METHODS: This single-center challenge intervention study was a triple-blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial with three parallel groups. The full study population consisted of 117 healthy 18–55 years old human volunteers. Subjects were instructed to use one lozenge, 3 times daily after each meal, containing either L. plantarum, L. paracasei, or lozenges without probiotics (placebo group). After a 2-week wash-in period, the subjects were requested to refrain from any form of oral hygiene for 2 weeks. RESULTS: There were no differences in the primary outcome (BOMP change) among the groups. However, gingival health (MGI) in individuals from the groups exposed to the test products recovered better from experimental gingivitis than the individuals in the placebo group (p = 0.021, one-way ANOVA). The two test products inhibited pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1ß production, measured in saliva, during the experimental gingivitis period. Both test strains significantly reduced bacterial DNA in tongue samples and L. paracasei strain showed stronger microbiome-modulating potential than the L. plantarum strain. CONCLUSIONS: The two tested lozenges with the L. paracasei or L. plantarum strains did show potential for beneficial effects for the oral health of the host during experimental gingivitis to the oral ecosystem