24 research outputs found

    Phenolics, depsides and triterpenes from the chilean lichen pseudocyphellaria nudata (zahlbr.) D.J. Galloway

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    Indexación: ScieloThe lichen Pseudocyphellaria nudata is a species endemic to southern South América. From the lichen tallus, methyl orsellinate, 2-methoxy-3,6-dimethyl-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde, methyl-evernate, tenuiorin, hopan-6ß,22-diol and hopan-6α,76,22-triol were isolated and identified as the main lichen constituents. This is the first report of the occurrence of 2-methoxy-3,6-dimethyl-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde in lichens.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=s0717-97072008000300017&nrm=is


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    Lichen’s Adaptation to Altitude

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    Studies on Chilean Lichens, XII. Chemotaxonomy of the Genus Psoroma

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    Exogenous and endogenous conditions determining the accurnulation level of usnic acid in lichens

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    En poblaciones de Protousnea malacea (Stirt) Krog, liquen fruticuloso que crece en diferentes habitats, se estudiaron los niveles de acumulación de ácido úsnico -metabolito con propiedades antimicrobianas- en relación a factores ambientales y a la edad de los teiidos. El ácido úsnico se cuantificó mediante HPTLC. Las concentraciones variaron sinificativamente en individuos provenientes " de distintos sitios forestales; al interior de los talos se observó un gradiente de concentración creciente desde los sectores de mayor edad a las ramificaciones más jóvenes.Using single populations of Protousnea malacea (Stirt) Krog, a fruticose lichen growing in different habitats, the study of the accumulation levels of usnic acid -a metabolite with antimicrobial properties- was undertaken. Environmental conditions and tissues age were considered in this research. The quantitative determination of usnic acid was done by HPTLC. The concentration values varied from different forestry sites; the content of usnic acid was much higher in young branchlets than in the old parts of the thallus.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire