835 research outputs found

    Harmonically confined, semiflexible polymer in a channel: response to a stretching force and spatial distribution of the endpoints

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    We consider an inextensible, semiflexible polymer or worm-like chain which is confined in the transverse direction by a parabolic potential and subject to a longitudinal force at the ends, so that the polymer is stretched out and backfolding is negligible. Simple analytic expressions for the partition function, valid in this regime, are obtained for chains of arbitrary length with a variety of boundary conditions at the ends. The spatial distribution of the end points or radial distribution function is also analyzed.Comment: 14 pages including figure

    A new Retention Index for the Central Baltic Sea: Long-Term Hydrodynamic Modelling Used to Improve Baltic Sprat, Sprattus sprattus, Recruitment Models

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    To study inter-annual differences in drift patterns of larval sprat from the Bornholm Basin, we used a 3D, eddy-resolving circulation model of the Baltic Sea and simulated the drift of Lagrangian particles for each of 24 years (1979-2002) of available forcing data. We observed that in some years particles were transported almost completely out of the basin, whereas circulation in other years retained the majority of drifters within the seeding area (Bornholm Basin). A new retention index was derived that is associated to age 0 sprat recruitment in ICES Subdivision 25, estimated from area-disaggregated MSVPA runs. The significant linear relationship (P 80%) than those derived from particles released earlier into the model domain. This intra-annual pattern may suggest that recruitment success in central Baltic sprat was – at least during the last decade - predominantly determined by the relative survival of larval cohorts emerging late in the spawning season. The index is significantly cross-correlated to other environmental time series, most importantly annual surface temperature in August, which makes it difficult to conclude on the processes crucial for central Baltic sprat recruitment success

    Biodiversity and species-environment relationships of the demersal fish assemblage at the Great Meteor Seamount (subtropical NE Atlantic), sampled by different trawls

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    Quantitative data collected with different bottom trawls at the Great Meteor Seamount (subtropical NE Atlantic, 30°N; 28.5°W) in 1967, 1970 and 1998 are compared. Bootstrap estimates of total catch per unit effort increased from 6.96 and 10.8 ind. m–1 h–1 in 1967 and 1970, respectively, to 583.98 ind. m–1 h–1 in 1998. Gear effects and an effect of gear over time accounted for 47.1% and 20% of species variability. Further significant factors were time of day and habitat, while season was not significant. A total of 43 species was collected. Including supplementary species information, a grand total of 46 species was found associated with the Great Meteor Seamount. Diversity was higher in 1967 and 1970 (Shannon's diversity: H′=2.5 and 1.6) than in 1998 (H′=0.9). Species–environment relationships are discussed in terms of a sound-scattering layer–interception hypothesis, i.e. utilisation of prey from a diurnally moving sound-scattering layer for the bentho-pelagic community. This is probably augmented by concentration effects in a circular current around the seamount (Taylor-column). Long-term changes are discussed with respect to a decrease in biodiversity due to considerable increases in Macroramphosus scolopax and Capros aper. In 1998, the increase of abundance of Trachurus picturatus and the respective decreases for genuine benthic species were likely to have been caused by a change of gear

    Fahrtbericht 160. Reise FS "Poseidon" [POS160], 6.7.-4.8.89, Südwest-Grönland

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    Die 160. Reise von FS "Poseidon" vom 6. Juli bis 4. August 1989 bildet den Auftakt einer Serie fischereibiologischer Fahrten zur Untersuchungen der Rekrutierungs- und Interaktionsmechanismen bei grönländischen Seefischbeständen. Das Programm unter der Leitung von Prof. D. Schnack wird in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Grönländischen Fischereiforschungsinstitut und dem Institut für Seefischerei der BFA für Fischerei durchgeführt. Es soll wissenschaftliche Grundlagen für ein ökosystem-orientiertes Fischereimanagement im Seegebiet vor Grönland liefern

    The Long Adventurous Journey of Rhombic Lip Cells in Jawed Vertebrates: A Comparative Developmental Analysis

