39 research outputs found

    Differences in patient outcomes and chronic care management of oral anticoagulant therapy: an explorative study

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    Contains fulltext : 96817.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: The oral anticoagulant therapy - provided to prevent thrombosis - is known to be associated with substantial avoidable hospitalization. Improving the quality of the oral anticoagulant therapy could avoid drug related hospitalizations. Therefore, this study compared the patient outcomes between Dutch anticoagulant clinic (AC) regions taking the variation in chronic care management into account in order to explore whether chronic care management elements could improve the quality of oral anticoagulant therapy. METHODS: Two data sources were combined. The first source was a questionnaire that was send to all ACs in the Netherlands in 2008 (response = 100%) to identify the application of chronic care management elements in the AC regions. The Chronic Care Model of Wagner was used to make the concept of chronic care management operational. The second source was the report of the Dutch National Network of ACs which contains patient outcomes of the ACs. RESULTS: Patient outcomes achieved by the ACs were good, yet differences existed; for instance the percentage of patients in the appropriate therapeutic ranges varied from 67 to 87% between AC regions. Moreover, differences existed in the use of chronic care management elements of the chronic care model, for example 12% of the ACs had multidisciplinary meetings and 58% of the ACs had formal agreements with at least one hospital within their region. Patient outcomes were significantly associated with patient orientation and the number of specialized nurses versus doctors (p-values < 0.05). Furthermore, the overall extent to which chronic care management elements were applied was positively associated with patient outcomes (p-values < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Substantial differences in the patient outcomes as well as chronic care management of oral anticoagulant therapy existed. Since our results showed a positive association between overall application of chronic care management and patient outcomes, additional research is needed to fully understand the working mechanism of chronic care management

    Home based exercise to improve turning and mobility performance among community dwelling older adults: protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Turning is a common activity for older people, and is one of the activities commonly associated with falls during walking. Falls that occur while walking and turning have also been associated with an increased risk of hip fracture in older people. Despite the importance of stability during turning, there has been little focus on identifying this impairment in at risk older people, or in evaluating interventions aiming to improve this outcome. This study will evaluate the effectiveness of a 16 week tailored home based exercise program in older adults aged (50 years and above) who were identified as having unsteadiness during turning.Methods/Design: A single blind randomized controlled trial will be conducted, with assessors blind to group allocation. Study participants will be aged 50 years and above, living in the community and have been identified as having impaired turning ability [outside of age and gender normal limits on the Step Quick Turn (180 degree turn) task on the Neurocom® Balance Master with long plate]. After a comprehensive baseline assessment, those classified as having balance impairment while turning will be randomized to intervention or control group. The intervention group will receive a 16 week individualized balance and strength home exercise program, based on the Otago Exercise Program with additional exercises focused on improving turning ability. Intervention group will attend four visit to the assessment centre over 16 weeks period, for provision, monitoring, modification of the exercise and encourage ongoing participation. Participants in the control group will continue with their usual activities. All participants will be re-assessed on completion of the 16 week program. Primary outcome measures will be the Step Quick Turn Test and Timed-Up and Go test. Secondary outcomes will include other clinical measures of balance, psychological aspects of falls, incidence of falls and falls risk factors. Discussion: Results of this study will provide useful information for clinicians on the types of exercises to improve turning ability in older people with increased falls risk and the effectiveness of these exercises in improving outcomes

    Comparison of performance-based measures among native Japanese, Japanese-Americans in Hawaii and Caucasian women in the United States, ages 65 years and over: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Japanese (both in Japan and Hawaii) have a lower incidence of falls and of hip fracture than North American and European Caucasians, but the reasons for these differences are not clear. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study. We compared neuromuscular risk factors for falls using performance-based measures (chair stand time, usual and rapid walking speed, and grip strength) among 163 Japanese women in Japan, 681 Japanese-American women in Hawaii and 9403 Caucasian women in the United States aged 65 years and over. RESULTS: After adjusting for age, the Caucasian women required about 40% more time to complete 5 chair stands than either group of Japanese. Walking speed was about 10% slower among Caucasians than native Japanese, whereas Japanese-American women in Hawaii walked about 11% faster than native Japanese. Grip strength was greatest in Japan, which may reflect the rural farming district that this sample was drawn from. Additional adjustment for height, weight or body mass index increased the adjusted means of chair stand time and grip strength among Japanese, but the differences remained significant. CONCLUSIONS: Both native Japanese and Japanese-American women in Hawaii performed better than Caucasians on chair stand time and walking speed tests, and native Japanese had greater grip strength than Japanese in Hawaii and Caucasians. The biological implications of these differences in performance are uncertain, but may be useful in planning future comparisons between populations

    Association of physical exercise and calcium intake with bone mass measured by quantitative ultrasound

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Interventions other than medications in the management of osteoporosis are often overlooked. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of physical activity and calcium intake with bone parameters.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We measured the heel T-score and stiffness index (SI) in 1890 pre- and postmenopausal women by quantitative ultrasound (QUS) and assessed physical activity and dietary calcium intake by questionnaire. Participants were divided according to their weekly physical activity (sedentary, moderately active, systematically active) and daily calcium consumption (greater than or less than 800 mg/day).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>SI values were significantly different among premenopausal groups (p = 0.016) and between sedentary and systematically active postmenopausal women (p = 0.039). QUS T-scores in systematically active premenopausal women with daily calcium intake > 800 mg/day were significantly higher than those in all other activity groups (p < 0.05) independent of calcium consumption.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Systematic physical activity and adequate dietary calcium intake are indicated for women as a means to maximize bone status benefits.</p

    Quedas intra-hospitalares na Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte MG são adequadamente relatadas?

