5,434 research outputs found

    Pair of Heavy-Exotic-Quarks at LHC

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    We study the production and signatures of heavy exotic quarks pairs at LHC in the framework of the vector singlet model (VSM), vector doublet model (VDM) and fermion-mirror-fermion (FMF) model. The pair production cross sections for the electroweak and strong sector are computed.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. accept at Int. Jour. of Mod. Phy

    Fed-batch control based upon the measurement of intracellular NADH

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    A series of experiments demonstrating that on-line measurements of intracellular NADH by culture fluorescence can be used to monitor and control the fermentation process are described. A distinct advantage of intercellular NADH measurements over other monitoring techniques such as pH and dissolved oxygen is that it directly measures real time events occurring within the cell rather than changes in the environment. When coupled with other measurement parameters, it can provide a finer degree of sophistication in process control

    t-channel production of heavy charged leptons

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    We study the pair production of heavy charged exotic leptons at e+ e- colliders in the SU(2)_L x SU(2)_I x U(1)_Y model. This gauge group is a subgroup of the grand unification group E6; SU(2)_I commutes with the electric charge operator, and the three corresponding gauge bosons are electrically neutral. In addition to the standard photon and Z boson contributions, we also include the contributions from extra neutral gauge bosons. A t-channel contribution due to W_I-boson exchange, which is unsuppressed by mixing angles, is quite important. We calculate the left-right and forward-backward asymmetries, and discuss how to differentiate different models.Comment: Increased discussion of experimental signatures. Version accepted by PR

    Signals for Vector Leptoquarks in Hadronic Collisions

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    We analyze systematically the signatures of vector leptoquarks in hadronic collisions. We examine their single and pair productions, as well as their effects on the production of lepton pairs. Our results indicate that a machine like the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be able to unravel the existence of vector leptoquarks with masses up to the range of 22--33 TeV.Comment: 15 pages and 5 figures (available upon request or through anonymous ftp), revtex3, IFUSP-P 108

    Bounds on Vector Leptoquarks

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    We derive bounds on vector leptoquarks coupling to the first generation, using data from low energy experiments as well as from high energy accelerators. Similarly to the case of scalar leptoquarks, we find that the strongest indirect bounds arise from atomic parity violation and universality in leptonic pi decays. These bounds are considerably stronger than the first direct bounds of HERA, restricting vector leptoquarks that couple with electromagnetic strength to right-handed quarks to lie above 430 GeV or 460 GeV, and leptoquarks that couple with electromagnetic strength to left-handed quarks to lie above 1.3 TeV, 1.2 TeV and 1.5 TeV for the SU(2)_W singlet, doublet and triplet respectively.Comment: 14 Pages (LaTeX), including 1 uufiled postscript figure. WIS-93/119/Dec-P

    A hybrid, auto-adaptive, and rule-based multi-agent approach using evolutionary algorithms for improved searching

