2,085 research outputs found

    Observation of a linear temperature dependence of the critical current density in a Ba_{0.63}K_{0.37}BiO_3 single crystal

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    For a Ba_{0.63}K_{0.37}BiO_3 single crystal with T_c=31 K, H_{c1}=750 Oe at 5 K, and dimensions 3x3x1 mm^3, the temperature and field dependences of magnetic hysteresis loops have been measured within 5-25 K in magnetic fields up to 6 Tesla. The critical current density is J_c(0)=1.5 x 10^5 A/cm^2 at zero field and 1 x 10^5 A/cm^2 at 1 kOe at 5 K. J_c decreases exponentially with increasing field up to 10 kOe. A linear temperature dependence of J_c is observed below 25 K, which differs from the exponential and the power-law temperature dependences in high-Tc superconductors including the BKBO. The linear temperature dependence can be regarded as an intrinsic effect in superconductors.Comment: RevTex, Physica C Vol. 341-348, 729 (2000

    Insight into highly conserved H1 subtype-specific epitopes in influenza virus hemagglutinin

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    Influenza viruses continuously undergo antigenic changes with gradual accumulation of mutations in hemagglutinin (HA) that is a major determinant in subtype specificity. The identification of conserved epitopes within specific HA subtypes gives an important clue for developing new vaccines and diagnostics. We produced and characterized nine monoclonal antibodies that showed significant neutralizing activities against H1 subtype influenza viruses, and determined the complex structure of HA derived from a 2009 pandemic virus A/Korea/01/2009 (KR01) and the Fab fragment from H1-specific monoclonal antibody GC0587. The overall structure of the complex was essentially identical to the previously determined KR01 HA-Fab0757 complex structure. Both Fab0587 and Fab0757 recognize readily accessible head regions of HA, revealing broadly shared and conserved antigenic determinants among H1 subtypes. The beta-strands constituted by Ser110-Glu115 and Lys169-Lys170 form H1 epitopes with distinct conformations from those of H1 and H3 HA sites. In particular, Glu112, Glu115, Lys169, and Lys171 that are highly conserved among H1 subtype HAs have close contacts with HCDR3 and LCDR3. The differences between Fab0587 and Fab0757 complexes reside mainly in HCDR3 and LCDR3, providing distinct antigenic determinants specific for 1918 pdm influenza strain. Our results demonstrate a potential key neutralizing epitope important for H1 subtype specificity in influenza virus

    Remarks on Renormalization of Black Hole Entropy

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    We elaborate the renormalization process of entropy of a nonextremal and an extremal Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m black hole by using the Pauli-Villars regularization method, in which the regulator fields obey either the Bose-Einstein or Fermi-Dirac distribution depending on their spin-statistics. The black hole entropy involves only two renormalization constants. We also discuss the entropy and temperature of the extremal black hole.Comment: 14 pages, revtex, no figure

    A new approximation scheme in quantum mechanics

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    An approximation method which combines the perturbation theory with the variational calculation is constructed for quantum mechanical problems. Using the anharmonic oscillator and the He atom as examples, we show that the present method provides an efficient scheme in estimating both the ground and the excited states. We also discuss the limitations of the present method.Comment: 14pages, to be published in Eur. J. Phy

    Is the Molecular Berry Phase an Artifact of the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation?

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    We demonstrate that the molecular Berry phase and the corresponding nonanalyticity in the electronic Born-Oppenheimer wave function is, in general, not a true topological feature of the exact solution of the full electron-nuclear Schrodinger equation. For a numerically exactly solvable model we show that a nonanalyticity, and the associated geometric phase, only appear in the limit of infinite nuclear mass, while a perfectly smooth behavior is found for any finite nuclear mass.open

    Quantum Creation of Black Hole by Tunneling in Scalar Field Collapse

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    Continuously self-similar solution of spherically symmetric gravitational collapse of a scalar field is studied to investigate quantum mechanical black hole formation by tunneling in the subcritical case where, classically, the collapse does not produce a black hole.Comment: t clarification of the quantization method in Sec. IV, version to appear in PR

    Renormalized Thermodynamic Entropy of Black Holes in Higher Dimensions

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    We study the ultraviolet divergent structures of the matter (scalar) field in a higher D-dimensional Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m black hole and compute the matter field contribution to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy by using the Pauli-Villars regularization method. We find that the matter field contribution to the black hole entropy does not, in general, yield the correct renormalization of the gravitational coupling constants. In particular we show that the matter field contribution in odd dimensions does not give the term proportional to the area of the black hole event horizon.Comment: Final Revision Form as to be published in Physical Review D, ReVTeX, No Figure
