24,946 research outputs found

    Radiation-driven winds of hot luminous stars. XVI. Expanding atmospheres of massive and very massive stars and the evolution of dense stellar clusters

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    Context: Starbursts, and particularly their high-mass stars, play an essential role in the evolution of galaxies. The winds of massive stars not only significantly influence their surroundings, but the mass loss also profoundly affects the evolution of the stars themselves. In addition to the evolution of each star, the evolution of the dense cores of massive starburst clusters is affected by N-body interactions, and the formation of very massive stars via mergers may be decisive for the evolution of the cluster. Aims: To introduce an advanced diagnostic method of O-type stellar atmospheres with winds, including an assessment of the accuracy of the determinations of abundances, stellar and wind parameters. Methods: We combine consistent models of expanding atmospheres with detailed stellar evolutionary calculations of massive and very massive single stars with regard to the evolution of dense stellar clusters. Accurate predictions of the mass loss rates of very massive stars requires a highly consistent treatment of the statistical equilibrium and the hydrodynamic and radiative processes in the expanding atmospheres. Results: We present computed mass loss rates, terminal wind velocities, and spectral energy distributions of massive and very massive stars of different metallicities, calculated from atmospheric models with an improved level of consistency. Conclusions: Stellar evolutionary calculations using our computed mass loss rates show that low-metallicity very massive stars lose only a very small amount of their mass, making it unlikely that very massive population III stars cause a significant helium enrichment of the interstellar medium. Solar-metallicity stars have higher mass-loss rates, but these are not so high to exclude very massive stars formed by mergers in dense clusters from ending their life massive enough to form intermediate-mass black holes.Comment: Accepted by A&

    Aspects of the conformal operator product expansion in AdS/CFT correspondence

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    We present a detailed analysis of a scalar conformal four-point function obtained from AdS/CFT correspondence. We study the scalar exchange graphs in AdS and discuss their analytic properties. Using methods of conformal partial wave analysis, we present a general procedure to study conformal four-point functions in terms of exchanges of scalar and tensor fields. The logarithmic terms in the four-point functions are connected to the anomalous dimensions of the exchanged fields. Comparison of the results from AdS graphs with the conformal partial wave analysis, suggests a possible general form for the operator product expansion of scalar fields in the boundary CFT.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX, accepted for publication in ATM

    Numerical Models for the Diffuse Ionized Gas in Galaxies. II. Three-dimensional radiative transfer in inhomogeneous interstellar structures as a tool for analyzing the diffuse ionized gas

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    Aims: We systematically explore a plausible subset of the parameter space involving effective temperatures and metallicities of the ionizing stellar sources, the effects of the hardening of their radiation by surrounding leaky HII regions with different escape fractions, as well as different scenarios for the clumpiness of the DIG, and compute the resulting line strength ratios for a number of diagnostic optical emission lines. Methods: For the ionizing fluxes we compute a grid of stellar spectral energy distributions (SEDs) from detailed, fully non-LTE model atmospheres that include the effects of stellar winds and line blocking and blanketing. To calculate the ionization and temperature structure in the HII regions and the diffuse ionized gas we use spherically symmetric photoionization models as well as state-of-the-art three-dimensional (3D) non-LTE radiative transfer simulations, considering hydrogen, helium, and the most abundant metals. Results: We provide quantitative predictions of how the line ratios from HII regions and the DIG vary as a function of metallicity, stellar effective temperature, and escape fraction from the HII region. The range of predicted line ratios reinforces the hypothesis that the DIG is ionized by (filtered) radiation from hot stars; however, comparison of observed and predicted line ratios indicates that the DIG is typically ionized with a softer SED than predicted by the chosen stellar population synthesis model. Even small changes in simulation parameters like the clumping factor can lead to considerable variation in the ionized volume. Both for a more homogeneous gas and a very inhomogeneous gas containing both dense clumps and channels with low gas density, the ionized region in the dilute gas above the galactic plane can cease to be radiation-bounded, allowing the ionizing radiation to leak into the intergalactic medium.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, accepted by A&

