26,446 research outputs found

    Exchange Field-Mediated Magnetoresistance in the Correlated Insulator Phase of Be Films

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    We present a study of the proximity effect between a ferromagnet and a paramagnetic metal of varying disorder. Thin beryllium films are deposited onto a 5 nm-thick layer of the ferromagnetic insulator EuS. This bilayer arrangement induces an exchange field, HexH_{ex}, of a few tesla in low resistance Be films with sheet resistance RRQR\ll R_Q, where RQ=h/e2R_Q=h/e^2 is the quantum resistance. We show that HexH_{ex} survives in very high resistance films and, in fact, appears to be relatively insensitive to the Be disorder. We exploit this fact to produce a giant low-field magnetoresistance in the correlated insulator phase of Be films with RRQR\gg R_Q.Comment: To be published in Physical Review Letter

    Emergence of intrinsic superconductivity below 1.178 K in the topologically non-trivial semimetal state of CaSn3

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    Topological materials which are also superconducting are of great current interest, since they may exhibit a non-trivial topologically-mediated superconducting phase. Although there have been many reports of pressure-tuned or chemical-doping-induced superconductivity in a variety of topological materials, there have been few examples of intrinsic, ambient pressure superconductivity in a topological system having a stoichiometric composition. Here, we report that the pure intermetallic CaSn3 not only exhibits topological fermion properties but also has a superconducting phase at 1.178 K under ambient pressure. The topological fermion properties, including the nearly zero quasi-particle mass and the non-trivial Berry phase accumulated in cyclotron motions, were revealed from the de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) quantum oscillation studies of this material. Although CaSn3 was previously reported to be superconducting at 4.2K, our studies show that the superconductivity at 4.2K is extrinsic and caused by Sn on the degraded surface, whereas its intrinsic bulk superconducting transition occurs at 1.178 K. These findings make CaSn3 a promising candidate for exploring new exotic states arising from the interplay between non-trivial band topology and superconductivity, e.g. topological superconductivityComment: 20 pages,4 figure

    Low Temperature Susceptibility of the Noncentrosymmetric Superconductor CePt_3Si

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    We report ac susceptibility measurements of polycrystalline CePt_3Si down to 60 mK and in applied fields up to 9 T. In zero field, a full Meissner state emerges at temperatures T/Tc < 0.3, where Tc=0.65 K is the onset transition temperature. Though transport measurements show a relatively high upper critical field Bc2 ~ 4-5 T, the low temperature susceptibility, \chi', is quite fragile to applied field, with \chi' diminishing rapidly in fields of a few kG. Interestingly, the field dependence of \chi' is well described by the power law, 4\pi\chi'=(B/B_c)^{1/2}, where Bc is the field at which the onset of resistance is observed in transport measurements.Comment: 5 figure

    Mystery of Excess Low Energy States in a Disordered Superconductor in a Zeeman Field

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    Tunneling density of states measurements of disordered superconducting (SC) Al films in high Zeeman fields reveal a significant population of subgap states which cannot be explained by standard BCS theory. We provide a natural explanation of these excess states in terms of a novel disordered Larkin-Ovchinnikov (dLO) phase that occurs near the spin-paramagnetic transition at the Chandrasekhar-Clogston critical field. The dLO superconductor is characterized by a pairing amplitude that changes sign at domain walls. These domain walls carry magnetization and support Andreev bound states, which lead to distinct spectral signatures at low energy.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, plus supplementary section describing methods (2 pages

    Intrinsic electron glassiness in strongly localized Be films

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    We present results of out-of-equilibrium transport measurements made on strongly localized Beryllium films and demonstrate that these films exhibit all the earmarks of intrinsic electron glasses. These include slow (logarithmic) relaxation, memory effects, and more importantly, the observation of a memory dip that has a characteristic width compatible with the carrier concentration of beryllium. The latter is an empirical signature of the electron glass. Comparing various nonequilibrium attributes of the beryllium films with other systems that exhibit intrinsic electron-glasses behavior reveals that high carrier concentration is their only common feature rather than the specifics of the disorder that rendered them insulating. It is suggested that this should be taken as an important hint for any theory that attempts to account for the surprisingly slow relaxation times observed in these systems. © 2010 The American Physical Society

    Saturation of the anomalous hall effect in critically disordered ultrathin CNi3 films

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    We demonstrate that a distinct high-disorder anomalous Hall effect phase emerges at the correlated insulator threshold of ultrathin, amorphous, ferromagnetic CNi3 films. In the weak-localization regime, where the sheet conductance G e2/h, the anomalous Hall resistance of the films increases with increasing disorder and the Hall conductance scales as Gxy Gφ with φ=1.6. However, at sufficiently high disorder the system begins to enter the 2D correlated insulator regime, at which point the Hall resistance Rxy abruptly saturates and the scaling exponent becomes φ=2. Tunneling measurements show that the saturation behavior is commensurate with the emergence of the 2D Coulomb gap, suggesting that e-e interactions mediate the high-disorder phase. © 2010 The American Physical Society