1,570 research outputs found

    On the Explosion Mechanism of SNe Type Ia

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    In this article we discuss the first simulations of two- and three-dimensional Type Ia supernovae with an improved hydrodynamics code. After describing the various enhancements, the obtained results are compared to those of earlier code versions, observational data and the findings of other researchers in this field.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Type Ia Supernova Explosion Models: Homogeneity versus Diversity

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    Type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) are generally believed to be the result of the thermonuclear disruption of Chandrasekhar-mass carbon-oxygen white dwarfs, mainly because such thermonuclear explosions can account for the right amount of Ni-56, which is needed to explain the light curves and the late-time spectra, and the abundances of intermediate-mass nuclei which dominate the spectra near maximum light. Because of their enormous brightness and apparent homogeneity SN Ia have become an important tool to measure cosmological parameters. In this article the present understanding of the physics of thermonuclear explosions is reviewed. In particular, we focus our attention on subsonic (``deflagration'') fronts, i.e. we investigate fronts propagating by heat diffusion and convection rather than by compression. Models based upon this mode of nuclear burning have been applied very successfully to the SN Ia problem, and are able to reproduce many of their observed features remarkably well. However, the models also indicate that SN Ia may differ considerably from each other, which is of importance if they are to be used as standard candles.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Proc. 10th Ann. Astrophys. Conf. "Cosmic Explosions", Univ. of Maryland 1999, eds. S.S. Holt and W.W. Zhan

    SellulĂŞre biomerkerresponse as maatstaf van gevoeligheid van klipmossels (Mollusca) vir kadmiumbesoedeling

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    The original publication is available at http://www.satnt.ac.za/Die bioakkumulasie van kadmium in tussengetyspesies kan stres veroorsaak wat op sellulêre vlak meetbaar is. Verskeie klipmosselspesies kom volop op rotse aan die Suid-Afrikaanse kuslyn voor en kan moontlik vir ekotokiskologiese monitering gebruik word. Die oogmerk van die studie was om sensitiwiteitsdata te verkry wat kan bydrae tot die kies van ’n geskikte spesie vir monitering en die uiteindelike daarstelling van ’n model vir spesie sensitiwiteitsverspreiding (SSV) wat ’n biomerkerrespons as eindpunt gebruik. Die klipmossels Cymbula oculus, Scutellastra longicosta, Cymbula granatina en Scutellastra granularis en watermonsters is in Valsbaai versamel. Analises van kadmium in water en biologiese monsters is met behulp van atoomabsorpsiespektrofotometrie uitgevoer. Blootstellings van organismes aan subletale vlakke van kadmium is uitgevoer in statiese vloeitenks oor ’n periode van drie dae. Daar was ’n matige toename in liggaamskonsentrasies van kadmium oor tyd. Resultate wat by drie blootstellingskonsentrasies gekry is, het geen betekenisvolle verskille in metaalkonsentrasies tussen die verskillende C. oculus monsters uitgewys nie. Betekenisvolle verskille tussen die kontrole en die blootstellingsgroepe vir elke individuele blootstellingstyd is vir die spesie verkry behalwe tussen die kontrole en die 1mg/L CdCl2 blootstellingsgroep na 24 en 72 uur van blootstelling. Cd liggaamskonsentrasies (sagteweefsel) het tussen 4.56 en 21.41μg/g (nat massa) gevarieer. Gemiddelde Cd konsentrasies in sagteweefsel van S. longicosta was aansienlik laer (variërend tussen 1.18 en 19.58 μg/g Cd ) as in weefsel van C. oculus. Die kontrolegroep van hierdie spesie het betekenisvol verskil van die 0.8 en 1 mg/L CdCl2 blootstellings na 48 en 72 uur. Gemiddelde Cd liggaamskonsentrasies in S. granularis was die hoogste van al die blootgestelde spesies en het ’n vlak van 148 μg/g Cd by die hoogste blootstellingskonsentrasie bereik en het betekenisvol verskil van die ander monsters se gemiddeldes met die uitsondering van die 0.8 mg/ L CdCl2 blootstellingsgroep by 72 uur en die 1 mg/L CdCl2 groep by 24 uur. Betekenisvolle verskille is ook verkry vir die liggaamskonsentrasies van Cd van C. granatina tussen die drie verskillende blootstellingskonsentrasies en drie blootstellingstye. Integriteit van lisosoommembrane is bepaal met behulp van die neutraalrooi retensiemetode. Drie van die vier spesies het ’n betekenisvolle afname in retentsietye getoon met ’n toename in Cd konsentrasie. Tussenspesieverskille in gevoelighede vir omgewingsrelevante kadmiumkonsentrasies is deur die biomerkerresponse uitgewys. Gebaseer op die verlaging in NRR tye, is die volgorde van relatiewe gevoeligheid vir kadmium as volg: S. granularis > C. oculus> S. longicosta.> C. granatina.Publishers' Versio

