3,142 research outputs found

    Photonic-Doppler-Velocimetry, Paraxial-Scalar Diffraction Theory and Simulation

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    Author Institution: Lawrence Livermore National Laborator

    Ill-posedness of degenerate dispersive equations

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    In this article we provide numerical and analytical evidence that some degenerate dispersive partial differential equations are ill-posed. Specifically we study the K(2,2) equation ut=(u2)xxx+(u2)xu_t = (u^2)_{xxx} + (u^2)_{x} and the "degenerate Airy" equation ut=2uuxxxu_t = 2 u u_{xxx}. For K(2,2) our results are computational in nature: we conduct a series of numerical simulations which demonstrate that data which is very small in H2H^2 can be of unit size at a fixed time which is independent of the data's size. For the degenerate Airy equation, our results are fully rigorous: we prove the existence of a compactly supported self-similar solution which, when combined with certain scaling invariances, implies ill-posedness (also in H2H^2)

    Melting of hexagonal skyrmion states in chiral magnets

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    Skyrmions are spiral structures observed in thin films of certain magnetic materials (Uchida et al 2006 Science 311 359–61). Of the phases allowed by the crystalline symmetries of these materials (Yi et al 2009 Phys. Rev. B 80 054416), only the hexagonally packed phases (SCh) have been observed. Here the melting of the SCh phase is investigated using Monte Carlo simulations. In addition to the usual measure of skyrmion density, chiral charge, a morphological measure is considered. In doing so it is shown that the low-temperature reduction in chiral charge is associated with a change in skyrmion profiles rather than skyrmion destruction. At higher temperatures, the loss of six-fold symmetry is associated with the appearance of elongated skyrmions that disrupt the hexagonal packing

    Wildfire Promotes Dominance of Invasive Giant Reed (Arundo donax) in Riparian Ecosystems

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    Widespread invasion of riparian ecosystems by the large bamboo-like grass Arundo donax L. has altered community structure and ecological function of streams in California. This study evaluated the influence of wildfire on A. donax invasion by investigating its relative rate of reestablishment versus native riparian species after wildfire burned 300 ha of riparian woodlands along the Santa Clara River in southern California in October 2003. Post-fire A. donax growth rates and productivity were compared to those of native woody riparian species in plots established before and after the fire. Arundo donax resprouted within days after the fire and exhibited higher growth rates and productivity compared to native riparian plants. Arundo donax grew 3–4 times faster than native woody riparian plants—up to a mean of 2.62 cm day−1—and reached up to 2.3 m in height less than 3 months after the fire. One year post-fire, A. donax density was nearly 20 times higher and productivity was 14–24 times higher than for native woody species. Three mechanisms—fire-adapted phenology, high growth rate, and growth response to nutrient enrichment—appear to promote the preemption of native woody riparian species by A. donax after fire. This greater dominance of A. donax after wildfire increased the susceptibility of riparian woodlands along the Santa Clara River to subsequent fire, potentially creating an invasive plant-fire regime cycle. Moreover, A. donax infestations appear to have allowed the wildfire to cross the broad bed of the Santa Clara River from the north, allowing thousands of acres of shrubland to the south to burn

    Tantalum shock-released from 2 MBars to 0.78 MBars in lithium fluoride lands on the reflected Hugoniot within 0.2 percent

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    Author Institution: Lawrence Livermore National LaboratorySlides presented at the 2014 Photonic Doppler Velocimetry (PDV) Workshop Hosted by National Security Technologies, LLC, and the University of Nevada Las Vegas, June 24-26, 2014, Las Vegas, Nevada

    Response of selected plant and insect species to simulated solid rocket exhaust mixtures and to exhaust components from solid rocket fuels

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    The effects of solid rocket fuel (SRF) exhaust on selected plant and and insect species in the Merritt Island, Florida area was investigated in order to determine if the exhaust clouds generated by shuttle launches would adversely affect the native, plants of the Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge, the citrus production, or the beekeeping industry of the island. Conditions were simulated in greenhouse exposure chambers and field chambers constructed to model the ideal continuous stirred tank reactor. A plant exposure system was developed for dispensing and monitoring the two major chemicals in SRF exhaust, HCl and Al203, and for dispensing and monitoring SRF exhaust (controlled fuel burns). Plants native to Merritt Island, Florida were grown and used as test species. Dose-response relationships were determined for short term exposure of selected plant species to HCl, Al203, and mixtures of the two to SRF exhaust

    PDV Detector Monitor System

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    Author Institution: Los Alamos National LaboratoryAuthor Institution: Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryAuthor Institution: National Security Technologies, LLCSlides presented at the 2nd Annual Photonic Doppler Velocimetry (PDV) Workshop held at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, August 16-17, 2007

    Volatile organic compounds in northern New England marine and continental environments during the ICARTT 2004 campaign

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    Volatile organic compound (VOC) measurements were made during the summer 2004 International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation (ICARTT) at Thompson Farm (TF), a continental site 25 km from the New Hampshire coast, and Appledore Island (AI), a marine site 10 km off the Maine coast. The 24 h mean total hydroxyl radical (OH) reactivity (±1σ) for the suite of VOCs was 4.15 (±2.64) s−1 at TF and 2.57 (±1.10) s−1 at AI. The larger range of reactivity at TF was dominated by isoprene and the monoterpenes (mean combined reactivity = 2.01 (±2.57) s−1). The impact of local anthropogenic hydrocarbon sources such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) leakage and fossil fuel evaporation was evident at both sites. During the campaign, a propane flux of 9 (±2) × 109 molecules cm−2 s−1 was calculated from the linear regression of the mean 0100–0400 local time mixing ratios at TF. This is consistent with fluxes observed in 2003 at sites spread throughout the coastal area of New Hampshire indicating that LPG tank leakage is a major hydrocarbon source throughout the region. Net monoterpene fluxes during ICARTT at TF were 6 (±2), 1.8 (±0.4), 1.2 (±0.6), and 0.4 (±0.5) × 109 molecules cm−2 s−1 for α‐pinene, ÎČ‐pinene, camphene, and limonene, respectively. Comparison to estimated NO3 and O3 loss rates indicate that gross monoterpene emission rates were approximately double the observed net fluxes at TF and comparable to current monoterpene nighttime emission inventory estimates for the northeast
