16 research outputs found

    Meson production with latitude cut-off

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    Complete LC/MS analysis of a Tinnevelli senna pod extract and subsequent isolation and identification of two new benzophenone glucosides

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    The hydroalcoholic extract of Tinnevelli senna is widely used as a laxative phytomedicine. In order to improve the knowledge of the chemical composition of this extract, LC/MS and LC/MSn studies were performed, allowing the on-line identification of most of the known constituents, i.e., flavonoids, anthraquinones and the typical dianthronic sennosides. However, the identity of four compounds could not be ascertained on-line under the given LC/MS conditions. These substances were isolated and their structures elucidated as kaempferol, the naphthalene derivative tinnevellin 8-glucoside and two new carboxylated benzophenone glucosides

    Farm-SAFE: The process of developing a plot- and farm-scale model of arable, forestry, and silvoarable economics

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    Financial feasibility and financial return are two key issues that farmers and land owners consider when deciding between alternative land uses such as arable farming, forestry and agroforestry. Moreover regional variations in yields, prices and government grants mean that the relative revenue and cost of such systems can vary substantially within Europe. To aid our understanding of these variations, the European Commission sponsored a research project called “Silvoarable Agroforestry For Europe” (SAFE). This paper describes the process of developing a new economic model within that project. The initial stages included establishing criteria for the model with end-users and reviewing the literature and existing models. This indicated that the economic model needed to allow comparison of arable farming, forestry and agroforestry systems at a plot- and a farm-scale. The form of comparisons included net margins, net present values, infinite net present values, equivalent annual values, and labour requirements. It was decided that the model would operate in a spreadsheet format, and the effect of phased planting patterns would be included at a farm- scale. Following initial development, additional user feedback led to a final choice on a model name, a final method of collating input data, and the inclusion of field-based operations such as varying the cropped area, replacing dead trees, and pruning. In addition options in terms of improved graphical outputs and the ability to undertake sensitivity analysis were developed. Some of the key lessons learnt include the need to establish clear model criteria and the benefits of developing a working prototype at an early stage to gain user- feed

    Quelle forĂȘt pour les hommes ?

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    Dans ce livre, le Cemagref, institut de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement, fait le point de ses travaux scientifiques menĂ©s sur la forĂȘt. Pourquoi une recherche sur la forĂȘt ? D'abord parce qu'elle occupe plus d'un quart de la surface de notre territoire mĂ©tropolitain. Ensuite, parce qu'elle fournit tout un ensemble de services variĂ©s et, pour certains, essentiels Ă  notre sociĂ©tĂ© : la production de bois, la protection contre les alĂ©as naturels, la chasse et la promenade en sont de trĂšs bonnes illustrations. Enfin, parce qu'elle constitue un milieu naturel riche en biodiversitĂ© et occupe une place notable dans les dĂ©bats sur les enjeux environnementaux. Forts de ce constat, les chercheurs et experts du Cemagref apportent leur contribution en abordant des problĂ©matiques majeures pour la gestion durable des forĂȘts : Ă©tat et dynamique de la forĂȘt, de sa biodiversitĂ©, vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© des forĂȘts aux changements globaux et stratĂ©gies d'adaptation, gestion multifonctionnelle des forĂȘts, rĂŽle de protection contre les alĂ©as naturels, place de la forĂȘt dans les territoires et enjeux sociaux. L'interaction entre forĂȘt et gestion se situe ainsi au cÂœur de nos travaux