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    Selecting the most appropriate heuristic for solving a specific problem is not easy, for many reasons. This article focuses on one of these reasons: traditionally, the solution search process has operated in a given manner regardless of the specific problem being solved, and the process has been the same regardless of the size, complexity and domain of the problem. To cope with this situation, search processes should mould the search into areas of the search space that are meaningful for the problem. This article builds on previous work in the development of a multi-agent paradigm using techniques derived from knowledge discovery (data-mining techniques) on databases of so-far visited solutions. The aim is to improve the search mechanisms, increase computational efficiency and use rules to enrich the formulation of optimization problems, while reducing the search space and catering to realistic problems.Izquierdo Sebastián, J.; Montalvo Arango, I.; Campbell, E.; Pérez García, R. (2015). A hybrid, auto-adaptive, and rule-based multi-agent approach using evolutionary algorithms for improved searching. Engineering Optimization. 1-13. doi:10.1080/0305215X.2015.1107434S113Becker, U., & Fahrmeir, L. (2001). Bump Hunting for Risk: a New Data Mining Tool and its Applications. Computational Statistics, 16(3), 373-386. doi:10.1007/s001800100073Bouguessa, M., & Shengrui Wang. (2009). Mining Projected Clusters in High-Dimensional Spaces. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 21(4), 507-522. doi:10.1109/tkde.2008.162Chong, I.-G., & Jun, C.-H. (2005). Performance of some variable selection methods when multicollinearity is present. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 78(1-2), 103-112. doi:10.1016/j.chemolab.2004.12.011CHONG, I., & JUN, C. (2008). Flexible patient rule induction method for optimizing process variables in discrete type. Expert Systems with Applications, 34(4), 3014-3020. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2007.05.047Cole, S. W., Galic, Z., & Zack, J. A. (2003). Controlling false-negative errors in microarray differential expression analysis: a PRIM approach. Bioinformatics, 19(14), 1808-1816. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btg242FRIEDMAN, J. H., & FISHER, N. I. (1999). Statistics and Computing, 9(2), 123-143. doi:10.1023/a:1008894516817Geem, Z. W. (2006). Optimal cost design of water distribution networks using harmony search. Engineering Optimization, 38(3), 259-277. doi:10.1080/03052150500467430Goncalves, L. B., Vellasco, M. M. B. R., Pacheco, M. A. C., & Flavio Joaquim de Souza. (2006). Inverted hierarchical neuro-fuzzy BSP system: a novel neuro-fuzzy model for pattern classification and rule extraction in databases. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews), 36(2), 236-248. doi:10.1109/tsmcc.2004.843220Hastie, T., Friedman, J., & Tibshirani, R. (2001). The Elements of Statistical Learning. Springer Series in Statistics. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-21606-5Chih-Ming Hsu, & Ming-Syan Chen. (2009). On the Design and Applicability of Distance Functions in High-Dimensional Data Space. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 21(4), 523-536. doi:10.1109/tkde.2008.178Hwang, S.-F., & He, R.-S. (2006). A hybrid real-parameter genetic algorithm for function optimization. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 20(1), 7-21. doi:10.1016/j.aei.2005.09.001Izquierdo, J., Montalvo, I., Pérez, R., & Fuertes, V. S. (2008). Design optimization of wastewater collection networks by PSO. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 56(3), 777-784. doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2008.02.007Javadi, A. A., Farmani, R., & Tan, T. P. (2005). A hybrid intelligent genetic algorithm. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 19(4), 255-262. doi:10.1016/j.aei.2005.07.003Jin, X., Zhang, J., Gao, J., & Wu, W. (2008). Multi-objective optimization of water supply network rehabilitation with non-dominated sorting Genetic Algorithm-II. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 9(3), 391-400. doi:10.1631/jzus.a071448Johns, M. B., Keedwell, E., & Savic, D. (2014). Adaptive locally constrained genetic algorithm for least-cost water distribution network design. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 16(2), 288-301. doi:10.2166/hydro.2013.218Jourdan, L., Corne, D., Savic, D., & Walters, G. (2005). Preliminary Investigation of the ‘Learnable Evolution Model’ for Faster/Better Multiobjective Water Systems Design. Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, 841-855. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-31880-4_58Kamwa, I., Samantaray, S. R., & Joos, G. (2009). Development of Rule-Based Classifiers for Rapid Stability Assessment of Wide-Area Post-Disturbance Records. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 24(1), 258-270. doi:10.1109/tpwrs.2008.2009430Kang, D., & Lansey, K. (2012). Revisiting Optimal Water-Distribution System Design: Issues and a Heuristic Hierarchical Approach. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 138(3), 208-217. doi:10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0000165Keedwell, E., & Khu, S.-T. (2005). A hybrid genetic algorithm for the design of water distribution networks. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 18(4), 461-472. doi:10.1016/j.engappai.2004.10.001Kehl, V., & Ulm, K. (2006). Responder identification in clinical trials with censored data. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 50(5), 1338-1355. doi:10.1016/j.csda.2004.11.015Liu, X., Minin, V., Huang, Y., Seligson, D. B., & Horvath, S. (2004). Statistical Methods for Analyzing Tissue Microarray Data. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 14(3), 671-685. doi:10.1081/bip-200025657Marchi, A., Dandy, G., Wilkins, A., & Rohrlach, H. (2014). Methodology for Comparing Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimization of Water Distribution Systems. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 140(1), 22-31. doi:10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0000321Martínez-Rodríguez, J. B., Montalvo, I., Izquierdo, J., & Pérez-García, R. (2011). Reliability and Tolerance Comparison in Water Supply Networks. Water Resources Management, 25(5), 1437-1448. doi:10.1007/s11269-010-9753-2McClymont, K., Keedwell, E., Savić, D., & Randall-Smith, M. (2013). A general multi-objective hyper-heuristic for water distribution network design with discolouration risk. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 15(3), 700-716. doi:10.2166/hydro.2012.022McClymont, K., Keedwell, E. C., Savić, D., & Randall-Smith, M. (2014). Automated construction of evolutionary algorithm operators for the bi-objective water distribution network design problem using a genetic programming based hyper-heuristic approach. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 16(2), 302-318. doi:10.2166/hydro.2013.226Michalski, R. S. (2000). Machine Learning, 38(1/2), 9-40. doi:10.1023/a:1007677805582Montalvo, I., Izquierdo, J., Pérez-García, R., & Herrera, M. (2014). Water Distribution System Computer-Aided Design by Agent Swarm Optimization. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 29(6), 433-448. doi:10.1111/mice.12062Montalvo, I., Izquierdo, J., Schwarze, S., & Pérez-García, R. (2010). Multi-objective particle swarm optimization applied to water distribution systems design: An approach with human interaction. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 52(7-8), 1219-1227. doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2010.02.017Nguyen, V. V., Hartmann, D., & König, M. (2012). A distributed agent-based approach for simulation-based optimization. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 26(4), 814-832. doi:10.1016/j.aei.2012.06.001Nicklow, J., Reed, P., Savic, D., Dessalegne, T., Harrell, L., … Chan-Hilton, A. (2010). State of the Art for Genetic Algorithms and Beyond in Water Resources Planning and Management. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 136(4), 412-432. doi:10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0000053Onwubolu, G. C., & Babu, B. V. (2004). New Optimization Techniques in Engineering. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-39930-8Pelikan, M., Goldberg, D. E., & Lobo, F. G. (2002). Computational Optimization and Applications, 21(1), 5-20. doi:10.1023/a:1013500812258Reed, P. M., Hadka, D., Herman, J. D., Kasprzyk, J. R., & Kollat, J. B. (2013). Evolutionary multiobjective optimization in water resources: The past, present, and future. Advances in Water Resources, 51, 438-456. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2012.01.005Shang, W., Zhao, S., & Shen, Y. (2009). A flexible tolerance genetic algorithm for optimal problems with nonlinear equality constraints. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 23(3), 253-264. doi:10.1016/j.aei.2008.09.001Vrugt, J. A., & Robinson, B. A. (2007). Improved evolutionary optimization from genetically adaptive multimethod search. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(3), 708-711. doi:10.1073/pnas.0610471104Vrugt, J. A., Robinson, B. A., & Hyman, J. M. (2009). Self-Adaptive Multimethod Search for Global Optimization in Real-Parameter Spaces. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 13(2), 243-259. doi:10.1109/tevc.2008.924428Xie, X.-F., & Liu, J. (2008). Graph coloring by multiagent fusion search. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 18(2), 99-123. doi:10.1007/s10878-008-9140-6Xiao-Feng Xie, & Jiming Liu. (2009). Multiagent Optimization System for Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics), 39(2), 489-502. doi:10.1109/tsmcb.2008.2006910Zheng, F., Simpson, A. R., & Zecchin, A. C. (2013). A decomposition and multistage optimization approach applied to the optimization of water distribution systems with multiple supply sources. Water Resources Research, 49(1), 380-399. doi:10.1029/2012wr013160Zheng, F., Simpson, A. R., & Zecchin, A. C. (2014). Coupled Binary Linear Programming–Differential Evolution Algorithm Approach for Water Distribution System Optimization. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 140(5), 585-597. doi:10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.000036