    Full-star Type Ia supernova explosion models

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    We present full-star simulations of Type Ia supernova explosions on the basis of the standard Chandrasekhar-mass deflagration model. Most simulations so far considered only one spatial octant and assumed mirror symmetry to the other octants. Two full-star models are evolved to homologous expansion and compared with previous single-octant simulations. Therefrom we analyze the effect of abolishing the artificial symmetry constraint on the evolution of the flame surface. It turns out that the development of asymmetries depends on the chosen initial flame configuration. Such asymmetries of the explosion process could possibly contribute to the observed polarization of some Type Ia supernova spectra.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, resolution of some figures reduced to meet astro-ph file size restriction, submitted to A&

    A new model for deflagration fronts in reactive fluids

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    We present a new way of modeling deflagration fronts in reactive fluids, the main emphasis being on turbulent thermonuclear deflagration fronts in white dwarfs undergoing a Type Ia supernova explosion. Our approach is based on a level set method which treats the front as a mathematical discontinuity and allows full coupling between the front geometry and the flow field. With only minor modifications, this method can also be applied to describe contact discontinuities. Two different implementations are described and their physically correct behaviour for simple testcases is shown. First results of the method applied to the concrete problems of Type Ia supernovae and chemical hydrogen combustion are briefly discussed; a more extensive analysis of our astrophysical simulations is given in (Reinecke et al. 1998, MPA Green Report 1122b).Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, accepted by A&A, corrected and extended according to referee's comment

    Nucleosynthesis in multi-dimensional SNIa explosions

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    We present the results of nucleosynthesis calculations based on multidimensional (2D and 3D) hydrodynamical simulations of the thermonuclear burning phase in SNIa. The detailed nucleosynthetic yields of our explosion models are calculated by post-processing the ejecta, using passively advected tracer particles. The nuclear reaction network employed in computing the explosive nucleosynthesis contains 383 nuclear species. We analyzed two different choices of ignition conditions (centrally ignited, in which the spherical initial flame geometry is perturbated with toroidal rings, and bubbles, in which multi-point ignition conditions are simulated). We show that unburned C and O varies typically from ~40% to ~50% of the total ejected material.The main differences between all our models and standard 1D computations are, besides the higher mass fraction of unburned C and O, the C/O ratio (in our case is typically a factor of 2.5 higher than in 1D computations), and somewhat lower abundances of certain intermediate mass nuclei such as S, Cl, Ar, K, and Ca, and of 56Ni. Because explosive C and O burning may produce the iron-group elements and their isotopes in rather different proportions one can get different 56Ni-fractions (and thus supernova luminosities) without changing the kinetic energy of the explosion. Finally, we show that we need the high resolution multi-point ignition (bubbles) model to burn most of the material in the center (demonstrating that high resolution coupled with a large number of ignition spots is crucial to get rid of unburned material in a pure deflagration SNIa model).Comment: Accepted for A&A, 14 pages, 11 Figures, 2 Table

    Three-dimensional simulations of type Ia supernovae

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    We present the results of three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of the subsonic thermonuclear burning phase in type Ia supernovae. The burning front model contains no adjustable parameters so that variations of the explosion outcome can be linked directly to changes in the initial conditions. In particular, we investigate the influence of the initial flame geometry on the explosion energy and find that it appears to be weaker than in 2D. Most importantly, our models predict global properties such as the produced nickel masses and ejecta velocities within their observed ranges without any fine tuning.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted by A&
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