75 research outputs found

    Cost benefit analysis of mothership concept and investigation of optimum operational practice for offshore wind farms

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    In far offshore, challenging climate conditions limit the operability and the accessibility of the maintenance vessels significantly.Furthermore, if significant time is spent for the travels between offshore windfarm and O&M port; maintenance tasks cannot be carried out. A mothership can provide the solution for the operators. Due to the fact that the mothership can be moored to a close location to the offshore wind farm, the reaction time to the failures can be minimised; thus the availability of the offshore wind farm can be maximised. In this context, the focus of this research is the cost benefit analysis of the mothership concept and the investigation of the optimum operational practice, which brings financial and operational benefits. This is achieved by performing operational simulations in the offshore wind operational expenditure and logistics optimisation tool StrathOW-OM, which is developed bythe University of Strathclyde and commercial partner organisations. Results show that significant time is spent between offshore windfarm and port, which increases the downtime. October-December is identified as the most critical period for chartering a mothership

    Role of mprF1 and mprF2 in the Pathogenicity of Enterococcus faecalis

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    Aujourd hui, Enterococcus faecalis est considéré comme l un des plus importants agents pathogènes causant des maladies nosocomiales. En raison de sa résistance innée et acquise aux antibiotiques, l identification de nouvelles cibles pour le traitement de cette bactérie est une grande priorité. Le facteur Multiple Peptide Résistance (MprF), qui a été décrit en premier chez Staphylococcus aureus, modifie le phosphatidylglycérol avec de la lysine et réduit ainsi la charge négative de l enveloppe cellulaire. Ceci a comme conséquence d augmenter la résistance aux peptides antimicrobiens cationiques (PAC). Deux gènes paralogues putatifs (mprF1 et mprF2) ont été identifiés chez E. faecalis par recherche BLAST en utilisant le gène décrit chez S. aureus. Une caractérisation de ces deux gènes d E. faecalis ainsi que des mécanismes conduisant à une résistance aux PAC, pourrait aider à développer des nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques contre ce pathogène. Deux mutants de délétion et un double mutant ont été construits par recombinaison homologue chez E. faecalis. L analyse des phospholipides des membranes cytoplasmiques des deux mutants mprF1 et mprF2 par chromatographie sur couche mince a montré que seule l inactivation de mprF2 inhibe la synthèse de trois amino-phosphatidlyglycérol distincts (comme la Lysine-PG, l Alanine-PG et l Arginine-PG). De plus, le mutant mprF2 est également plus sensible aux PAC que la souche sauvage. La capacité de formation d un biofilm est généralement considérée comme un facteur important de virulence, ce qui est également le cas pour les entérocoques. Le mutant mprF2 montre une capacité accrue dans ce phénomène. Ceci semble être du à une augmentation de la concentration d ADN extracellulaire dans le biofilm formé par ce mutant. Curieusement, cette augmentation est indépendante d une autolyse. Le mutant mprF2 est également plus résistant à l opsonophagocytose. Cependant, le gène mprF2 ne joue aucun rôle dans les bactériémies de souris et les endocardites de rats.En revanche, aucun phénotype n a été trouvé pour un mutant mprF1 jusqu à présent. Cette mutation ne modifie ni la synthèse de l aminoacyl-PG en condition de laboratoire ni la résistance aux PAC et à l opsonophagocytose. Par conséquent, il semble que mprF2 soit le seul gène mprF fonctionnel chez E. faecalis. Néanmoins, contrairement à d autres bactéries, mprF2 ne semble pas être un facteur de virulence majeur pour cette espèce.Enterococcus faecalis is regarded nowadays as one of the most important nosocomial pathogens. Due to its innate and acquired resistance to antibiotics, identification of new targets for antimicrobial treatment of E. faecalis is a high priority. The multiple peptides resistance factor (MprF), which was first described in Staphylococcus aureus, modifies phosphatidylglycerol with lysine and reduces the negative charge of the membrane, thus increasing resistance to cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAMPs). Two putative mprF paralogs (mprF1 and mprF2) were identified in E. faecalis by Blast search using the well-described S. aureus gene as a lead. A better understanding of these two genes and mechanisms leads to enterococcal resistance to CAMPs might help designing therapeutic strategies against this bacteria. Two single deletion mutants and double mutant in E. faecalis were created by homologues recombination. Analysis of cell membrane phospholipids from both mutants by thin-layer chromatography showed that inactivation of mprF2 abolished the synthesis of three distinct amino-phosphatidylglycerol (mostly likely Lysin-PG, Alanine-PG and Argine-PG). The CAMPs testing assay demonstrated that the deletion mutant of mprF2 was more susceptible to CAMPs than the wild type. Biofilm formation is usually regarded as a virulence factor which provides an important way for enterococci to cause infections. Inactivation of mprF2 led to increase the biofilm formation which we showed that it was due to the accumulation of eDNA in the biofilm, but the release of eDNA is independent from autolysis. The mprF2 mutant was resistance to killing by opsonophagocytosis more than wild type. However, the mprF2 gene plays no role in bacteremia in mice and rat endocarditis. Our results showed that non polar effect mprF1 mutant does not affect in the synthesis of aminoacyl-PG in the laboratory condition. It also has no effect on susceptible to CAMPs, opsonic killing and autolysis. Therefore, it seems that mprF2 is the only functional mprF gene in E. faecalis in the laboratory condition. Unlike mprF found in other bacteria, mprF does not seem to be a major virulence factor in enterococci.CAEN-BU Sciences et STAPS (141182103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Transcriptome analysis of extended-spectrum ß-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus exposed to cefotaxime

