22 research outputs found

    Electronic structure and bonding properties of cobalt oxide in the spinel structure

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    The spinel cobalt oxide Co3O4 is a magnetic semiconductor containing cobalt ions in Co2+ and Co3+ oxidation states. We have studied the electronic, magnetic and bonding properties of Co3O4 using density functional theory (DFT) at the Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA), GGA+U, and PBE0 hybrid functional levels. The GGA correctly predicts Co3O4 to be a semiconductor, but severely underestimates the band gap. The GGA+U band gap (1.96 eV) agrees well with the available experimental value (~ 1.6 eV), whereas the band gap obtained using the PBE0 hybrid functional (3.42 eV) is strongly overestimated. All the employed exchange-correlation functionals predict 3 unpaired d electrons on the Co2+ ions, in agreement with crystal field theory, but the values of the magnetic moments given by GGA+U and PBE0 are in closer agreement with the experiment than the GGA value, indicating a better description of the cobalt localized d states. Bonding properties are studied by means of Maximally Localized Wannier Functions (MLWFs). We find d-type MLWFs on the cobalt ions, as well as Wannier functions with the character of sp3d bonds between cobalt and oxygen ions. Such hybridized bonding states indicate the presence of a small covalent component in the primarily ionic bonding mechanism of this compound.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Importance of second-order piezoelectric effects in zincblende semiconductors

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    We show that the piezoelectric effect that describes the emergence of an electric field in response to a crystal deformation in III-V semiconductors such as GaAs and InAs has strong contributions from second-order effects that have been neglected so far. We calculate the second-order piezoelectric tensors using density functional theory and obtain the piezoelectric field for [111]-oriented Inx_xGa1x_{1-x}As quantum wells of realistic dimensions and concentration xx. We find that the linear and the quadratic piezoelectric coefficients have the opposite effect on the field, and for large strains the quadratic terms even dominate. Thus, the piezoelectric field turns out to be a rare example of a physical quantity for which the first- and second-order contributions are of comparable magnitude.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Systematic treatment of displacements, strains and electric fields in density-functional perturbation theory

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    The methods of density-functional perturbation theory may be used to calculate various physical response properties of insulating crystals including elastic, dielectric, Born charge, and piezoelectric tensors. These and other important tensors may be defined as second derivatives of the total energy with respect to atomic-displacement, electric-field, or strain perturbations, or as mixed derivatives with respect to two of these perturbations. The resulting tensor quantities tend to be coupled in complex ways in polar crystals, giving rise to a variety of variant definitions. For example, it is generally necessary to distinguish between elastic tensors defined under different electrostatic boundary conditions, and between dielectric tensors defined under different elastic boundary conditions. Here, we describe an approach for computing all of these various response tensors in a unified and systematic fashion. Applications are presented for two materials, wurtzite ZnO and rhombohedral BaTiO3, at zero temperature.Comment: 14 pages. Uses REVTEX macros. Also available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~dhv/preprints/xfw_sys/index.htm

    Order-N implementation of exact exchange in extended systems

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    Exact (Hartree Fock) exchange is needed to overcome some of the limitations of local and semilocal approximations of density functional theory (DFT). So far, however, computational cost has limited the use of exact exchange in plane wave calculations for extended systems. We show that this difficulty can be overcome by performing a unitary transformation from Bloch to Maximally Localized Wannier functions in combination with an efficient technique to compute real space Coulomb integrals. The resulting scheme scales linearly with system size. We validate the scheme with representative applications.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

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    Bacterial Endospores as Phage Genome Carriers and Protective Shells

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    Bacterial endospores can serve as phage genome protection shells against various environmental stresses to enhance microbial control applications. The genomes of polyvalent lytic Bacillus phages PBSC1 and PBSC2, which infect both B. subtilis subsp. subtilis and B. cereusNRS 248, were incorporated into B. subtilis endospores (without integration into the host chromosome). When PBSC1 and PBSC2 were released from germinating endospores, they significantly inhibited the growth of the targeted opportunistic pathogen B. cereus Optimal endospore entrapment was achieved when phages were introduced to the fast-sporulating prespores at a multiplicity of infection of 1. Longer endospore maturation (48 h versus 24 h) increased both spore yield and efficiency of entrapment. Compared with free phages, spore-protected phage genomes showed significantly higher resistance toward high temperatures (60 to 80°C), extreme pH (pH 2 or pH 12), and copper ions (0.1 to 10 mg/liter). Endospore germination is inducible by low concentrations of l-alanine or by a germinant mixture (l-asparagine, d-glucose, d-fructose, and K+) to trigger the expression, assembly, and consequent release of phage particles within 60 to 90 min. Overall, the superior resiliency of polyvalent phages protected by endospores might enable nonrefrigerated phage storage and enhance phage applications after exposure to adverse environmental conditions.IMPORTANCE: Bacteriophages are being considered for the control of multidrug-resistant and other problematic bacteria in environmental systems. However, the efficacy of phage-based microbial control is limited by infectivity loss during phage delivery and/or storage. Here, we exploit the pseudolysogenic state of phages, which involves incorporation of their genome into bacterial endospores (without integration into the host chromosome), to enhance survival in unfavorable environments. We isolated polyvalent (broad-host-range) phages that efficiently infect both benign and opportunistically pathogenic Bacillusstrains and encapsulated the phage genomes in B. subtilis endospores to significantly improve resistance to various environmental stressors. Encapsulation by spores also significantly enhanced phage genome viability during storage. We also show that endospore germination can be induced on demand with nutrient germinants that trigger the release of active phages. Overall, we demonstrate that encapsulation of polyvalent phage genomes into benign endospores holds great promise for broadening the scope and efficacy of phage biocontrol