24 research outputs found

    Digital Era: How marketing communication develops business innovation: Case studies

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    The explosive growth of new media and the multiple and diverse means of communications are changing consumers and brands. Digitalisation is a growing reality. As per April 2019, there were 4.437 billion internet users (around 58% of the worldwide population) and 3.499 billion active social media users. Not only is the setting changing, but also consumers' profiles and roles. Researchers have identified some emerging trends that are leading firms to change the way they communicate to consumers and develop new and innovative businesses. In this chapter, the authors present a general perspective of marketing communication and how it will affect business innovation, discuss the existing paradigm shift in marketing communication, and introduce a case study which applies some of the more recent techniques.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Strategy as Action

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    Viable Business Models for M-Commerce

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    Competitive cycles in a hyper-connected world

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    This chapter presents a competitive framework suggesting a circular perspective in analyzing and managing competitive wars in a hyper-competitive and hyper-connected world. The author uses the expression “competitive cycles” to represent the typical journey of a competitive arena. The journey starts with the status quo, characterized by a direct confrontation on specific success factors (war of position); soon or later, however, the competition is disrupted by a game-changing strategy from some player (war of movement). This leads to the next step of the journey, made of imitation strategies, and ending up when the new game eventually becomes the new status quo. Then everything flows, until a new cycle, with its new rules, will start again. The digital tsunami is adding momentum and clock-speed to competitive cycles. In every moment of a firm’s life, it is vitally important to be fully aware of its different seasons. In fact, behind each of them lies a distinctive rationale, which calls for specific offensive and defensive abilities