28 research outputs found

    Disruption of Yarrowia lipolytica TPS1 Gene Encoding Trehalose-6-P Synthase Does Not Affect Growth in Glucose but Impairs Growth at High Temperature

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    We have cloned the Yarrowia lipolytica TPS1 gene encoding trehalose-6-P synthase by complementation of the lack of growth in glucose of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae tps1 mutant. Disruption of YlTPS1 could only be achieved with a cassette placed in the 3′half of its coding region due to the overlap of its sequence with the promoter of the essential gene YlTFC1. The Yltps1 mutant grew in glucose although the Y. lipolytica hexokinase is extremely sensitive to inhibition by trehalose-6-P. The presence of a glucokinase, insensitive to trehalose-6-P, that constitutes about 80% of the glucose phosphorylating capacity during growth in glucose may account for the growth phenotype. Trehalose content was below 1 nmol/mg dry weight in Y. lipolytica, but it increased in strains expressing YlTPS1 under the control of the YlTEF1promoter or with a disruption of YALI0D15598 encoding a putative trehalase. mRNA levels of YlTPS1 were low and did not respond to thermal stresses, but that of YlTPS2 (YALI0D14476) and YlTPS3 (YALI0E31086) increased 4 and 6 times, repectively, by heat treatment. Disruption of YlTPS1 drastically slowed growth at 35°C. Homozygous Yltps1 diploids showed a decreased sporulation frequency that was ascribed to the low level of YALI0D20966 mRNA an homolog of the S. cerevisiae MCK1 which encodes a protein kinase that activates early meiotic gene expression

    Insertional Mutagenesis in the n-Alkane-Assimilating Yeast Yarrowia lipolytica: Generation of Tagged Mutations in Genes Involved in Hydrophobic Substrate Utilization

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    Tagged mutants affected in the degradation of hydrophobic compounds (HC) were generated by insertion of a zeta-URA3 mutagenesis cassette (MTC) into the genome of a zeta-free and ura3 deletion-containing strain of Yarrowia lipolytica. MTC integration occurred predominantly at random by nonhomologous recombination. A total of 8,600 Ura(+) transformants were tested by replica plating for (i) growth on minimal media with alkanes of different chain lengths (decane, dodecane, and hexadecane), oleic acid, tributyrin, or ethanol as the C source and (ii) colonial defects on different glucose-containing media (YPD, YNBD, and YNBcas). A total of 257 mutants were obtained, of which about 70 were affected in HC degradation, representing different types of non-alkane-utilizing (Alk(−)) mutants (phenotypic classes alkA to alkE) and tributyrin degradation mutants. Among Alk(−) mutants, growth defects depending on the alkane chain length were observed (alkAa to alkAc). Furthermore, mutants defective in yeast-hypha transition and ethanol utilization and selected auxotrophic mutants were isolated. Flanking borders of the integrated MTC were sequenced to identify the disrupted genes. Sequence analysis indicated that the MTC was integrated in the LEU1 locus in N083, a leucine-auxotrophic mutant, in the isocitrate dehydrogenase gene of N156 (alkE leaky), in the thioredoxin reductase gene in N040 (alkAc), and in a peroxine gene (PEX14) in N078 (alkD). This indicates that MTC integration is a powerful tool for generating and analyzing tagged mutants in Y. lipolytica