3,784 research outputs found

    Etude des Solanderiidae de la Baie de Hansa (Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée) avec une révision du genre <i>Solanderia</i> (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa)

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    The morphology of the skeleton of the various species of the genus Solandria was studied by scanning electron microscopy. This allowed the listing of synonymies, and the number of valid species was reduced from 13 to 6. Keys and a comparison table have been established for species identification

    Penrose-Onsager Criterion Validation in a One-Dimensional Polariton Condensate

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    We perform quantum tomography on one-dimensional polariton condensates, spontaneously occurring in linear disorder valleys in a CdTe planar microcavity sample. By the use of optical interferometric techniques, we determine the first-order coherence function and the amplitude and phase of the order parameter of the condensate, providing a full reconstruction of the single particle density matrix for the polariton system. The experimental data are used as input to theoretically test the consistency of Penrose-Onsager criterion for Bose-Einstein condensation in the framework of nonequilibrium polariton condensates. The results confirm the pertinence and validity of the criterion for a non equilibrium condensed gas.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Probing the collective excitations of a spinor polariton fluid

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    We propose a pump-probe setup to analyze the properties of the collective excitation spectrum of a spinor polariton fluid. By using a linear response approximation scheme, we carry on a complete classification of all excitation spectra, as well as their intrinsic degree of polarization, in terms of two experimentally tunable parameters only: themean-field polarization angle and a rescaled pump detuning.We evaluate the system response to the external probe, and show that the transmitted light can undergo a spin rotation along the dispersion for spectra that we classify as diffusivelike. We show that in this case, the spin flip predicted along the dispersion is enhanced when the system is close to a parametrically amplified instabilityM.V.R. gratefully acknowledges support in the form of a Ph.D. fellowship of the Research Foundation–Flanders (FWO). M.W. acknowledges financial support from the FWO-Odysseus program. F.M.M. acknowledges financial support from the Ministerio de Economíaa y Competitividad (MINECO) (Contract No. MAT2011-22997) and the Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid (CAM) (Contract No. S-2009/ESP-1503

    Nutritional Status and Body Composition in Patients Suffering From Chronic Respiratory Diseases and Its Correlation With Pulmonary Rehabilitation

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    As part of an individualized intervention to improve the physical, emotional, and social functioning of patients with chronic respiratory diseases in general and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in particular, awareness of the presence and consequences of changes in body composition increased enormously during the last decades, and nutritional intervention is considered as an essential component in the comprehensive approach of these patients. This review describes the prevalence and the clinical impact of body composition changes and also provides an update of current intervention strategies. It is argued that body composition, preferentially a three-component evaluation of fat, lean, and bone mass, must become part of a thorough assessment of every patient, admitted for pulmonary rehabilitation

    Неоднородность пластических деформаций оливина в ультрамафитах Байкало-Муйского офиолитового пояса (северо-восточное Прибайкалье)