    Signal and Backgrounds for Leptoquarks at the LHC II: Vector Leptoquarks

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    We perform a detailed analyses of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) capability to discover first generation vector leptoquarks through their pair production. We study the leptoquark signals and backgrounds that give rise to final states containing a pair e+e- and jets. Our results show that the LHC will be able to discover vector leptoquarks with masses up to 1.3-2.1 TeV depending on their couplings to fermions and gluons.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, REVTe

    Signal and Backgrounds for the Single Production of Scalar and Vector Leptoquarks at the LHC

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    We perform a detailed analysis of the potentiality of the CERN Large Hadron Collider to study the single production of leptoquarks via ppe±qpp \to e^\pm q\to leptoquark e±q\to e^\pm q, with e±e^\pm generated by the splitting of photons radiated by the protons. Working with the most general SU(2)LU(1)YSU(2)_L \otimes U(1)_Y invariant effective lagrangian for scalar and vector leptoquarks, we analyze in detail the leptoquark signals and backgrounds that lead to a final state containing an e±e^\pm and a hard jet with approximately balanced transverse momenta. Our results indicate that the LHC will be able to discover leptoquarks with masses up to 2--3 TeV, depending on their type, for Yukawa couplings of the order of the electromagnetic one.Comment: Revtex, 23 pages, 11 postscript files. Uses axodraw.sty (included) and epsfig.sty. Typos corrected. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Complejos de halógeno acetatos de uranio (iv) y torio (iv) con sulfoxidos y fosfinoxidos

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    En este trabajo se ha Investigado el efecto sterico sobre los modos de coordinación del grupo carboxilato (unidentado, bidentado y puente), en complejos de halógeno acetato con fosfinóxidos y sulfóxidos y la correlación de los resultadoscon el modelo "Cone Angle" e\ cual ha sido descrito en otra publicación previa' Los complejos preparados son: M(RCO )^ .nL donde n = 4, M = Th ó U, L = Me^SO (dmso), R = CF,3 y L = Me3P0 (tmpo); n = 3, M = Th, L = tmpo, R = CF3 y L = ppo o dmso, R OCCI3; M = U, L = t p p o , R =CF3 y L =dmso, dpso, R = C C l 3 ; n = 2 , M = T h , L = tppo, R = CF3, CHCI^On^ 1, M = Th ó U, L =dmso