1,232 research outputs found

    A review of recent determinations of the composition and surface pressure of the atmos- phere of mars

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    Recent determinations of composition and surface pressure of Mars atmospher

    Nonpartisan election formats do not affect voting behaviors

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    Nonpartisan elections—in which candidates are not endorsed by a political party and their party affiliation does not appear on the ballot—have been criticized as depriving crucial information to voters, making it difficult for them to vote for candidates that represent their beliefs. Chris W. Bonneau and Damon M. Cann tested the impact of nonpartisan election conditions using both a laboratory experiment and data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Survey. They find that there is no significant difference between voting behaviors in partisan and nonpartisan election formats

    Analysis of the Risley prism duction procedure for sources of error

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    Analysis of the Risley prism duction procedure for sources of erro

    A systematic review of the impact of sedation practice in the ICU on resource use, costs and patient safety

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    Patients in intensive care units (ICUs) often receive sedation for prolonged periods. In order to better understand the impact of sub-optimal sedation practice on outcomes, we performed a systematic review, including observational studies and controlled trials which were conducted in sedated patients in the ICU and which compared the impact of changes in or different protocols for sedation management on economic and patient safety outcomes

    Buried Black Hole Growth in IR-selected Mergers: New Results from Chandra

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    Observations and theoretical simulations suggest that a significant fraction of merger-triggered accretion onto supermassive black holes is highly obscured, particularly in late-stage galaxy mergers, when the black hole is expected to grow most rapidly. Starting with the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer all-sky survey, we identified a population of galaxies whose morphologies suggest ongoing interaction and which exhibit red mid-infrared colors often associated with powerful active galactic nuclei (AGNs). In a follow-up to our pilot study, we now present Chandra/ACIS and XMM-Newton X-ray observations for the full sample of the brightest 15 IR-preselected mergers. All mergers reveal at least one nuclear X-ray source, with 8 out of 15 systems exhibiting dual nuclear X-ray sources, highly suggestive of single and dual AGNs. Combining these X-ray results with optical line ratios and with near-IR coronal emission line diagnostics, obtained with the near-IR spectrographs on the Large Binocular Telescope, we confirm that 13 out of the 15 mergers host AGNs, two of which host dual AGNs. Several of these AGNs are not detected in the optical. All X-ray sources appear X-ray weak relative to their mid-infrared continuum, and of the nine X-ray sources with sufficient counts for spectral analysis, eight reveal strong evidence of high absorption with column densities of NH1023N_\mathrm{H} \gtrsim 10^{23}~cm2^{-2}. These observations demonstrate that a significant population of single and dual AGNs are missed by optical studies, due to high absorption, adding to the growing body of evidence that the epoch of peak black hole growth in mergers occurs in a highly obscured phase.Comment: 29 pages, 22 figures; (Main text: 17 pages, 4 figures

    The incidence of sub-optimal sedation in the ICU: a systematic review

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    Patients in intensive care units (ICUs) are generally sedated for prolonged periods. Over-sedation and under-sedation both have negative effects on patient safety and resource use. We conducted a systematic review of the literature in order to establish the incidence of sub-optimal sedation (both over- and under-sedation) in ICUs

    What does 'supporting parents' mean? - parents' views

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    This paper reports on the views of a community sample of 428 parents with primary school-aged children. In a previous study parents had identified that they needed 'support'. This study was designed to try to understand what types of support parents already have and what support they think needs to be available to them. Most parents use informal support of family and friends and have limited awareness of what is available to them in the way of locally based services. They propose services which are already available, like Parentline, but of which they are unaware. There seems to be a need for universal, non-stigmatising services which design their programmes with parents and can refer to more specialised services, e.g. Social Services or Family Centres. These services need to be located in agencies which parents frequent and are comfortable with, such as schools and health settings

    Flow-driven transition and associated velocity profiles in a nematic liquid-crystal cell

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    S. A. Jewell, S. L. Cornford, F. Yang, P. S. Cann, and J. R. Sambles, Physical Review E, Vol. 80, article 041706 (2009) "Copyright © 2009 by the American Physical Society."The alignment properties and distribution of flow speed during Poiseuille flow through a microchannel of a nematic liquid crystal in a cell with homeotropic surface alignment has been measured using a combination of conoscopy, fluorescence confocal polarizing microscopy, and time-lapse imaging. Two topologically distinct director profiles, with associated fluid velocity fields, are found to exist with the preferred state dictated by the volumetric flow rate of the liquid crystal. The results show excellent agreement with model data produced using the Ericksen-Leslie nematodynamics theory

    Fe-oxide grain coatings support bacterial Fe-reducing metabolisms in 1.7−2.0 km-deep subsurface quartz arenite sandstone reservoirs of the Illinois Basin (USA)

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    The Cambrian-age Mt. Simon Sandstone, deeply buried within the Illinois Basin of the midcontinent of North America, contains quartz sand grains ubiquitously encrusted with iron-oxide cements and dissolved ferrous iron in pore-water. Although microbial iron reduction has previously been documented in the deep terrestrial subsurface, the potential for diagenetic mineral cementation to drive microbial activity has not been well studied. In this study, two subsurface formation water samples were collected at 1.72 and 2.02 km, respectively, from the Mt. Simon Sandstone in Decatur, Illinois. Low-diversity microbial communities were detected from both horizons and were dominated by Halanaerobiales of Phylum Firmicutes. Iron-reducing enrichment cultures fed with ferric citrate were successfully established using the formation water. Phylogenetic classification identified the enriched species to be related to Vulcanibacillus from the 1.72 km depth sample, while Orenia dominated the communities at 2.02 km of burial depth. Species-specific quantitative analyses of the enriched organisms in the microbial communities suggest that they are indigenous to the Mt. Simon Sandstone. Optimal iron reduction by the 1.72 km enrichment culture occurred at a temperature of 40oC (range 20 to 60oC) and a salinity of 25 parts per thousand (range 25-75 ppt). This culture also mediated fermentation and nitrate reduction. In contrast, the 2.02 km enrichment culture exclusively utilized hydrogen and pyruvate as the electron donors for iron reduction, tolerated a wider range of salinities (25-200 ppt), and exhibited only minimal nitrate- and sulfate-reduction. In addition, the 2.02 km depth community actively reduces the more crystalline ferric iron minerals goethite and hematite. The results suggest evolutionary adaptation of the autochthonous microbial communities to the Mt. Simon Sandstone and carries potentially important implications for future utilization of this reservoir for CO2 injection