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    Актуальность работы. Постоянно устанавливаемые признаки пластического течения в ультрамафитах предопределили подход к их изучению, как к метаморфическим породам, с применением нетрадиционного метода петроструктурного анализа. Использование этого метода позволяет реконструировать хронологическую последовательность процессов формирования и пластического деформирования ультрамафитов на уровнях верхняя мантия - земная кора, выявить общую направленность структурно-вещественной эволюции и решить ряд актуальных проблем их минерагении. Цель работы: по результатам выявленной микроструктурной неоднородности дунитов и гарцбургитов, типизации их микроструктур, оценки температур оливин-хромшпинелиевых равновесий и петроструктурного анализа оливина предложить сценарий структурной эволюции ультрамафитов Парамского и Шаманского массива Байкало-Муйского офиолитового пояса на уровнях верхняя мантия - земная кора. Методы исследования. Детальное петрографическое изучение ультрамафитов проводилось на поляризационном микроскопе AxioScope-40 фирмы Carl Zeiss, что позволило провести микроструктурную типизацию дунитов и гарцбургитов. Их типизация основана на морфологических особенностях оливина и была разработана многими исследователями. Количественная оценка деформационных микроструктур оливина в изученных ультрамафитах проводилась с использованием метода стереометрической металлографии. Микроструктурный анализ оливина является неотъемлемой частью петроструктурного изучения ультрамафитов. Он позволяет установить предпочтительные ориентировки минералов по внутреннему строению, которые, в свою очередь, являются отражением термодинамических условий их пластических деформаций. Вещественный состав оливинов и хромшпинелидов установлен на основании микрорентгеноспектральных определений, выполненных в Институте нефтегазовой геологии и геофизики Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук (г. Новосибирск) на микроанализаторе «Camebax». Расчет температурных равновесий проводился с использованием оливин-хромшпинелиевого геотермометра Фабри по вещественному составу сосуществующих оливина и хромшпинелида. Результаты. Для дунитов и гарцбургитов Парамского и Шаманского массивов Байкало-Муйского офиолитового пояса на оригинальном материале проведена идентификация деформационных микроструктур оливина. Они объединены в шесть типов: протогранулярный, мезогранулярный, порфирокластовый, порфиролейстовый, мозаичный (мозаично-лейстовый) и мозаично-паркетовидный. Пространственное распределение выделенных микроструктур в изученных массивах от центра к периферии характеризуется тенденцией уменьшения размера зерен в породах, показывает возрастание степени их пластического деформирования и отражает динамометаморфическую зональность. Петроструктурный анализ оливина в выделенных микроструктурных типах позволил установить термодинамические условия их реализации. Они фиксируют регрессивную направленность метаморфических преобразований ультрамафитов высокотемпературными пластическими деформациями, синтектонической рекристаллизацией и вторичной рекристаллизацией отжига в процессе формирования, перемещения и консолидации ультрамафитов в верхней мантии и земной коре. Установленная эволюция микроструктур оливина отражает рубежи многократно наложенных пластических деформаций, которые при благоприятных условиях могут быть определяющими в локализации хромита, хризотил-асбеста, нефрита, жадеита среди ультрамафитов из офиолитовых комплексов.Relevance of the research. Permanently identified signs of plastic flow in ultramafic rocks predetermined an approach to their study as metamorphic rocks. This approach uses non-traditional method of the petrofabric analysis. This method allows reconstructing the chronological sequence of formation and plastic deformation of ultramafic rocks in the upper mantle-crust, revealing the general trend of structural and matter evolution, and solving a number of urgent problems of the ultramafic mineral genesis. The aim of the study is to develop a scenario of the structural evolution of the Paramsky and Shamansky ultramafic massifs of Baikal-Muya ophiolite belt at the upper mantle-crust levels through the dunite and harzburgite microstructural heterogeneity, typing their microstructures, calculating olivine-chromospinelide thermal equilibrium, and olivine petrofabric analysis. Methods. The detailed petrographic characteristics of ultramafic rocks were performed by the polarizing microscope AxioScope-40 (Carl Zeiss). This study allowed carrying out microstructural typification of dunites and harzburgites. It was based on the morphological features of olivine and it was developed by many researchers. Quantification of deformation microstructures in olivine of ultramafic rocks was studied using the stereometric metallography. Microstructural analysis of olivine is an integral part of the petrofabric study of the ultramafic rocks. It allows determining the preferred orientation of minerals in the internal structure, which in their turn is a reflection of the thermodynamic conditions of their plastic deformation. The olivine and chromospinelide matter composition was determined using micro X-ray spectrum, obtained by microanalyser «Camebax» in the Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk). The thermal equilibrium was calculated using olivine-chromospinelide Fabry geothermometer on the matter composition of coexisting olivine and chromospinelide. Results. The research provided the identification of the deformation microstructures of olivine for dunites and harzburgites of the Paramsky and Shamansky ultramafic massifs of the Baikal-Muya ophiolite belt. They are grouped into six types: protogranular, mesogranular porphyroclastic, porphyrolath, mosaic (mosaic-lath), mosaic-parquet-like. The spatial distribution of the allocated microstruct ures in the studied massifs from the сenter to the periphery is characterized by reducing the grain size in the rocks. This feature shows the increase in their plastic deformation degree and reflects the dynamometamorphiс zoning. The petrofabric analysis of the olivine in the identified microstructural types allowed determining thermodynamic conditions of their realization. These microstructures reflect a regressive trend of metamorphic transformations of the ultramafic rocks by high-temperature plastic deformations, syntectonic recrystallization, an d secondary annealing recrystallization in formation, transformation and consolidation in the upper mantle - earthґs crust. The identified evolution of the olivine microstructures reflects the limits of repeatedly overlaid plastic deformations, which can be decisive in l ocalization of chromite, chrysotile asbestos, jade, and jadeite within ultramafic rocks of ophiolite complexes under favorable conditions

    Clinically suspect arthralgia: unraveling the development of rheumatoid arthritis

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    In this thesis two main aims were addressed. It has long been established that early treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) improves disease outcomes. In Part I of this thesis we therefore further investigated the early detection of at-risk individuals by studying a large cohort of patients with clinically suspect arthralgia (CSA). We explored the value of two easy clinical tests, their potential to detect underlying inflammatory processes and to predict disease progression. In addition we investigated the presence of subclinical synovitis on imaging as starting point for treatment with disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and the value of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) detected erosions as new predictor for RA-development. In Part II of this thesis we aimed to determine which disease processes are involved in the different phases of RA-development. Knowledge on disease pathogenesis and timing of influencing factors can help to better target treatment during RA-development. We therefore evaluated whether autoantibody-response maturation occurred during the phase of CSA, and investigated the timing of genetic risk factor human leukocyte antigen-shared epitope (HLA-SE) and environmental risk factor smoking during the development of autoantibody-positive disease.LUMC / Geneeskund