87,567 research outputs found

    System for interference signal nulling by polarization adjustment

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    A receiving system for automatically selecting a desired one of two approximately orthogonally polarized signals occupying the same bandwidth, is described. Received signals are provided by any orthomode antenna system at a pair of output ports, i.e., right hand and left hand circular polarizations or two linear polarizations. The received signals are then applied to the inputs of a hybrid junction to produce sum and difference signals. The resulting sum signal at one output port comprises components of the undesired one of two orthogonally polarized signals and is used to coherently detect and dynamically balance out the undesired signal components that are included at the difference signal port. The desired one of two orthogonally polarized signals is thereby provided at the difference port of the hybrid junction. Feedback loops are used to effect dynamic balancing

    Multibeam-antenna feed system to isolate orthogonally polarized beams

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    System is polarization tracker and comprises variable polarizer, polarization control, and receiver servo loop. System simultaneously receives desired signal and undesired signal which are approximately orthogonal. They can be either paired as left and right circular polarizations or as cross-linear polarizations

    CO on Ru(001): Formation and dissolution of islands of CO at low coverages

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    The present paper deals with the benefits and difficulties of using ion scattering spectroscopy as a spectrometric technique

    RV Knorr Cruise KN200-4, 13 Apr-03 May 2011. RAPID Mooring Cruise

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    This report describes the mooring operations conducted during RV Knorr cruise KN200-4 between 13 April and 3 May 2011. These mooring operations were completed as part of the United Kingdom Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) funded RAPID-WATCH Programme to monitor the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) at 26.5°N. The primary purpose on this cruise for the UK team was to service the RAPID Western Boundary moorings while the US teams worked on the Western Boundary Time Series project and the RAPID-MOCHA Western Boundary moorings. Cruise KN200-4 was from Port Everglades, Florida to Port Everglades, Florida and covered the Western Boundary moorings deployed on RB0901 and OC459. This cruise was the ninth annual refurbishment of the Western Boundary section of an array of moorings deployed across the Atlantic in order to continuously observe the MOC. This array will be further refined and refurbished during subsequent years. The instruments deployed on the array consist of a variety of current meters, bottom pressure recorders, and CTD loggers, which, combined with time series measurements of the Florida Straits Current and wind stress estimates, will be used to determine the strength and structure of the MOC at 26.5°N. (http://www.noc.soton.ac.uk/rapid

    Mexican Agricultural and Food Export Competitiveness

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    This report analyzes the export performance of the Mexican agricultural and food sector in recent years with a particular emphasis on the changing competitiveness of those exports in the U.S. and world markets. The report includes an examination of the general trends in Mexican agricultural and food exports, an analysis of the international competitiveness of the major subgroups of Mexican agriculture based on the Revealed Comparative Advantage methodology, an assessment of the competitiveness of Mexican exports of specific agricultural and food products to the United States, a consideration of the effectiveness of Mexico’s agricultural and food export market diversification efforts, a discussion of the main factors likely to affect the long-term competitiveness of Mexican agriculture, and policy recommendations for enhancing the competitiveness of Mexican agricultural and food exports.Mexican, Exports, Food Export, Mexican Food, Competitiveness, International Development, International Relations/Trade,

    Liquid cooled brassiere and method of diagnosing malignant tumors therewith

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    A device for enhancing the detection of malignant tissue in the breasts of a woman was described. A brassiere-like garment which is fitted with a pair of liquid-perfused cooling panels which completely and compliantly cover the breasts and upper torso was studied. The garment is connected by plastic tubing to a liquid cooling system comprising a fluid pump, a solenoid control valve for controlling the flow of fluid to either the cooling unit or the heating unit, a fluid reservoir, a temperature sensor in the reservoir, and a restrictor valve to control the pressure in the garment inlet cooling line