82 research outputs found

    Determining Sequential Micellization Steps of Bile Salts With Multi-cmc Modeling

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    Hypothesis Bile salts exhibit complex concentration-dependent micellization in aqueous solution, rooted in a long-standing hypothesis of increasing size in bile aggregation that has historically focused on the measurement of only one CMC detected by a given method, without resolving successive stepwise aggregates. Whether bile aggregation is continuous or discrete, at what concentration does the first aggregate form, and how many aggregation steps occur, all remain as open questions. Experiments Bile salt critical micelle concentrations (CMCs) were investigated with NMR chemical shift titrations and a multi-CMC phase separation modeling approach developed herein. The proposed strategy is to establish a correspondence of the phase separation and mass action models to treat the first CMC; subsequent micellization steps, involving larger micelles, are then treated as phase separation events. Findings The NMR data and the proposed multi-CMC model reveal and resolve multiple closely spaced sequential preliminary, primary, and secondary discrete CMCs in dihydroxy and trihydroxy bile salt systems in basic (pH 12) solutions with a single model of one NMR data set. Complex NMR data are closely explained by the model. Four CMCs are established in deoxycholate below 100 mM (298 K, pH 12): 3.8 ± 0.5 mM, 9.1 ± 0.3 mM, 27 ± 2 mM, and 57 ± 4 mM, while three CMCs were observed in multiple bile systems, also under basic conditions. Global fitting leverages the sensitivity of different protons to different aggregation stages. In resolving these closely spaced CMCs, the method also obtains chemical shifts of these spectroscopically inaccessible (aka dark) states of the distinct micelles

    All different or all the same? Exploring the diversity of professional practices in Portuguese school psychology

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    "Published online: 29 March 2016"Studies have generally characterized school psychologists as a relative homogenous population. Understanding the differences in professional practices and related variables is important for the development of the profession. Using a sample of 446 Portuguese school psychologists, this study used cluster analysis to identify distinct profiles of professional activity, based on practitioners’ time distribution among different target audiences (i.e.,students, parents, teachers, school board members, school non-professional staff, and other professionals within the school community). Three distinct profiles emerged from the data: a group highly oriented to work with students, a group that distributes time almost equitably between adults and students, and a group that concentrates attention and professional expertise on adults. Practice setting variables, such as school-psychologists-to-student ratio, schoolpsychologists-to-school ratio, number of referrals per year, and school community level of demand for different activities, were found to be significantly related to cluster membership. No personal- or professional-background-related variables differentiated the three groups. The main implications of these findings are discussed in light of recent literature regarding the models of service delivery for school psychologists

    The status of the world's land and marine mammals: diversity, threat, and knowledge

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    Knowledge of mammalian diversity is still surprisingly disparate, both regionally and taxonomically. Here, we present a comprehensive assessment of the conservation status and distribution of the world's mammals. Data, compiled by 1700+ experts, cover all 5487 species, including marine mammals. Global macroecological patterns are very different for land and marine species but suggest common mechanisms driving diversity and endemism across systems. Compared with land species, threat levels are higher among marine mammals, driven by different processes (accidental mortality and pollution, rather than habitat loss), and are spatially distinct (peaking in northern oceans, rather than in Southeast Asia). Marine mammals are also disproportionately poorly known. These data are made freely available to support further scientific developments and conservation action

    The university as a non-profit discretionary firm / BEBR No. 578

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    Title page also includes summary of paper.Includes bibliographical references (p. 22-23)

    Electrocardiographic Analysis of the Effects of lsosorbide-5- Mononitrate on Regional Myocardial lschemia in Conscious Dogs

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    ABSTRACT ABBREVIATIONS: IS-5-MN, isosorbide-5-mononitrate; ISDN, isosorbide dinitrate; GTN, glyceryl tnnitrate; IS-2-MN, isosorbide-2-mononitrate

    A versatile assay for RNA-binding proteins in living cells

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    RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) control RNA fate from synthesis to decay. Since their cellular expression levels frequently do not reflect their in vivo activity, methods are needed to assess the steady state RNA-binding activity of RBPs as well as their responses to stimuli. While electrophoresis mobility shift assays (EMSA) have been used for such determinations, their results serve at best as proxies for the RBP activities in living cells. Here, we describe a quantitative dual fluorescence method to analyze protein–mRNA interactions in vivo. Known or candidate RBPs are fused to fluorescent proteins (eGFP, YFP), expressed in cells, cross-linked in vivo to RNA by ultraviolet light irradiation, and immunoprecipitated, after lysis, with a single chain antibody fragment directed against eGFP (GFP-binding protein, GBP). Polyadenylated RNA-binding activity of fusion proteins is assessed by hybridization with an oligo(DT) probe coupled with a red fluorophore. Since UV light is directly applied to living cells, the assay can be used to monitor dynamic changes in RNA-binding activities in response to biological or pharmacological stimuli. Notably, immunoprecipitation and hybridization can also be performed with commercially available GBP-coupled 96-well plates (GFP-multiTrap), allowing highly parallel RNA-binding measurements in a single experiment. Therefore, this method creates the possibility to conduct in vivo high-throughput RNA-binding assays. We believe that this fast and simple radioactivity-free method will find many useful applications in RNA biology

