2,995 research outputs found

    Frozen fruits and vegetables

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    Studies of sulfur in relation to the soil solution,

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    Normal embryonic stages of the Longnose Gar, Lepisosteus osseus

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    BACKGROUND: Gaps exist in the modern literature that describes patterns of development in living groups of actinopterygian fishes. Relatively recent descriptions of development exist for the teleost fishes, bowfin, sturgeon, paddlefish and bichirs. Such literature dealing with the gars is to be found in older work, done approximately a century ago. The present study concerns the gars, of which the garpike, Lepisosteus osseus, is a representative example. RESULTS: The embryonic period of life of this fish is divided, as required for experimentation, into 34 stages, from fertilization to exhaustion of the yolk supply. Diagnostic structural characteristics are cited for each stage, and the rate of development is indicated. CONCLUSIONS: Three features of development are especially noted that compare or contrast with other members of the Neopterygii, and with the Chondrostei. These are meroblastic cleavage, a well-defined yolk syncytial layer (ysl), and a pit at the posterodorsal edge of the blastoderm, which defines an overhanging dorsal lip. Meroblastic cleavage and the ysl in the garpike show an affinity to those character states in the teleosts, though not with Amia, the other neopterygian fish. The posterodorsal pit and dorsal lip are reminiscent of similar features in the Chondrostei. Lepisosteus is unique among the Neopterygii with respect to this character state. Such comparisons set the stage for a broader understanding of the mechanisms for development in these organisms, and of the evolutionary relationships between them

    First Records Affect Future Performance

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    Urease Inhibitor Reduces Ammonia Loss from Surface-Applied Urea

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    Urea is the world\u27s leading N fertilizer, and its use continues to grow. In the USA, for example, the use of urea increased 50 fold from 1955 to 1986. During that same time, its use in Kentucky increased from 214 to more than 112,000 tons per year, which was 28% of the N used in Kentucky in 1986. The increasing popularity of urea is due to advantages over other N fertilizers in its manufacture and to its use in making most N solutions, another rapidly growing form of N fertilizer. Desirable qualities of urea include the highest N content of all solid N fertilizers (45-46%), excellent handling properties, and dissolves readily in water. There is, however, a serious agromonic management problem with urea

    An experimental study of the sensitivity of helicopter rotor blade tracking to root pitch adjustment in hover

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    The sensitivity of blade tracking in hover to variations in root pitch was examined for two rotor configurations. Tests were conducted using a four bladed articulated rotor mounted on the NASA-Army aeroelastic rotor experimental system (ARES). Two rotor configurations were tested: one consisting of a blade set with flexible fiberglass spars and one with stiffer (by a factor of five in flapwise and torsional stiffnesses) aluminum spars. Both blade sets were identical in planform and airfoil distribution and were untwisted. The two configurations were ballasted to the same Lock number so that a direct comparison of the tracking sensitivity to a gross change in blade stiffness could be made. Experimental results show no large differences between the two sets of blades in the sensitivity of the blade tracking to root pitch adjustments. However, a measurable reduction in intrack coning of the fiberglass spar blades with respect to the aluminum blades is noted at higher rotor thrust conditions

    Finding related sentence pairs in MEDLINE

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    We explore the feasibility of automatically identifying sentences in different MEDLINE abstracts that are related in meaning. We compared traditional vector space models with machine learning methods for detecting relatedness, and found that machine learning was superior. The Huber method, a variant of Support Vector Machines which minimizes the modified Huber loss function, achieves 73% precision when the score cutoff is set high enough to identify about one related sentence per abstract on average. We illustrate how an abstract viewed in PubMed might be modified to present the related sentences found in other abstracts by this automatic procedure

    Thermal noise limitations to force measurements with torsion pendulums: Applications to the measurement of the Casimir force and its thermal correction

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    A general analysis of thermal noise in torsion pendulums is presented. The specific case where the torsion angle is kept fixed by electronic feedback is analyzed. This analysis is applied to a recent experiment that employed a torsion pendulum to measure the Casimir force. The ultimate limit to the distance at which the Casimir force can be measured to high accuracy is discussed, and in particular the prospects for measuring the thermal correction are elaborated upon.Comment: one figure, five pages, to be submitted to Phys Rev