12,275,294 research outputs found

    Production of W+W−W^+ W^- pairs via γ∗γ∗→W+W−\gamma^*\gamma^* \to W^+ W^- subprocess with photon transverse momenta

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    We discuss production of W+W−W^+ W^- pairs in proton-proton collisions induced by two-photon fusion including, for a first time, transverse momenta of incoming photons. The unintegrated inelastic fluxes (related to proton dissociation) of photons are calculated based on modern parametrizations of deep inelastic structure functions in a broad range of their arguments (xx and Q2Q^2). In our approach we can get separate contributions of different WW helicities states. Several one- and two-dimensional differential distributions are shown and discussed. The present results are compared to the results of previous calculations within collinear factorization approach. Similar results are found except of some observables such as e.g. transverse momentum of the pair of W+W^+ and W−W^-. We find large contributions to the cross section from the region of large photon virtualities. We show decomposition of the total cross section as well as invariant mass distribution into polarisation states of both W bosons. The role of the longitudinal FLF_L structure function is quantified. Its inclusion leads to a 4-5 % decrease of the cross section, almost independent of MWWM_{WW}.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figures, 2 table

    Refining light stop exclusion limits with W+W−W^+W^- cross sections

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    If light supersymmetric top (stop) quarks are produced at the LHC and decay via on- or off-shell WW-bosons they can be expected to contribute to a precision W+W−W^+W^- cross section measurement. Using the latest results of the CMS experiment, we revisit constraints on the stop quark production and find that this measurement can exclude portions of the parameter space not probed by dedicated searches. In particular we can exclude light top squarks up to 230~GeV along the line separating three- and four-body decays, t~1→χ~10W(∗)b\tilde{t}_1 \to \tilde{\chi}_1^0 W^{(*)} b. We also study the exclusion limits in the case when the branching ratio for these decays is reduced and we show significant improvement over previously existing limits.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; references updated, minor changes; to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to W+W+W^+W^+ and W−W−W^-W^- production in association with two jets

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    We present a study of W+W+jjW^+W^+jj and W−W−jjW^-W^-jj production including leptonic decays in hadron-hadron collisions. The full electroweak and QCD induced contributions and their interferences are calculated at leading order. We find that, for inclusive cuts, the interference effects can be large if the jets are produced with large transverse momentum where, however, the production rate is suppressed. We also discuss the vector-boson-fusion (VBF) cuts and show the validity of the VBF approximation. The NLO QCD corrections to the QCD-induced channels are also calculated. Compared to the previous calculation, we allow the intermediate WW bosons to be off-shell. For on-shell WW production, we obtain an excellent agreement with previous results. Our code will be publicly available as part of the parton level Monte Carlo program VBFNLO.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, v2: added results using a 2nd scale choice, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Spectral Decomposition with Continuous Wavelet Transform for Hydrocarbon Zone Detection of North Bali Waters

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    The East Java Basin is developed from an oceanic basin in front of Late Cretaceous Java Trench subduction zone to presently back-arc basin behind the Java-Lombok volcanic arc to the south. Many studies conclude hydrocarbon discovery in deep carbonate Ngimbang Formation. However, as a result of the active tectonic history of the region, there are fractures from Ngimbang Formation upward to the Oligo-Miocene Kujung Formation. It developes enhanced permeability medium for a good hydrocarbon migration. This paper presents shallow gas detection zone in the Mundu Formation by applying the spectral decomposition method with continous wavelet transform. Spectral decomposition can be effectively used to identify hydrocarbon reservoirs by analyzing seismic data in the frequency domain. Spectral decomposition with frequency 20 Hz shows the potential zone at time 779 - 832 ms which is suitable with depth 2237.5 - 2355.6 feet in well TRG-1. This method is supported with quantitative calculation of petrophysical analysis that determines 5 pay flag zones range from 2208.5 feet until 2347.5 feet.Keywords : East Java Basin, spectral decomposition, continuous wavelet transform, petrophysical analysisCekungan Jawa Timur terbentuk dari cekungan samudera di tepi zona subduksi pulau Jawa pada masa Cretaseous/Kapur Akhir hingga cekungan busur belakang sistem vulkanik Jawa-Lombok di selatan. Banyak penelitian menyimpulkan penemuan hidrokarbon pada lapisan karbonat Formasi Ngimbang yang dalam. Namun, sebagai akibat dari sejarah tektonik aktif dari wilayah tersebut, terdapat rekahan dari Formasi Ngimbang sampai ke atas hingga Formasi Kujung pada masa Oligo-Miosen. Kejadian tersebut menyebabkan timbulnya peningkatan permeabilitas medium yang baik untuk migrasi hidrokarbon. Makalah ini menyajikan deteksi zona gas dangkal pada Formasi Mundu dengan menerapkan metode dekomposisi spektral dengan transformasi wavelet kontinyu. Dekomposisi spektral dapat secara efektif digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi reservoir hidrokarbon dengan menganalisa data seismik dalam domain frekuensi. Dekomposisi spektral dengan frekuensi 20 Hz menunjukkan zona potensial pada kedalaman domain waktu 779 - 832 ms yang sesuai dengan 2237.5 - 2355.6 kaki pada sumur TRG-1. Metode ini didukung dengan perhitungan kuantitatif analisa petrofisika yang menentukan 5 zona gas mulai dari 2208.5 kaki hingga 2

    W-Pair Production with YFSWW/KoralW

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    A theoretical description of W-pair production in terms of two complementary Monte Carlo event generators YFSWWand KoralW is presented. The way to combine the results of these two programs in order to get precise predictions for WW physics at LEP2 and LC energies is discussed.Comment: LateX file, 6 pages, conference contributio
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