73 research outputs found

    Advances in silicon phased-array receiver IC's

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    Phased-Arrays are increasingly used, and require Silicon implementations to result in affordable multi-beam systems. In this paper, CMOS implementations of two novel analogue beamforming multi-channel receivers will be presented. A narrow-band highly linear system exploiting switches and capacitors in advanced CMOS is presented, implementing a fully passive switched capacitor vector modulator exploiting a zero-IF I/Q mixer: This technique is not applicable to very wideband phased-array receivers. These systems require true-time delay beamforming, which is implemented in the second CMOS implementation. An innovative gm-RC implementation of a true-time delay cell is exploited in a four-channel beamforming receiver with more than L.5 GHz bandwidth, in a standard 0.13 um CMOS process. Professional phased-arrays can often not live with the dynamic range limitations imposed by these implementations. To that end a SiGe implementation of an integrated receiver was realized targeting a digital beamforming phased-array. Dynamic range and flexibility of use were the main driving factors. Alltogether, these results show large progress with respect to the feasibility of Silicon-based phased-array front-end implementation for commercial as well as professional phased-arrays. © 2012 IEEE

    Working with pain : sustainable work participation of workers with chronic nonspecific musculoskeletal pain

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    Dit proefschrift is een van de eerste studies specifiek gericht op mensen die blijven werken met chronische pijn aan het bewegingsapparaat. Unieke kennis over duurzame arbeidsparticipatie van werknemers met chronische pijn werd vergaard. Doel van dit promotieonderzoek was meer inzicht te krijgen in de groep mensen die werkt met pijn en te achterhalen hoe zij in staat zijn ondanks hun klachten te blijven werken. In het proefschrift staan kenmerken en determinanten beschreven van werknemers die doorwerken met chronische pijn, waardoor een completer beeld is ontstaan van arbeidsparticipatie bij mensen met chronische pijn aan het bewegingsapparaat. Uit de vergelijking van mensen die doorwerken ondanks chronische pijn en mensen met arbeidsverzuim die in revalidatiebehandeling komen met chronische pijn blijkt dat deze groepen op diverse factoren significant verschillen. In het onderzoek werd onder andere aangetoond dat de motivatie voor werk, zelfmanagementvaardigheden en het belang dat wordt toegekend aan pijn, belangrijke factoren zijn die werken met chronische pijn faciliteren. Chronische pijn op zichzelf is vaak niet de reden voor arbeidsverzuim, maar meestal spelen persoonlijke- en omgevingsfactoren daarin een beslissende rol. Deze factoren kunnen dienen als aangrijpingspunt voor het verhogen van duurzame inzetbaarheid en preventie van arbeidsverzuim van mensen met chronische pijn aan het bewegingsapparaat. De effectieve manier waarop deelnemende werknemers in het onderzoek met hun pijn omgingen en productief bleven, kan anderen inspireren aan het werk te blijven. Daarnaast biedt het onderzoek een nieuw referentiekader voor de bedrijfs-, verzekerings-, en revalidatiegeneeskunde. This thesis was one of the first studies that focused specifically on people who continued work with chronic nonspecific musculoskeletal pain (CMP), and collected (identified) unique data concerning sustainable work participation of workers with CMP. It provides a large range of characteristics of workers with CMP who continued work despite pain, which has added to our understanding of sustainable work participation in people suffering from CMP. Comparison of workers who continued work with CMP with sick listed workers with CMP admitted for rehabilitation revealed that these groups differ significantly on several factors. In this thesis, evidence was found that the workers’ motivation to work, self-management skills, and the attributed importance of pain on their (working) lives are important factors to manage staying at work with CMP. It is recommended to be aware of the fact that CMP standing on itself is often not the reason for sick leave and disability, but regularly personal and environmental factors play an additional decisive role. Because these factors can be influenced, they offer opportunity to promote staying at work. In the process of guiding workers back to work, the results of the project ‘Working with pain’ may be used. The findings of this thesis potentially contribute to promotion of sustained work participation and prevention of sick-leave in workers with CMP. The effective way workers in this project coped with CMP and remained productive, may inspire others in their efforts to stay work. Finally, this thesis offers a new reference for rehabilitation-, occupational-,and insurance medicine.

    Measurement of jet-substructure observables in top quark, W boson and light jet production in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    A measurement of jet substructure observables is presented using data collected in 2016 by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC with proton-proton collisions at s√ = 13 TeV. Large-radius jets groomed with the trimming and soft-drop algorithms are studied. Dedicated event selections are used to study jets produced by light quarks or gluons, and hadronically decaying top quarks and W bosons. The observables measured are sensitive to substructure, and therefore are typically used for tagging large-radius jets from boosted massive particles. These include the energy correlation functions and the N-subjettiness variables. The number of subjets and the Les Houches angularity are also considered. The distributions of the substructure variables, corrected for detector effects, are compared to the predictions of various Monte Carlo event generators. They are also compared between the large-radius jets originating from light quarks or gluons, and hadronically decaying top quarks and W bosons

    Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying into Wb in pp collisions at s=8\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    Measurement of the bbb\overline{b} dijet cross section in pp collisions at s=7\sqrt{s} = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    Search for dark matter in association with a Higgs boson decaying to bb-quarks in pppp collisions at s=13\sqrt s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    Charged-particle distributions at low transverse momentum in s=13\sqrt{s} = 13 TeV pppp interactions measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC

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