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    Previous studies on bacterial response to antibiotics mainly focused on susceptible strains. Here we characterized the transcriptional responses of distinct cephalosporin-resistant bacteria of public health relevance to cefotaxime (CTX), a cephalosporin widely used in clinical practice. Adaptation to therapeutic concentrations of CTX (30 µg/ml) was investigated by RNA sequencing in mid-exponential phase cultures of a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and two genetically diverse E. coli producing CTX-M-15 or CMY-2 β-lactamase following genome sequencing and annotation for each strain. MRSA showed the most notable adaptive changes in the transcriptome after exposure to CTX, mainly associated with cell envelope functions. This reprogramming coincided with a transient reduction in cell growth, which also occurred in the CMY-2-producing E. coli but not in the CTX-M-15-producing strain. Re-establishment of growth in the CMY-2 producer proceeded without any notable adaptive transcriptional response, while limited reprogramming of gene transcription was observed in the CTX-M-15 producer. Our data show that the transcriptional response of CTX-resistant bacteria to CTX depends on the bacterial species, level of resistance and resistance determinant involved. Gene products induced in the presence of CTX may play an essential role for bacterial survival during therapy and merit further investigation as possible targets for potentiating CTX

    Oral Biofilm Architecture on Natural Teeth

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    Periodontitis and caries are infectious diseases of the oral cavity in which oral biofilms play a causative role. Moreover, oral biofilms are widely studied as model systems for bacterial adhesion, biofilm development, and biofilm resistance to antibiotics, due to their widespread presence and accessibility. Despite descriptions of initial plaque formation on the tooth surface, studies on mature plaque and plaque structure below the gum are limited to landmark studies from the 1970s, without appreciating the breadth of microbial diversity in the plaque. We used fluorescent in situ hybridization to localize in vivo the most abundant species from different phyla and species associated with periodontitis on seven embedded teeth obtained from four different subjects. The data showed convincingly the dominance of Actinomyces sp., Tannerella forsythia, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Spirochaetes, and Synergistetes in subgingival plaque. The latter proved to be new with a possibly important role in host-pathogen interaction due to its localization in close proximity to immune cells. The present study identified for the first time in vivo that Lactobacillus sp. are the central cells of bacterial aggregates in subgingival plaque, and that Streptococcus sp. and the yeast Candida albicans form corncob structures in supragingival plaque. Finally, periodontal pathogens colonize already formed biofilms and form microcolonies therein. These in vivo observations on oral biofilms provide a clear vision on biofilm architecture and the spatial distribution of predominant species

