49 research outputs found

    The role of long waves in the stability of the plane wake

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    This work is directed towards investigating the fate of three-dimensional long perturbation waves in a plane incompressible wake. The analysis is posed as an initial-value problem in space. More specifically, input is made at an initial location in the downstream direction and then tracing the resulting behavior further downstream subject to the restriction of finite kinetic energy. This presentation follows the outline given by Criminale and Drazin [Stud. in Applied Math. \textbf{83}, 123 (1990)] that describes the system in terms of perturbation vorticity and velocity. The analysis is based on large scale waves and expansions using multi scales and multi times for the partial differential equations. The multiscaling is based on an approach where the small parameter is linked to the perturbation property independently from the flow control parameter. Solutions of the perturbative equations are determined numerically after the introduction of a regular perturbation scheme analytically deduced up to the second order. Numerically, the complete linear system is also integrated. Since the results relevant to the complete problem are in very good agreement with the results of the first order analysis, the numerical solution at the second order was deemed not necessary. The use for an arbitrary initial-value problem will be shown to contain a wealth of information for the different transient behaviors associated to the symmetry, angle of obliquity and spatial decay of the long waves. The amplification factor of transversal perturbations never presents the trend - a growth followed by a long damping - usually seen in waves with wavenumber of order one or less. Asymptotical instability is always observed.Comment: accepted Physical Review E, March 201

    Towards enhancing and delaying disturbances in free shear flows

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    The family of shear flows comprising the jet, wake, and the mixing layer are subjected to perturbations in an inviscid incompressible fluid. By modeling the basic mean flows as parallel with piecewise linear variations for the velocities, complete and general solutions to the linearized equations of motion can be obtained in closed form as functions of all space variables and time when posed as an initial value problem. The results show that there is a continuous as well as the discrete spectrum that is more familiar in stability theory and therefore there can be both algebraic and exponential growth of disturbances in time. These bases make it feasible to consider control of such flows. To this end, the possibility of enhancing the disturbances in the mixing layer and delaying the onset in the jet and wake is investigated. It is found that growth of perturbations can be delayed to a considerable degree for the jet and the wake but, by comparison, cannot be enhanced in the mixing layer. By using moving coordinates, a method for demonstrating the predominant early and long time behavior of disturbances in these flows is given for continuous velocity profiles. It is shown that the early time transients are always algebraic whereas the asymptotic limit is that of an exponential normal mode. Numerical treatment of the new governing equations confirm the conclusions reached by use of the piecewise linear basic models. Although not pursued here, feedback mechanisms designed for control of the flow could be devised using the results of this work

    Linear waves in sheared flows. Lower bound of the vorticity growth and propagation discontinuities in the parameters space

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    This study provides sufficient conditions for the temporal monotonic decay of enstrophy for two-dimensional perturbations traveling in the incompressible, viscous, plane Poiseuille and Couette flows. Extension of J. L. Synge's procedure (1938) to the initial-value problem allowed us to find the region of the wavenumber-Reynolds number map where the enstrophy of any initial disturbance cannot grow. This region is wider than the kinetic energy's one. We also show that the parameters space is split in two regions with clearly distinct propagation and dispersion properties

    Flow non-normality-induced transient growth in superposed Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid layers

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    In recent years non-normality and transient growths have attracted much interest in fluid mechanics. Here, we investigate these topics with reference to the problem of interfacial instability in superposed Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid layers. Under the hypothesis of the lubrication theory, we demonstrate the existence of significant transient growths in the parameter space region where the dynamical system is asymptotically stable, and show how they depend on the main physical parameters. In particular, the key role of the density ratio is highlighte

    Linear stability of the flow of a second order fluid past a wedge

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    The linear stability analysis of Rivlin–Ericksen fluids of second order is investigated for boundary layer flows, where a semi-infinite wedge is placed symmetrically with respect to the flow direction. Second order fluids belong to a larger family of fluids called order fluids, which is one of the first classes proposed to model departures from Newtonian behavior. Second order fluids can model non-zero normal stress differences, which is an essential feature of viscoelastic fluids. The linear stability properties are studied for both signs of the elasticity number K, which characterizes the non-Newtonian response of the fluid. Stabilization is observed for the temporal and spatial evolution of two-dimensional disturbances when K > 0 in terms of increase of critical Reynolds numbers and reduction of growth rates, whereas the flow is less stable when K 0 and diminished when K < 0