905 research outputs found

    Prospektive Kohortenstudie zum Langzeitbeschwerdebild nach Appendektomie

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    Prospektive Kohortenstudie zum Langzeitbeschwerdebild nach Appendektomie

    Applications of the ER-2 meteorological measurement system

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    The NASA ER-2 aircraft is used as a platform for high altitude atmospheric missions. The Meteorological Measurement System (MMS) was developed specifically for atmospheric research to provide accurate high resolution measurements of pressure, temperature, and the 3-D wind vector with a sampling rate of 5/s. The MMS consist of three subsystems: (1) an air motion sensing system to measure the velocity of the air with respect to the aircraft; (2) a high resolution inertial navigation system (INS) to measure the velocity of the aircraft with respect to the earth; and (3) a data acquisition system to sample, process, and record the measurement quantities. MMS data have been used extensively by ER-2 investigators in elucidating the polar ozone chemistry. Herein, applications on atmospheric dynamics are emphasized. Large scale (polar vortex, potential vorticity, model atmosphere), mesoscale (gravity waves, mountain waves) and microscale (heat fluxes) atmospheric phenomena are investigated and discussed

    BGnet: Accurate and rapid background estimation in single-molecule localization microscopy with deep neural nets

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    Background fluorescence, especially when it exhibits undesired spatial features, is a primary factor for reduced image quality in optical microscopy. Structured background is particularly detrimental when analyzing single-molecule images for 3D localization microscopy or single-molecule tracking. Here, we introduce BGnet, a deep neural network with a U-net-type architecture, as a general method to rapidly estimate the background underlying the image of a point source with excellent accuracy, even when point spread function (PSF) engineering is in use to create complex PSF shapes. We trained BGnet to extract the background from images of various PSFs and show that the identification is accurate for a wide range of different interfering background structures constructed from many spatial frequencies. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the obtained background-corrected PSF images, both for simulated and experimental data, lead to a substantial improvement in localization precision. Finally, we verify that structured background estimation with BGnet results in higher quality of super-resolution reconstructions of biological structures.Comment: 50 pages, 20 figure

    Accurate phase retrieval of complex point spread functions with deep residual neural networks

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    Phase retrieval, i.e. the reconstruction of phase information from intensity information, is a central problem in many optical systems. Here, we demonstrate that a deep residual neural net is able to quickly and accurately perform this task for arbitrary point spread functions (PSFs) formed by Zernike-type phase modulations. Five slices of the 3D PSF at different focal positions within a two micron range around the focus are sufficient to retrieve the first six orders of Zernike coefficients.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Sensors Best Paper Award 2015

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    Since 2011, an annual award system was instituted to recognize outstanding Sensors papers that are related to sensing technologies and applications and meet the aims, scope and high standards of this journal [1–4]. This year, the winners were chosen by the Section Editor-in-Chiefs of Sensors from among all the papers published in 2011 to track citations. Reviews and full research articles were considered separately. We gladly announce that the following eight papers were awarded the Sensors Best Paper Award in 2015

    Enzymfreisetzung und Aktivierung der Kallikrein-Kinin-Systeme bei experimenteller Pankreatitis

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    Das klinische Bild der akuten Pankreatitis wird entscheidend durch die sekundäre Schädigung von Herz-Kreislauf-System, Lunge und Niere bestimmt. Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war es, durch Messungen in venösem Pankreasblut, Pankreaslymphe und Peritonealexsudat die Kompartimente zu bestimmen, über die die systemischen Schädigungen vermittelt werden. An anästhesierten Schweinen wurden die systemischen, hämodynamischen Parameter durch gesteuerte Volumentherapie konstant gehalten. Die Schweine wurden randomisiert der Kontrollgruppe (n = 9) oder einer der Pankreatitisgruppen zugeteilt (jeweils n = 10). Die Pankreatitis wurde durch Infusion von freier Fettsäure in die Pankreasarterien (FFS) oder durch Infusion einer 5%igen Natrium-Taurocholat-Lösung retrograd in den Pankreasgang (NaT) ausgelöst. Nach Isolation des Pankreas wurde venöses Pankreasblut, Pankreaslymphe und Peritonealexsudat gewonnen und die Aktivität von Lipase, Phospholipase A und Plasmaprokallikrein sowie die Konzentration von Organkallikrein und Kininogen bestimmt. In beiden Pankreatitismodellen fand sich ein Anstieg der Enzymaktivitäten. Die höchsten Aktivitäten fanden sich im Peritonealexsudat (Phospholipase A nach 40 min: Kontrolle 10,0 U/1, NaT 72,2 U/1). In beiden Pankreatitismodellen fanden sich außerdem Hinweise für eine Aktivierung des Organkallikrein-Kinin-Systems durch den Anstieg der Organkallikreinkonzentration und den Abfall der Gesamtkininogenkonzentration. Die stärksten Veränderungen fanden sich wieder im Peritonealexsudat (Organkallikrein nach 40 min: Kontrolle 14,7 ng/ml, NaT 452 ng/ml).The clinical course of acute pancreatitis is strongly influenced by secondary cardiac, pulmonary and renal damage. The aim of the present study was to gather information about the compartment promoting the systemic damage. Therefore the activity of lipase, phospholipase A and plasmaprokallikrein and the concentration of tissue kallikrein and kininogen were measured in portal venous blood, pancreatic lymph and peritoneal exudate. Anaesthetized pigs were subjected to fluid resuscitation to keep systemic haemodynamic parameters constant. The pancreas was isolated in situ. The pigs were randomly assigned to a control group (n = 9) or one of the two pancreatitis groups (n = 10 each). Pancreatitis was induced by i.a. infusion of free fatty acid (FFS) or retrograde infusion of 5 % sodium taurocholate intraductally (NaT). In both pancreatitis groups the activity of lipase and phospholipase A increased. The most pronounced changes were seen in the peritoneal exsudate (phospholipase A activity 40 min after induction: control 10.0 U/1, NaT 72.2 U/1). In both pancreatitis groups there was evidence for activation of the tissue kallikreinkinin system in the form of an increase in the kallikrein concentration and a decrease in the kininogen concentration. Again the changes were most pronounced in the peritoneal exsudate (tissue kallikrein 40 min after induction: control 14.7 ng/ml, NaT 452 ng/ml)