27 research outputs found

    Bubble Formation: A Bibliography

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    Bubble phenomena have been given a new meaning with their study in relation to the kinetic behavior of reactors. Prior to their study in relation to physics, the bulk of work on bubble phenomena concerned naval engineering problems of behavior in cavitation and water entry behavior. This bibliography is intended to fill the need of the reactor physicist as well as the naval engineer. An attempt has been made to include all available references on bubble phenomena and associated effects. A subject index has been purposely omitted. It is felt that the breakdown in content headings is sufficient to ascertain areas of interest. There will be overlapping of headings and to find all possible entries, a search through the headings may be desirable. To increase the usefulness of this bibliography the location of an abstract has been cited wherever possible following the reference. Classified reports are included; however, their titles contain no classified information. Sources used in compiling this bibliography are: Chemical Abstracts, Industrial Arts Index, Applied Mechanics Review, Nuclear Science Abstracts, the AEC Abstracts of Classified Literature, the AEC card catalogs available at Atomics International, and the bibliographic services of Armed Services Technical Information agency. (auth

    Interlaboratory reaction rate program. 12th progress report, November 1976-October 1979

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    The Interlaboratory Reaction Rate UILRR) program is establishing the capability to accurately measure neutron-induced reactions and reaction rates for reactor fuels and materials development programs. The goal for the principal fission reactions, /sup 235/U, /sup 238/U and /sup 239/Pu, is an accuracy to within +- 5% at the 95% confidence level. Accurate measurement of other fission and nonfission reactions is also required, but to a lesser accuracy, between +- 5% and 10% at the 95% confidence level. A secondary program objective is improvement in knowledge of the nuclear parameters involved in the standarization of fuels and materials dosimetry measurements of neutron flux, spectra, fluence and burnup

    Spent thermal reactor fuel assembly characterization with solid state tract recorders

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    A scoping experiment to characterize the neutron field generated from a Light Water Reactor spent fuel assembly has been successfully completed. Solid State Track Recorder (SSTR) neutron dosimeters were exposed at the surface of a spent fuel assembly from a Pressurized Water Reactor. Acceptable track densities were obtained. From these SSTR neutron dosimetry measurements, an absolute neutron flux of about 8 x 10/sup 3/ n/cm/sup 2/ sec was determined at the surface of the spent fuel assembly deduced neutron energy flux, with a mean neutron energy of about 1.3 MeV, is intimately dependent upon the actinide content of the spent fuel

    Solid-state track recorder neutron dosimetry in the Three-Mile Island Unit-2 reactor cavity

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    Solid-state track recorder (SSTR) neutron dosimetry has been conducted in the Three-Mile Island Unit (TMI-2) reactor cavity (i.e., the annular gap between the pressure vessel and the biological shield) for nondestructive assessment of the fuel distribution. Two axial stringers were deployed in the annular gap with 17 SSTR dosimeters located on each stringer. SSTR experimental results reveal that neutron streaming, upward from the bottom of the reactor cavity region, dominates the observed neutron intensity. These absolute thermal neutron flux observations are consistent with the presence of a significant amount of fuel debris lying at the bottom of the reactor vessel. A conservative lower bound estimated from these SSTR data implies that there are at least 2 tonnes of fuel, which is roughly 4 fuel assemblies, at the bottom of the vessel. The existence of significant neutron streaming also explains the high count rate observed with the source range monitors (SRMs) that are located in the TMI-2 reactor cavity