31 research outputs found

    Antifungal activity of antimicrobial peptides and proteins against Aspergillus fumigatus

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    This is the final published version, also available from MDPI via the DOI in this record.Antimicrobial peptides and proteins (AMPs) provide an important line of defence against invading microorganisms. However, the activity of AMPs against the human fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus remains poorly understood. Therefore, the aim of this study was to characterise the anti-Aspergillus activity of specific human AMPs, and to determine whether A. fumigatus can possess resistance to specific AMPs, as a result of in-host adaptation. AMPs were tested against a wide range of clinical isolates of various origins (including cystic fibrosis patients, as well as patients with chronic and acute aspergillosis). We also tested a series of isogenic A. fumigatus isolates obtained from a single patient over a period of 2 years. A range of environmental isolates, obtained from soil in Scotland, was also included. Firstly, the activity of specific peptides was assessed against hyphae using a measure of fungal metabolic activity. Secondly, the activity of specific peptides was assessed against germinating conidia, using imaging flow cytometry as a measure of hyphal growth. We showed that lysozyme and histones inhibited hyphal metabolic activity in all the A. fumigatus isolates tested in a dose-dependent fashion. In addition, imaging flow cytometry revealed that histones, β-defensin-1 and lactoferrin inhibited the germination of A. fumigatus conidia.Wellcome TrustMedical Research Council (MRC

    Unusual Loop-Sequence Flexibility of the Proximal RNA Replication Element in EMCV

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    Picornaviruses contain stable RNA structures at the 5′ and 3′ ends of the RNA genome, OriL and OriR involved in viral RNA replication. The OriL RNA element found at the 5′ end of the enterovirus genome folds into a cloverleaf-like configuration. In vivo SELEX experiments revealed that functioning of the poliovirus cloverleaf depends on a specific structure in this RNA element. Little is known about the OriL of cardioviruses. Here, we investigated structural aspects and requirements of the apical loop of proximal stem-loop SL-A of mengovirus, a strain of EMCV. Using NMR spectroscopy, we showed that the mengovirus SL-A apical loop consists of an octaloop. In vivo SELEX experiments demonstrated that a large number of random sequences are tolerated in the apical octaloop that support virus replication. Mutants in which the SL-A loop size and the length of the upper part of the stem were varied showed that both stem-length and stability of the octaloop are important determinants for viral RNA replication and virus reproduction. Together, these data show that stem-loop A plays an important role in virus replication. The high degree of sequence flexibility and the lack of selective pressure on the octaloop argue against a role in sequence specific RNA-protein or RNA-RNA interactions in which octaloop nucleotides are involved

    A broader role for AmyR in Aspergillus niger: regulation of the utilisation of d-glucose or d-galactose containing oligo- and polysaccharides

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    AmyR is commonly considered a regulator of starch degradation whose activity is induced by the presence of maltose, the disaccharide building block of starch. In this study, we demonstrate that the role of AmyR extends beyond starch degradation. Enzyme activity assays, genes expression analysis and growth profiling on d-glucose- and d-galactose-containing oligo- and polysaccharides showed that AmyR regulates the expression of some of the Aspergillus niger genes encoding α- and β-glucosidases, α- and β- galactosidases, as well as genes encoding α-amlyases and glucoamylases. In addition, we provide evidence that d-glucose or a metabolic product thereof may be the inducer of the AmyR system in A. niger and not maltose, as is commonly assumed

    Moleculaire diagnostiek van infectieziekten

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    Moleculaire diagnostiek van infectieziekten

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    The role of azoles in the management of azole-resistant aspergillosis: From the bench to the bedside

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    Azole resistance is an emerging problem in Aspergillus fumigatus and is associated with a high probability of treatment failure. An azole resistance mechanism typically decreases the activity of multiple azole compounds, depending on the mutation. As alternative treatment options are limited and in some isolates the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) increases by only a few two-fold dilutions steps, we investigated if voriconazole and posaconazole have a role in treating azole-resistant Aspergillus disease. The relation between resistance genotype and phenotype, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties, and (pre)clinical treatment efficacy were reviewed. The results were used to estimate the exposure needed to achieve the pharmacodynamic target for each MIC. For posaconazole adequate exposure can be achieved only for wild type isolates as dose escalation does not allow PD target attainment. However, the new intravenous formulation might result in sufficient exposure to treat isolates with a MIC of 0.5 mg/L. For voriconazole our analysis indicated that the exposure needed to treat infection due to isolates with a MIC of 2 mg/L is feasible and maybe isolates with a MIC of 4 mg/L. However, extreme caution and strict monitoring of drug levels would be required, as the probability of toxicity will also increase. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The C2H2 transcription factor SltA is required for germination and hyphal development in Aspergillus fumigatus

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    ABSTRACT Germination of inhaled Aspergillus fumigatus conidia is a necessary sequitur for infection. Germination of conidia starts with the breaking of dormancy, which is initiated by an increase of the cellular perimeter in a process termed isotropic growth. This swelling phase is followed by polarized growth, resulting in the formation of a germ tube. The multinucleate tubular cells exhibit tip growth from the hyphae, after which lateral branches emerge to form the mycelial network. The regulatory mechanisms governing conidial germination are not well defined.In this study, we identifieda novel role for the transcription factor SltA in the orchestration of germination and hyphal development. Conidia lacking sltA fail to appropriately regulate isotropic growth and begin to swell earlier and subsequently switch to polarized growth faster. Additionally, hyphal development is distorted in a ΔsltA isolate as hyphae are hyper-branching and wider, and show branching at the apical tip. ΔsltA conidia are more tolerant to cell wall stressors on minimal medium compared to the wild-type (WT) strain. A transcriptome analysis of differentstages of early growth was carried out to assess the regulatory role of SltA. Null mutants generated for three of the most dysregulated genes showed rapid germ tube emergence. Distinct from the phenotype observed for ΔsltA, conidia from these strains lacked defects in isotropic growth, but switched to polarized growth faster. Here, we characterize and describe several genes in the regulon of SltA, highlighting the complex nature of germination.</p