62 research outputs found

    Slide FFT on a homogeneous mesh in wafer-scale computing

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    Searches for signals at low signal-to-noise ratios frequently involve the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). For high-throughput searches, we here consider FFT on the homogeneous mesh of Processing Elements (PEs) of a wafer-scale engine (WSE). To minimize memory overhead in the inherently non-local FFT algorithm, we introduce a new synchronous slide operation ({\em Slide}) exploiting the fast interconnect between adjacent PEs. Feasibility of compute-limited performance is demonstrated in linear scaling of Slide execution times with varying array size in preliminary benchmarks on the CS-2 WSE. The proposed implementation appears opportune to accelerate and open the full discovery potential of FFT-based signal processing in multi-messenger astronomy.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Effects of Large-Scale Convection on p-mode Frequencies

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    We describe an approach for finding the eigenfrequencies of solar acoustic modes (p modes) in a convective envelope in the WKB limit. This approximation restricts us to examining the effects of fluid motions which are large compared to the mode wavelength, but allows us to treat the three-dimensional mode as a localized ray. The method of adiabatic switching is then used to investigate the frequency shifts resulting from simple perturbations to a polytropic model of the convection zone as well as from two basic models of a convective cell. We find that although solely depth-dependent perturbations can give frequency shifts which are first order in the strength of the perturbation, models of convective cells generate downward frequency shifts which are second order in the perturbation strength. These results may have implications for resolving the differences between eigenfrequencies derived from solar models and those found from helioseismic observations.Comment: 27 pages + 6 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    Meridional Circulation and Global Solar Oscillations

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    We investigate the influence of large-scale meridional circulation on solar p-modes by quasi-degenerate perturbation theory, as proposed by \cite{lavely92}. As an input flow we use various models of stationary meridional circulation obeying the continuity equation. This flow perturbs the eigenmodes of an equilibrium model of the Sun. We derive the signatures of the meridional circulation in the frequency multiplets of solar p-modes. In most cases the meridional circulation leads to negative average frequency shifts of the multiplets. Further possible observable effects are briefly discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, submittted to Solar Physics Topical Issue "HELAS

    Spatiotemporal patterns of population in mainland China, 1990 to 2010

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    According to UN forecasts, global population will increase to over 8 billion by 2025, with much of this anticipated population growth expected in urban areas. In China, the scale of urbanization has, and continues to be, unprecedented in terms of magnitude and rate of change. Since the late 1970s, the percentage of Chinese living in urban areas increased from ~18% to over 50%. To quantify these patterns spatially we use time-invariant or temporally-explicit data, including census data for 1990, 2000, and 2010 in an ensemble prediction model. Resulting multi-temporal, gridded population datasets are unique in terms of granularity and extent, providing fine-scale (~100 m) patterns of population distribution for mainland China. For consistency purposes, the Tibet Autonomous Region, Taiwan, and the islands in the South China Sea were excluded. The statistical model and considerations for temporally comparable maps are described, along with the resulting datasets. Final, mainland China population maps for 1990, 2000, and 2010 are freely available as products from the WorldPop Project website and the WorldPop Dataverse Repository

    Illegal births and legal abortions – the case of China

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    BACKGROUND: China has a national policy regulating the number of children that a woman is allowed to have. The central concept at the individual level application is "illegal pregnancy". The purpose of this article is to describe and problematicize the concept of illegal pregnancy and its use in practice. METHODS: Original texts and previous published and unpublished reports and statistics were used. RESULTS: By 1979 the Chinese population policy was clearly a policy of controlling population growth. For a pregnancy to be legal, it has to be defined as such according to the family-level eligibility rules, and in some places it has to be within the local quota. Enforcement of the policy has been pursued via the State Family Planning (FP) Commission and the Communist Party (CP), both of which have a functioning vertical structure down to the lowest administrative units. There are various incentives and disincentives for families to follow the policy. An extensive system has been created to keep the contraceptive use and pregnancy status of all married women at reproductive age under constant surveillance. In the early 1990s FP and CP officials were made personally responsible for meeting population targets. Since 1979, abortion has been available on request, and the ratio of legal abortions to birth increased in the 1980s and declined in the 1990s. Similar to what happens in other Asian countries with low fertility rates and higher esteem for boys, both national- and local-level data show that an unnaturally greater number of boys than girls are registered as having been born. CONCLUSION: Defining a pregnancy as "illegal" and carrying out the surveillance of individual women are phenomena unique in China, but this does not apply to other features of the policy. The moral judgment concerning the policy depends on the basic question of whether reproduction should be considered as an individual or social decision

    Migrant remittances and the web of family obligations: Ongoing support among spatially extended kin in North-east Thailand, 1984–94

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    Exchanges of money, goods, and assistance among family/kin members are influenced by the intertwined lives of individuals and their family/kin. As people pass through the young adulthood years, acquiring obligations as spouses and parents, and migrating in search of economic opportunities, tensions can arise over existing obligations. Using rich longitudinal data from Northeast Thailand, we examined the role of family networks (origin and destination) on migrants’ exchanges with family/kin. Our approach overcame many shortcomings of earlier studies, allowing us to 'see' the family social network arrayed in a broader network. We show that intra-family exchanges are influenced by marital status, the presence of children, having parents in the origin household, and having siblings depart from it. The results are stable across sensitivity tests that systematically include or exclude various familial links. And reports provided by origin households on migrant remittances are consistent with reports from migrants themselves

    18F-Fluciclovine PET/CT performance in biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer: a systematic review

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    Background A systematic literature review of the performance of 18Fluorine-fluciclovine PET/CT for imaging of men with recurrent prostate cancer was performed. Methods Scientific literature databases (MEDLINE, ScienceDirect and Cochrane Libraries) were searched systematically during Oct 2020 using PRISMA criteria. No limit was put on the date of publication. Prospective studies reporting a patient-level 18F-fluciclovine detection rate (DR) from ≥25 patients with recurrent prostate cancer were sought. Proceedings of relevant meetings held from 2018 through Oct 2020 were searched for abstracts meeting criteria. Results Searches identified 321 unique articles. In total, nine articles (six papers and three conference abstracts), comprising a total of 850 patients met inclusion criteria. Most studies (n = 6) relied on ASTRO-Phoenix Criteria, EAU-ESTRO-SIOG, and/or ASTRO-AUA guidelines to identify patients with biochemical recurrence. Patients’ PSA levels ranged from 0.02–301.7 ng/mL (median level per study, 0.34–4.10 ng/mL [n = 8]). Approximately 64% of patients had undergone prostatectomy, but three studies focused solely on post-prostatectomy patients. Adherence to imaging protocol guidelines was heterogeneous, with variance seen in administered activity, uptake and scan times. Overall patient-level DR varied between studies from 26% to 83%, with 78% of studies reporting a DR > 50%. DR was proportional to PSA, but even at PSA < 0.5 ng/mL DR of up to 53% were reported. Prostate/bed DR (n = 7) ranged from 18% to 78% and extra-prostatic rates (n = 6) from 8% to 72%. Pelvic node and bone lesion DR ranged from 8% to 47% and 0% to 26%, respectively (n = 5). 18F-Fluciclovine PET/CT was shown to impact patient management and outcomes. Two studies reported 59–63% of patients to have a management change post-scan. A further study showed significant increase in failure-free survival following 18F-fluciclovine-guided compared with conventional imaging-guided radiotherapy planning. Conclusions 18F-Fluciclovine PET/CT shows good performance in patients with recurrent prostate cancer leading to measurable clinical benefits. Careful adherence to recommended imaging protocols may help optimize DR
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