    A versatile assay for RNA-binding proteins in living cells

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    RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) control RNA fate from synthesis to decay. Since their cellular expression levels frequently do not reflect their in vivo activity, methods are needed to assess the steady state RNA-binding activity of RBPs as well as their responses to stimuli. While electrophoresis mobility shift assays (EMSA) have been used for such determinations, their results serve at best as proxies for the RBP activities in living cells. Here, we describe a quantitative dual fluorescence method to analyze protein–mRNA interactions in vivo. Known or candidate RBPs are fused to fluorescent proteins (eGFP, YFP), expressed in cells, cross-linked in vivo to RNA by ultraviolet light irradiation, and immunoprecipitated, after lysis, with a single chain antibody fragment directed against eGFP (GFP-binding protein, GBP). Polyadenylated RNA-binding activity of fusion proteins is assessed by hybridization with an oligo(DT) probe coupled with a red fluorophore. Since UV light is directly applied to living cells, the assay can be used to monitor dynamic changes in RNA-binding activities in response to biological or pharmacological stimuli. Notably, immunoprecipitation and hybridization can also be performed with commercially available GBP-coupled 96-well plates (GFP-multiTrap), allowing highly parallel RNA-binding measurements in a single experiment. Therefore, this method creates the possibility to conduct in vivo high-throughput RNA-binding assays. We believe that this fast and simple radioactivity-free method will find many useful applications in RNA biology

    Investigating the Effects of Conductivity of Zone Overlap with EMMA: Computer Simulation and Experiment

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    In this paper we demonstrate, using both experiment and simulation, how sample zone conductivity can affect plug-plug mixing in small molecule applications of electrophoretically mediated microanalysis (EMMA). The effectiveness of in-line mixing, which is driven by potential, can vary widely with experimental conditions. Using two small molecule systems, the effects of local conductivity differences between analyte plugs, reagent plugs and the background electrolyte on EMMA analyses are examined. Simul 5.0, a dynamic simulation program for capillary electrophoresis (CE) systems, is used to understand the ionic boundaries and profiles that give rise to the experimentally obtained data for EMMA analyses for (i) creatinine determination via the Jaffe reaction, a reaction involving a neutral and an anion, and (ii) the redox reaction between gallate and dichloroindophenol (DCIP), two anions. Low sample conductivity, which is widely used in CE analyses, can be detrimental for in-line reactions involving a neutral reactant, as rapid migration of the ionic component across a low conductivity neutral zone results in poor reagent plug overlap, and low reaction efficiency. Conversely, with two similarly charged reagents, a low conductivity sample plug is advantageous, as it allows field-amplified stacking of the reagents into a tight reaction zone. In addition, the complexity of simultaneously overlapping three reagent zones is considered, and experimental results validate the predictions made by the simulation. The simulations, however, do not appear to predict all of the observed experimental behavior. Overall, by combining experiment with simulation, an enhanced appreciation for the local field effects in EMMA is realized, and general guidelines for an advantageous sample matrix can be established for categories of EMMA analyses

    Comprehensive identification of RNA-binding proteins by RNA interactome capture

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    RNA associates with RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) from synthesis to decay, forming dynamic ribonucleoproteins (RNPs). In spite of the preeminent role of RBPs regulating RNA fate, the scope of cellular RBPs has remained largely unknown. We have recently developed a novel and comprehensive method to identify the repertoire of active RBPs of cultured cells, called RNA interactome capture. Using in vivo UV cross-linking on cultured cells, proteins are covalently bound to RNA if the contact between the two is direct (“zero distance”). Protein-RNA complexes are purified by poly(A) tail-dependent oligo(dT) capture and analyzed by quantitative mass spectrometry. Because UV irradiation is applied to living cells and purification is performed using highly stringent washes, RNA interactome capture identifies physiologic and direct protein-RNA interactions. Applied to HeLa cells, this protocol revealed the near-complete repertoire of RBPs, including hundreds of novel RNA binders. Apart from its RBP discovery capacity, quantitative and comparative RNA interactome capture can also be used to study the responses of the RBP repertoire to different physiological cues and processes, including metabolic stress, differentiation, development, or the response to drugs
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