    The 100 micron surveys in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

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    Partial surveys in the far infrared in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres have covered 40% of the galactic equator and assorted regions away from the galactic plane. Approximately 120 100-micron objects are known. These are distributed extensively in galactic longitude and concentrated within + or - two degrees in galactic latitude. From this information, some general conclusions can be drawn about the sensitivity and coverage required for a general sky survey in the far infrared

    Non-LTE models for synthetic spectra of type Ia supernovae. III. An accelerated lambda iteration procedure for the mutual interaction of strong spectral lines in SN Ia models with and without energy deposition

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    Context. Spectroscopic analyses to interpret the spectra of the brightest supernovae from the UV to the near-IR provide a powerful tool with great astrophysical potential for the determination of the physical state of the ejecta, their chemical composition, and the SNe distances even at significant redshifts. Methods. We report on improvements of computing synthetic spectra for SNIa with respect to i) an improved and sophisticated treatment of thousands of strong lines that interact intricately with the "pseudo-continuum" formed entirely by Doppler- shifted spectral lines, ii) an improved and expanded atomic database, and iii) the inclusion of energy deposition within the ejecta. Results. We show that an accelerated lambda iteration procedure we have developed for the mutual interaction of strong spectral lines appearing in the atmospheres of SNeIa solves the longstanding problem of transferring the radiative energy from the UV into the optical regime. In detail we discuss applications of the diagnostic technique by example of a standard SNIa, where the comparison of calculated and observed spectra revealed that in the early phases the consideration of the energy deposition within the spectrum-forming regions of the ejecta does not qualitatively alter the shape of the spectra. Conclusions. The results of our investigation lead to an improved understanding of how the shape of the spectrum changes radically as function of depth in the ejecta, and show how different emergent spectra are formed as a result of the particular physical properties of SNe Ia ejecta and the resulting peculiarities in the radiative transfer. This provides an important insight into the process of extracting information from observed SNIa spectra, since these spectra are a complex product of numerous unobservable SNIa spectral features which are thus analyzed in parallel to the observable spectral features.Comment: 27 pages, 19 figures. Submitted to A&A, revised versio

    Spiral vortices traveling between two rotating defects in the Taylor-Couette system

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    Numerical calculations of vortex flows in Taylor-Couette systems with counter rotating cylinders are presented. The full, time dependent Navier-Stokes equations are solved with a combination of a finite difference and a Galerkin method. Annular gaps of radius ratio η=0.5\eta=0.5 and of several heights are simulated. They are closed by nonrotating lids that produce localized Ekman vortices in their vicinity and that prevent axial phase propagation of spiral vortices. Existence and spatio temporal properties of rotating defects, of modulated Ekman vortices, and of the spiral vortex structures in the bulk are elucidated in quantitative detail.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Hyperbolic Topological Invariants and the Black Hole Geometry

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    We discuss the isometry group structure of three-dimensional black holes and Chern-Simons invariants. Aspects of the holographic principle relevant to black hole geometry are analyzed.Comment: 11 pages, AMSTeX, Contribution to the Fifth Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmolog

    A reassessment of genetic limits to evolutionary change

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    An absence of genetic variance in traits under selection is perhaps the oldest explanation for a limit to evolutionary change, but has also been the most easily dismissed. We review a range of theoretical and empirical results covering single traits to more complex multivariate systems, and show that an absence of genetic variance may be more common than is currently appreciated. From a single-trait perspective, we highlight that it is becoming clear that some trait types do not display significant levels of genetic variation, and we raise the possibility that species with restricted ranges may differ qualitatively from more widespread species in levels of genetic variance in ecologically important traits. A common misconception in many life-history studies is that a lack of genetic variance in single traits, and genetic constraints as a consequence of bivariate genetic correlations, are different causes of selection limits. We detail how interpretations of bivariate patterns are unlikely to demonstrate genetic limits to selection in many cases. We advocate a multivariate definition of genetic constraints that emphasizes the presence (or otherwise) of genetic variance in the multivariate direction of selection. For multitrait systems, recent results using longer term studies of organisms, in which more is understood concerning what traits may be under selection, have indicated that selection may exhaust genetic variance, resulting in a limit to the selection response