25 research outputs found

    Inert gas clearance from tissue by co-currently and counter-currently arranged microvessels

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    To elucidate the clearance of dissolved inert gas from tissues, we have developed numerical models of gas transport in a cylindrical block of tissue supplied by one or two capillaries. With two capillaries, attention is given to the effects of co-current and counter-current flow on tissue gas clearance. Clearance by counter-current flow is compared with clearance by a single capillary or by two co-currently arranged capillaries. Effects of the blood velocity, solubility, and diffusivity of the gas in the tissue are investigated using parameters with physiological values. It is found that under the conditions investigated, almost identical clearances are achieved by a single capillary as by a co-current pair when the total flow per tissue volume in each unit is the same (i.e., flow velocity in the single capillary is twice that in each co-current vessel). For both co-current and counter-current arrangements, approximate linear relations exist between the tissue gas clearance rate and tissue blood perfusion rate. However, the counter-current arrangement of capillaries results in less-efficient clearance of the inert gas from tissues. Furthermore, this difference in efficiency increases at higher blood flow rates. At a given blood flow, the simple conduction-capacitance model, which has been used to estimate tissue blood perfusion rate from inert gas clearance, underestimates gas clearance rates predicted by the numerical models for single vessel or for two vessels with co-current flow. This difference is accounted for in discussion, which also considers the choice of parameters and possible effects of microvascular architecture on the interpretation of tissue inert gas clearance

    Monoamine oxidase-dependent endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria dysfunction and mast cell degranulation lead to adverse cardiac remodeling in diabetes.

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    Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors ameliorate contractile function in diabetic animals, but the mechanisms remain unknown. Equally elusive is the interplay between the cardiomyocyte alterations induced by hyperglycemia and the accompanying inflammation. Here we show that exposure of primary cardiomyocytes to high glucose and pro-inflammatory stimuli leads to MAO-dependent increase in reactive oxygen species that causes permeability transition pore opening and mitochondrial dysfunction. These events occur upstream of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and are abolished by the MAO inhibitor pargyline, highlighting the role of these flavoenzymes in the ER/mitochondria cross-talk. In vivo, streptozotocin administration to mice induced oxidative changes and ER stress in the heart, events that were abolished by pargyline. Moreover, MAO inhibition prevented both mast cell degranulation and altered collagen deposition, thereby normalizing diastolic function. Taken together, these results elucidate the mechanisms underlying MAO-induced damage in diabetic cardiomyopathy and provide novel evidence for the role of MAOs in inflammation and inter-organelle communication. MAO inhibitors may be considered as a therapeutic option for diabetic complications as well as for other disorders in which mast cell degranulation is a dominant phenomenon

    Modeling convergent ON and OFF pathways in the early visual system

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    For understanding the computation and function of single neurons in sensory systems, one needs to investigate how sensory stimuli are related to a neuron’s response and which biological mechanisms underlie this relationship. Mathematical models of the stimulus–response relationship have proved very useful in approaching these issues in a systematic, quantitative way. A starting point for many such analyses has been provided by phenomenological “linear–nonlinear” (LN) models, which comprise a linear filter followed by a static nonlinear transformation. The linear filter is often associated with the neuron’s receptive field. However, the structure of the receptive field is generally a result of inputs from many presynaptic neurons, which may form parallel signal processing pathways. In the retina, for example, certain ganglion cells receive excitatory inputs from ON-type as well as OFF-type bipolar cells. Recent experiments have shown that the convergence of these pathways leads to intriguing response characteristics that cannot be captured by a single linear filter. One approach to adjust the LN model to the biological circuit structure is to use multiple parallel filters that capture ON and OFF bipolar inputs. Here, we review these new developments in modeling neuronal responses in the early visual system and provide details about one particular technique for obtaining the required sets of parallel filters from experimental data

    Feedforward and recurrent inhibitory receptive fields of principal cells in the cat’s dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus

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    Principal cells in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus receive both feedforward and recurrent inhibition. Despite many years of study, the receptive field structure of these inhibitory mechanisms has not been determined. Here, we have used intracellular recordings in vivo to differentiate between the two types of inhibition and map their respective receptive fields. The feedforward inhibition of a principal cell originates from the same type of retinal ganglion cells as its excitation, while the recurrent inhibition is provided by both on- and off-centre cells. Both inhibitory effects are strongest at the centre of the excitatory receptive field. The diameter of the feedforward inhibitory field is two times larger, and the recurrent two to four times larger than the excitatory field centre. The inhibitory circuitry is similar for X and Y principal cells

    Elinsiirron saaneen nuoren siirtyminen lasten ja nuorten hoitotyöstä aikuisten terveyspalveluiden käyttäjäksi

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    Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena on kuvata saumaton, hoitoon sitoutumista tukeva hoitopolku nuoren elinsiirtopotilaan siirtyessä lasten ja nuorten hoitotyöstä aikuisten terveyspalvelujen käyttäjäksi. Työmme on osa lasten ja nuorten hoitotyön osaamisen tulevaisuuden hanketta. Hankkeen tarkoituksena on uusien toimintakäytäntöjen luominen, verkostomaisen työskentelyn vahvistaminen, sekä saumattomien hoitopolkujen kehittäminen. Hankkeessa yhteistyökumppaneina ovat HYKS Naisten- ja lastentautien tulosyksikkö, Metropolia ammattikorkeakoulun Hoitotyön koulutusohjelma ja Tampereen yliopiston Hoitotieteen laitos. Työssämme keskitymme potilaan siirtymävaiheen solmukohtiin, kuvaamme nykyisen hoitopolun ja pyrimme löytämään näkökulmia sekä toimintamalleja, jotka antaisivat nuorelle, hänen perheelleen sekä hoitoyksikölle valmiuksia siirtymisprosessin vaiheisiin. Työssämme keskitymme nuorten kehittymishaasteisiin ja pyrimme kartoittamaan nuorten hoitomyönteisyyttä ja vastaanottavaisuutta edistäviä keinoja ja välineitä. Opinnäytetyömme aihe on uusi hoitotieteellisen tutkimuksen kohde ja löytämämme materiaali on luonteeltaan täsmällistä, tuoretta ja vastaa hyvin työmme edistymisen vaateisiin. Käytimme työssämme kvantitatiivista tutkimusmenetelmää. Tutkimustyön tarve sekä prosessin kehittäminen potilaan tarpeita vastaavaksi tällä hoitotyön saralla on erittäin tärkeää. Kansainvälisesti siirtymisessä koetaan haastavimmaksi prosessin alkamisen äkillisyys, riittämätön tiedonkulku lasten ja aikuisten puolen välillä ja tätä kautta hoidon jatkuvuuden kankeus. Toisin sanoen siirtymiseen valmistavien toimintojen aikaistaminen, kirjallinen informaatio ja sujuvampi yhteistyö palveluiden tarjoajien välillä, ovat suurimmat kehittymishaasteet