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    This review summarizes vertebrate rhombic lip and early cerebellar development covering classic approaches up to modern developmental genetics which identifies the relevant differential gene expression domains and their progeny. Most of this information is derived from amniotes. However, progress in anamniotes, particularly in the zebrafish, has recently been made. The current picture suggests that rhombic lip and cerebellar development in jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes) share many characteristics. Regarding cerebellar development, these include a ptf1a expressing ventral cerebellar proliferation (VCP) giving rise to Purkinje cells and other inhibitory cerebellar cell types, and an atoh1 expressing upper rhombic lip giving rise to an external granular layer (EGL, i.e., excitatory granule cells) and an early ventral migration into the anterior rhombencephalon (cholinergic nuclei). As for the lower rhombic lip (LRL), gnathostome commonalities likely include the formation of precerebellar nuclei (mossy fiber origins) and partially primary auditory nuclei (likely convergently evolved) from the atoh1 expressing dorsal zone. The fate of the ptf1a expressing ventral LRL zone which gives rise to (excitatory cells of) the inferior olive (climbing fiber origin) and (inhibitory cells of ) cochlear nuclei in amniotes, has not been determined in anamniotes. Special for the zebrafish in comparison to amniotes is the predominant origin of anamniote excitatory deep cerebellar nuclei homologs (i.e., eurydendroid cells) from ptf1a expressing VCP cells, the sequential activity of various atoh1 paralogs and the incomplete coverage of the subpial cerebellar plate with proliferative EGL cells. Nevertheless, the conclusion that a rhombic lip and its major derivatives evolved with gnathostome vertebrates only and are thus not an ancestral craniate character complex is supported by the absence of a cerebellum (and likely absence of its afferent and efferent nuclei) in jawless fishe

    FUSE observations of hot white dwarfs

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    We have analyzed FUSE observations of six hot white dwarf stars: four DA white dwarfs with T_eff >= 45000K, the DAO Feige55 (T_eff = 55000K), and the DA CD -38 10980 (T_eff = 24000K). Photospheric lines from SiIV, PV, and SVI can be observed in the majority of the five hotter objects. Feige55 shows also several other heavier elements. The measured abundances agree only partly with the predictions of the radiative levitation theory. We attribute this to current limitations of the models and the probable presence of mass loss. In the spectrum of CD -38 10980, we have observed the quasi-molecular satellites of Lbeta. This confirms theoretical predictions about the visibility range for these features

    Neodymium-140 DOTA-LM3:Evaluation of an <i>In Vivo</i> Generator for PET with a Non-Internalizing Vector

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    140Nd (t1/2 = 3.4 days), owing to its short-lived positron emitting daughter 140Pr (t1/2 = 3.4 min), has promise as an in vivo generator for positron emission tomography (PET). However, the electron capture decay of 140Nd is chemically disruptive to macrocycle-based radiolabeling, meaning that an in vivo redistribution of the daughter 140Pr is expected before positron emission. The purpose of this study was to determine how the delayed positron from the de-labeled 140Pr affects preclinical imaging with 140Nd. To explore the effect, 140Nd was produced at CERN-ISOLDE, reacted with the somatostatin analogue, DOTA-LM3 (1,4,7,10- tetraazacyclododecane, 1,4,7- tri acetic acid, 10- acetamide N - p-Cl-Phecyclo(d-Cys-Tyr-d-4-amino-Phe(carbamoyl)-Lys-Thr-Cys)d-Tyr-NH2) and injected into H727 xenograft bearing mice. Comparative pre- and post-mortem PET imaging at 16 h postinjection was used to quantify the in vivo redistribution of 140Pr following 140Nd decay. The somatostatin receptor-positive pancreas exhibited the highest tissue accumulation of 140Nd-DOTA-LM3 (13% ID/g at 16 h) coupled with the largest observed redistribution rate, where 56 ± 7% (n = 4, mean ± SD) of the in situ produced 140Pr washed out of the pancreas before decay. Contrastingly, the liver, spleen, and lungs acted as strong sink organs for free 140Pr3+. Based upon these results, we conclude that 140Nd imaging with a non-internalizing vector convolutes the biodistribution of the tracer with the accumulation pattern of free 140Pr. This redistribution phenomenon may show promise as a probe of the cellular interaction with the vector, such as in determining tissue dependent internalization behavior

    The Future of Neutrino Mass Measurements: Terrestrial, Astrophysical, and Cosmological Measurements in the Next Decade. Highlights of the NuMass 2013 Workshop. Milano, Italy, February 4 - 7, 2013

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    The third Workshop of the NuMass series ("The Future of Neutrino Mass Measurements: Terrestrial, Astrophysical, and Cosmological Measurements in the Next Decade: NuMass 2013") was held at Dipartimento di Fisica "G. Occhialini, University of Milano-Bicocca in Milano, Italy, on 4-7 February 2013. The goal of this international workshop was to review the status and future of direct and indirect neutrino mass measurements in the laboratory as well as from astrophysical and cosmological observations. This paper collects most of the contributions presented during the Workshop