26,055 research outputs found

    Design of a Multi-Moon Orbiter

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    The Multi-Moon Orbiter concept is introduced, wherein a single spacecraft orbits several moons of Jupiter, allowing long duration observations. The ΔV requirements for this mission can be low if ballistic captures and resonant gravity assists by Jupiter’s moons are used. For example, using only 22 m/s, a spacecraft initially injected in a jovian orbit can be directed into a capture orbit around Europa, orbiting both Callisto and Ganymede enroute. The time of flight for this preliminary trajectory is four years, but may be reduced by striking a compromise between fuel and time optimization during the inter-moon transfer phases

    Application of dynamical systems theory to a very low energy transfer

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    We use lobe dynamics in the restricted three-body problem to design orbits with prescribed itineraries with respect to the resonance regions within a Hill’s region. The application we envision is the design of a low energy trajectory to orbit three of Jupiter’s moons using the patched three-body approximation (P3BA). We introduce the “switching region,” the P3BA analogue to the “sphere of influence.” Numerical results are given for the problem of finding the fastest trajectory from an initial region of phase space (escape orbits from moon A) to a target region (orbits captured by moon B) using small controls

    Numerical methods for analyzing electromagnetic scattering

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    The wave propagation inside a cylindrical waveguide, coated with lossy dielectric material due to the incidence of a plane wave at the open end of the guide, was studied. The general properties of the normal mode propagation were investigated

    ab initio Electronic Transport Model with Explicit Solution to the Linearized Boltzmann Transport Equation

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    Accurate models of carrier transport are essential for describing the electronic properties of semiconductor materials. To the best of our knowledge, the current models following the framework of the Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) either rely heavily on experimental data (i.e., semi-empirical), or utilize simplifying assumptions, such as the constant relaxation time approximation (BTE-cRTA). While these models offer valuable physical insights and accurate calculations of transport properties in some cases, they often lack sufficient accuracy -- particularly in capturing the correct trends with temperature and carrier concentration. We present here a general transport model for calculating low-field electrical drift mobility and Seebeck coefficient of n-type semiconductors, by explicitly considering all relevant physical phenomena (i.e. elastic and inelastic scattering mechanisms). We first rewrite expressions for the rates of elastic scattering mechanisms, in terms of ab initio properties, such as the band structure, density of states, and polar optical phonon frequency. We then solve the linear BTE to obtain the perturbation to the electron distribution -- resulting from the dominant scattering mechanisms -- and use this to calculate the overall mobility and Seebeck coefficient. Using our model, we accurately calculate electrical transport properties of the compound n-type semiconductors, GaAs and InN, over various ranges of temperature and carrier concentration. Our fully predictive model provides high accuracy when compared to experimental measurements on both GaAs and InN, and vastly outperforms both semi-empirical models and the BTE-cRTA. Therefore, we assert that this approach represents a first step towards a fully ab initio carrier transport model that is valid in all compound semiconductors

    Finite and infinite h-plane bifurcation of waveguide with anisotropic plasma medium

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    H-plane bifurcation in parallel plate waveguide filled with homogeneous, anisotropic, and temperate plasm

    Invariant Manifolds, the Spatial Three-Body Problem and Space Mission Design

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    The invariant manifold structures of the collinear libration points for the spatial restricted three-body problem provide the framework for understanding complex dynamical phenomena from a geometric point of view. In particular, the stable and unstable invariant manifold \tubes" associated to libration point orbits are the phase space structures that provide a conduit for orbits between primary bodies for separate three-body systems. These invariant manifold tubes can be used to construct new spacecraft trajectories, such as a \Petit Grand Tour" of the moons of Jupiter. Previous work focused on the planar circular restricted three-body problem. The current work extends the results to the spatial case

    Numerical methods for analyzing electromagnetic scattering

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    Numerical methods to analyze electromagnetic scattering are presented. The dispersions and attenuations of the normal modes in a circular waveguide coated with lossy material were completely analyzed. The radar cross section (RCS) from a circular waveguide coated with lossy material was calculated. The following is observed: (1) the interior irradiation contributes to the RCS much more than does the rim diffraction; (2) at low frequency, the RCS from the circular waveguide terminated by a perfect electric conductor (PEC) can be reduced more than 13 dB down with a coating thickness less than 1% of the radius using the best lossy material available in a 6 radius-long cylinder; (3) at high frequency, a modal separation between the highly attenuated and the lowly attenuated modes is evident if the coating material is too lossy, however, a large RCS reduction can be achieved for a small incident angle with a thin layer of coating. It is found that the waveguide coated with a lossy magnetic material can be used as a substitute for a corrugated waveguide to produce a circularly polarized radiation yield

    Numerical methods for analyzing electromagnetic scattering

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    Attenuation properties of the normal modes in an overmoded waveguide coated with a lossy material were analyzed. It is found that the low-order modes, can be significantly attenuated even with a thin layer of coating if the coating material is not too lossy. A thinner layer of coating is required for large attenuation of the low-order modes if the coating material is magnetic rather than dielectric. The Radar Cross Section (RCS) from an uncoated circular guide terminated by a perfect electric conductor was calculated and compared with available experimental data. It is confirmed that the interior irradiation contributes to the RCS. The equivalent-current method based on the geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD) was chosen for the calculation of the contribution from the rim diffraction. The RCS reduction from a coated circular guide terminated by a PEC are planned schemes for the experiments are included. The waveguide coated with a lossy magnetic material is suggested as a substitute for the corrugated waveguide

    Wave attenuation and mode dispersion in a waveguide coated with lossy dielectric material

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    The modal attenuation constants in a cylindrical waveguide coated with a lossy dielectric material are studied as functions of frequency, dielectric constant, and thickness of the dielectric layer. A dielectric material best suited for a large attenuation is suggested. Using Kirchhoff's approximation, the field attenuation in a coated waveguide which is illuminated by a normally incident plane wave is also studied. For a circular guide which has a diameter of two wavelengths and is coated with a thin lossy dielectric layer (omega sub r = 9.1 - j2.3, thickness = 3% of the radius), a 3 dB attenuation is achieved within 16 diameters

    Constructing a Low Energy Transfer Between Jovian Moons

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    There has recently been considerable interest in sending a spacecraft to orbit Europa, the smallest of the four Galilean moons of Jupiter. The trajectory design involved in effecting a capture by Europa presents formidable challenges to traditional conic analysis since the regimes of motion involved depend heavily on three-body dynamics. New three-body perspectives are required to design successful and efficient missions which take full advantage of the natural dynamics. Not only does a three-body approach provide low-fuel trajectories, but it also increases the flexibility and versatility of missions. We apply this approach to design a new mission concept wherein a spacecraft "leap-frogs" between moons, orbiting each for a desired duration in a temporary capture orbit. We call this concept the "Petit Grand Tour." For this application, we apply dynamical systems techniques developed in a previous paper to design a Europa capture orbit. We show how it is possible, using a gravitional boost from Ganymede, to go from a jovicentric orbit beyond the orbit of Ganymede to a ballistic capture orbit around Europa. The main new technical result is the employment of dynamical channels in the phase space - tubes in the energy surface which naturally link the vicinity of Ganymede to the vicinity of Europa. The transfer V necessary to jump from one moon to another is less than half that required by a standard Hohmann transfer