    Modulating Activity of Vancomycin and Daptomycin on the Expression of Autolysis Cell-Wall Turnover and Membrane Charge Genes in hVISA and VISA Strains

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    Glycopeptides are still the gold standard to treat MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) infections, but their widespread use has led to vancomycin-reduced susceptibility [heterogeneous Vancomycin-Intermediate-Staphylococcus aureus (hVISA) and Vancomycin-Intermediate-Staphylococcus aureus (VISA)], in which different genetic loci (regulatory, autolytic, cell-wall turnover and cell-envelope positive charge genes) are involved. In addition, reduced susceptibility to vancomycin can influence the development of resistance to daptomycin. Although the phenotypic and molecular changes of hVISA/VISA have been the focus of different papers, the molecular mechanisms responsible for these different phenotypes and for the vancomycin and daptomycin cross-resistance are not clearly understood. The aim of our study was to investigate, by real time RT-PCR, the relative quantitative expression of genes involved in autolysis (atl-lytM), cell-wall turnover (sceD), membrane charges (mprF-dltA) and regulatory mechanisms (agr-locus-graRS-walKR), in hVISA and VISA cultured with or without vancomycin and daptomycin, in order to better understand the molecular basis of vancomycin-reduced susceptibility and the modulating activity of vancomycin and daptomycin on the expression of genes implicated in their reduced susceptibility mechanisms. Our results show that hVISA and VISA present common features that distinguish them from Vancomycin-Susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (VSSA), responsible for the intermediate glycopeptide resistance i.e. an increased cell-wall turnover, an increased positive cell-wall charge responsible for a repulsion mechanism towards vancomycin and daptomycin, and reduced agr-functionality. Indeed, VISA emerges from hVISA when VISA acquires a reduced autolysis caused by a down-regulation of autolysin genes, atl/lytM, and a reduction of the net negative cell-envelope charge via dltA over-expression. Vancomycin and daptomycin, acting in a similar manner in hVISA and VISA, can influence their cross-resistance mechanisms promoting VISA behavior in hVISA and enhancing the cell-wall pathways responsible for the intermediate vancomycin resistance in VISA. Daptomycin can also induce a charge repulsion mechanism both in hVISA and VISA increasing the activity of the mprF

    Combined systems approaches reveal highly plastic responses to antimicrobial peptide challenge in Escherichia coli

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    Obtaining an in-depth understanding of the arms races between peptides comprising the innate immune response and bacterial pathogens is of fundamental interest and will inform the development of new antibacterial therapeutics. We investigated whether a whole organism view of antimicrobial peptide (AMP) challenge on Escherichia coli would provide a suitably sophisticated bacterial perspective on AMP mechanism of action. Selecting structurally and physically related AMPs but with expected differences in bactericidal strategy, we monitored changes in bacterial metabolomes, morphological features and gene expression following AMP challenge at sub-lethal concentrations. For each technique, the vast majority of changes were specific to each AMP, with such a plastic response indicating E. coli is highly capable of discriminating between specific antibiotic challenges. Analysis of the ontological profiles generated from the transcriptomic analyses suggests this approach can accurately predict the antibacterial mode of action, providing a fresh, novel perspective for previous functional and biophysical studies

    Cationic polyelectrolytes: A new look at their possible roles as opsonins, as stimulators of respiratory burst in leukocytes, in bacteriolysis, and as modulators of immune-complex diseases (A review hypothesis)

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/44497/1/10753_2004_Article_BF00915991.pd
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