1,254 research outputs found

    Observations and characterizations of non-linear internal waves on the Mid-Atlantic Bight continental shelf

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    During the summer of 1995, an intensive, joint field study called Shallow Water Acoustics in a Random Medium (SWARM 95) was conducted by the Naval Research Laboratories (NRL), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), University of Delaware (UD), Applied Physics Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University (APL/JHU) and Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), among others, in the Mid-Atlantic Bight continental shelf region off the coast of New Jersey. Environmental and acoustic sensors were deployed as part of SWARM '95 to measure and characterize the non-linear internal waves and their impact on the spatial and temporal coherence of the acoustic transmissions. As part of the environmental monitoring network, two bottom-moored, upward looking Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) were deployed. A modal, time-series analysis of the data captured by the two ADCPs was performed. Highlights of the results reveal that: the generation mechanism, in this case, is consistent with the lee- wave hypothesis of generation; the phase speed is in good agreement with predicted phase speeds of the first baroclinic mode; and, the displacement power spectral density is significantly modified when soliton wavepackets are present.http://archive.org/details/observationschar00taubLieutenant Commander, United States Nav

    Glibenclamide Induces Collagen IV Catabolism in High Glucose-Stimulated Mesangial Cells

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    We have shown the full prevention of mesangial expansion in insulin-deficient diabetic rats by treatment with clinically-relevant dosages of glibenclamide (Glib). Studies in mesangial cells (MCs) also demonstrated reduction in the high glucose (HG)-induced accumulation of collagens, proposing that this was due to increased catabolism. In the present study, we investigated the signaling pathways that may be implicated in Glib action. Rat primary MCs were exposed to HG for 8 weeks with or without Glib in therapeutic (0.01 μM) or supratherapeutic (1.0 μM) concentrations. We found that HG increased collagen IV protein accumulation and PAI-1 mRNA and protein expression, in association with decreased cAMP generating capacity and decreased PKA activity. Low Glib increased collagen IV mRNA but fully prevented collagen IV protein accumulation and PAI-1 overexpression while enhancing cAMP formation and PKA activity. MMP2 mRNA, protein expression and gelatinolytic activity were also enhanced. High Glib was, overall, ineffective. In conclusion, low dosage/concentration Glib prevents HG-induced collagen accumulation in MC by enhancing collagen catabolism in a cAMP-PKA-mediated PAI-1 inhibition

    Glibenclamide prevents increased extracellular matrix formation induced by high glucose concentration in mesangial cells

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    Other than stimulation of cell contractility, little is known about the potential metabolic effects induced by sulfonylureas, independently of insulin action. Previous studies from our laboratory demonstrated complete abrogation of glomerulosclerosis in an experimental model of type 1 diabetes chronically (9 mo) treated with low-dose sulfonylureas (Biederman JI, Vera E, Pankhaniya R, Hassett C, Giannico G, Yee J, Cortes P. Kidney Int 67: 554-565, 2005). Therefore, the effects of glibenclamide (Glib) on net collagen I, collagen IV, and fibronectin medium net secretion and cell layer collagen I deposition were investigated in mesangial cells continuously exposed to 25 mM glucose for 8 wk and treated with predetermined increasing concentrations of Glib for the same period. Clinically relevant concentrations (0.01 μM) of Glib fully suppressed the high glucose-enhanced accumulation of collagen I, collagen IV, and fibronectin in the medium and inhibited collagen I deposition in the cell layer. These effects occurred while transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 medium concentration remained elevated and glucose uptake was increased to levels above those in 25 mM glucose-incubated cultures. The decreased collagen I accumulation occurred simultaneously with enhanced collagen I mRNA expression in concert with marked suppression of plasminogen inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) mRNA and protein expression. This strongly suggests an accelerated matrix turnover favoring breakdown. Glib-induced effects demonstrated a biphasic pattern, being absent or reversed in cells treated with higher Glib concentrations (0.1 or 1 μM). Therefore, chronic Glib treatment at low concentrations markedly diminishes the high glucose-induced enhanced accumulation of extracellular matrix components by suppression of steady-state PAI-1 transcriptional activity. These results and those previously reported in vivo suggest that long-term Glib treatment may prevent glomerulosclerosis in insulin-deficient diabetes. Copyright © 2007 the American Physiological Society

    Hippocampal Place Cell Instability after Lesions of the Head Direction Cell Network

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    The occurrence of cells that encode spatial location (place cells) or head direction (HD cells) in the rat limbic system suggests that these cell types are important for spatial navigation. We sought to determine whether place fields of hippocampal CA1 place cells would be altered in animals receiving lesions of brain areas containing HD cells. Rats received bilateral lesions of anterodorsal thalamic nuclei (ADN), postsubiculum (PoS), or sham lesions, before place cell recording. Although place cells from lesioned animals did not differ from controls on many place-field characteristics, such as place-field size and infield firing rate, the signal was significantly degraded with respect to measures of outfield firing rate, spatial coherence, and information content. Surprisingly, place cells from lesioned animals were more likely modulated by the directional heading of the animal. Rotation of the landmark cue showed that place fields from PoS-lesioned animals were not controlled by the cue and shifted unpredictably between sessions. Although fields from ADN-lesioned animals tended to have less landmark control than fields from control animals, this impairment was mild compared with cells recorded from PoS-lesioned animals. Removal of the prominent visual cue also led to instability of place-field representations in PoS-lesioned, but not ADN-lesioned, animals. Together, these findings suggest that an intact HD system is not necessary for the maintenance of place fields, but lesions of brain areas that convey the HD signal can degrade this signal, and lesions of the PoS might lead to perceptual or mnemonic deficits, leading to place-field instability between sessions