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    O envelhecimento populacional é uma realidade que chega imbuída de complicações as quais muitas vezes tornam-se problema de saúde pública, como é o caso das quedas hospitalares. Estas acarretam uma série de conseqüências negativas ao paciente e sua família, bem como ao sistema de saúde. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar e quantificar, por meio de entrevistas com os profissionais responsáveis pelos cuidados dos pacientes da Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte, a ocorrência de quedas durante a hospitalização. Foram entrevistados 37 profissionais (médicos, residentes, enfermeiros e prestadores de serviços) através de questionário semi-estruturado com 11 questões referentes ao histórico de quedas no setor, englobando informações sobre número de episódios, local, horário, idade do paciente, atividade que realizava no momento, conseqüências, bem como questões referentes à adaptação ambiental. A análise dos dados feita por meio de estatísticas descritivas. Os resultados mostraram que 65% dos funcionários relataram a ocorrência de quedas. A maioria dos caidores (73%) eram homens, com média de idade de 78,62 anos (DP +- 7,63) e caíram mais nos períodos da manhã (31%) e noite (31%), principalmente no quarto (48%) e no banheiro (42%) sendo que 50% dos episódios não foram injuriosos. Conclui-se que os episódios de quedas ocorrem no ambiente hospitalar, mas não são reportados de maneira adequada, tornando necessário adoção de medidas educativas aos profissionais que lidam com esta população.The Population ageing is a reality that comes gripped by complications related to aging, being in-hospital falls one of the most important, considering that they bring on a lot of negative consequences to the patient and his family as well as to the health system. The objective of this study was to assess and quantify, through the analyses of interviews with professionals responsible for the care of the patients at Santa Casa of Belo Horizonte, the occurrence of in-hospital falls. The interview was accomplished with 37 professionals(doctors, interns and nurses) through a semi-structured questionnaire which comprehended 11 questions related to the historical of falls in the sector, comprising information on the number of episodes, setting, time, patient age, activity performed at the moment, consequences, as well as questions regarding to environment adaptation. Data analysis conducted by means of descriptive statistics of the interviews showed that 65% of the employee reported the occurrence of falls. The majority (73%) of fallers was men, with mean age of 78, 62 years (SD +- 7, 63) and fell more in the morning (31%) and in the evening (31%), mainly in the room (48%) and in the bathroom (42%), being 50% of the episodes non-injurious. We conclude that falls episodes occur in the hospital setting, but are not reported adequately, showing the need of adoption of educational measures to the professional who deal with this population

    Light regulation of metabolic pathways in fungi

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    Light represents a major carrier of information in nature. The molecular machineries translating its electromagnetic energy (photons) into the chemical language of cells transmit vital signals for adjustment of virtually every living organism to its habitat. Fungi react to illumination in various ways, and we found that they initiate considerable adaptations in their metabolic pathways upon growth in light or after perception of a light pulse. Alterations in response to light have predominantly been observed in carotenoid metabolism, polysaccharide and carbohydrate metabolism, fatty acid metabolism, nucleotide and nucleoside metabolism, and in regulation of production of secondary metabolites. Transcription of genes is initiated within minutes, abundance and activity of metabolic enzymes are adjusted, and subsequently, levels of metabolites are altered to cope with the harmful effects of light or to prepare for reproduction, which is dependent on light in many cases. This review aims to give an overview on metabolic pathways impacted by light and to illustrate the physiological significance of light for fungi. We provide a basis for assessment whether a given metabolic pathway might be subject to regulation by light and how these properties can be exploited for improvement of biotechnological processes

    Accelerometer-based physical activity in a large observational cohort - study protocol and design of the activity and function of the elderly in Ulm (ActiFE Ulm) study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A large number of studies have demonstrated a positive effect of increased physical activity (PA) on various health outcomes. In all large geriatric studies, however, PA has only been assessed by interview-based instruments which are all subject to substantial bias. This may represent one reason why associations of PA with geriatric syndromes such as falls show controversial results. The general aim of the Active-Ulm study was to determine the association of accelerometer-based physical activity with different health-related parameters, and to study the influence of this standardized objective measure of physical activity on health- and disability-related parameters in a longitudinal setting.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We have set up an observational cohort study in 1500 community dwelling older persons (65 to 90 years) stratified by age and sex. Addresses have been obtained from the local residents registration offices. The study is carried out jointly with the IMCA - Respiratory Health Survey in the Elderly implemented in the context of the European project IMCA II. The study has a cross-sectional part (1) which focuses on PA and disability and two longitudinal parts (2) and (3). The primary information for part (2) is a prospective 1 year falls calendar including assessment of medication change. Part (3) will be performed about 36 months following baseline. Primary variables of interest include disability, PA, falls and cognitive function. Baseline recruitment has started in March 2009 and will be finished in April 2010.</p> <p>All participants are visited three times within one week, either at home or in the study center. Assessments included interviews on quality of life, diagnosed diseases, common risk factors as well as novel cognitive tests and established tests of physical functioning. PA is measured using an accelerometer-based sensor device, carried continuously over a one week period and accompanied by a prospective activity diary.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The assessment of PA using a high standard accelerometer-based device is feasible in a large population-based study. The results obtained from cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses will shed light on important associations between PA and various outcomes and may provide information for specific interventions in older people.</p