201 research outputs found

    Novel GaAs surface phases via direct control of chemical potential

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    Using in situ surface electron microscopy, we show that the surface chemical potential of GaAs (001), and hence the surface phase, can be systematically controlled by varying temperature with liquid Ga droplets present as Ga reservoirs. With decreasing temperature, the surface approaches equilibrium with liquid Ga. This provides access to a regime where we find phases ultrarich in Ga, extending the range of surface phases available in this technologically important system. The same behavior is expected to occur for similar binary or multicomponent semiconductors such as InGaAs

    Nonlinear evolution of surface morphology in InAs/AlAs superlattices via surface diffusion

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    Continuum simulations of self-organized lateral compositional modulation growth in InAs/AlAs short-period superlattices on InP substrate are presented. Results of the simulations correspond quantitatively to the results of synchrotron x-ray diffraction experiments. The time evolution of the compositional modulation during epitaxial growth can be explained only including a nonlinear dependence of the elastic energy of the growing epitaxial layer on its thickness. From the fit of the experimental data to the growth simulations we have determined the parameters of this nonlinear dependence. It was found that the modulation amplitude don't depend on the values of the surface diffusion constants of particular elements.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, published in Phys. Rev. Lett. http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v96/e13610

    The Role of Entrepreneur-Venture Fit in Online Home-based Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Home-based businesses and their founders represent an important, but under-researched facet of entrepreneurship. Far from being small, hobby-businesses with little economic impact, home-based business make significant contribution to national economies in terms of both turnover and employment. Online home-based businesses have been recognised as an important and distinct sector of the home-based business domain, offering unique opportunity for innovation and business diversity. The paper presents a systematic literature review of extant research on online home-based entrepreneurs and their businesses. The findings of the review are structured and discussed using the theoretical lens of entrepreneur-venture fit. Use of this lens allows the study to bring coherence to previously fragmented extant studies, providing a basis for future research in this domain. The study also develops a novel model of entrepreneur-venture fit in the specific case of online home-based businesses. This allows us to suggest five positive interactions between entrepreneurial and venture characteristics. It also allows us to suggest a number of previously unidentified negative interactions, which may result in entrepreneurs becoming ‘locked-in’ and suffering multiple sources of stress

    Equilibrium shapes and energies of coherent strained InP islands

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    The equilibrium shapes and energies of coherent strained InP islands grown on GaP have been investigated with a hybrid approach that has been previously applied to InAs islands on GaAs. This combines calculations of the surface energies by density functional theory and the bulk deformation energies by continuum elasticity theory. The calculated equilibrium shapes for different chemical environments exhibit the {101}, {111}, {\=1\=1\=1} facets and a (001) top surface. They compare quite well with recent atomic-force microscopy data. Thus in the InP/GaInP-system a considerable equilibration of the individual islands with respect to their shapes can be achieved. We discuss the implications of our results for the Ostwald ripening of the coherent InP islands. In addition we compare strain fields in uncapped and capped islands.Comment: 10 pages including 6 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. B. Related publications can be found at http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/th/paper.htm

    LAMP: Large Deep Nets with Automated Model Parallelism for Image Segmentation

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    Deep Learning (DL) models are becoming larger, because the increase in model size might offer significant accuracy gain. To enable the training of large deep networks, data parallelism and model parallelism are two well-known approaches for parallel training. However, data parallelism does not help reduce memory footprint per device. In this work, we introduce Large deep 3D ConvNets with Automated Model Parallelism (LAMP) and investigate the impact of both input's and deep 3D ConvNets' size on segmentation accuracy. Through automated model parallelism, it is feasible to train large deep 3D ConvNets with a large input patch, even the whole image. Extensive experiments demonstrate that, facilitated by the automated model parallelism, the segmentation accuracy can be improved through increasing model size and input context size, and large input yields significant inference speedup compared with sliding window of small patches in the inference. Code is available\footnote{https://monai.io/research/lamp-automated-model-parallelism}.Comment: MICCAI 2020 Early Accepted paper. Code is available\footnote{https://monai.io/research/lamp-automated-model-parallelism

    Dislocation Free Island Formation in Heteroepitaxial Growth: An Equilibrium Study

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    We investigate the equilibrium properties of strained heteroepitaxial systems, incorporating the formation and the growth of a wetting film, dislocation free island formation, and ripening. The derived phase diagram provides a detailed characterization of the possible growth modes in terms of the island density, equilibrium island size, and wetting layer thickness. Comparing our predictions with experimental results we discuss the growth conditions that can lead to stable islands as well as ripening.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX, 3 ps figure

    Using Host-Guest Chemistry to Tune the Kinetics of Morphological Transitions Undertaken by Block Copolymer Vesicles

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    Host-guest chemistry is exploited to tune the rate at which block copolymer vesicles undergo morphological transitions. More specifically, a concentrated aqueous dispersion of poly(glycerol monomethacrylate-co-glycidyl methacrylate)-poly(2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate) [P(GMA-co-GlyMA)-PHPMA] diblock copolymer vesicles was prepared via polymerization-induced self-assembly (PISA). The epoxy groups in the GlyMA residues were ring-opened using a primary amine-functionalized β-cyclodextrin (NH 2 -β-CD) in order to prepare β-CD-decorated vesicles. Addition of azobenzene-methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) (azo-mPEG) to such vesicles results in specific binding of this water-soluble macromolecular reagent to the β-CD groups on the hydrophilic P(GMA-co-GlyMA) stabilizer chains. Such host-guest chemistry induces a morphological transition from vesicles to worms and/or spheres. Furthermore, the rate of this morphological transition can be tuned by UV/visible-light irradiation and/or guest molecule competition. This novel molecular recognition strategy offers considerable scope for the design of new stimulus-responsive diblock copolymer vesicles for targeted delivery and controlled release of cargoes

    Epitaxial growth in dislocation-free strained alloy films: Morphological and compositional instabilities

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    The mechanisms of stability or instability in the strained alloy film growth are of intense current interest to both theorists and experimentalists. We consider dislocation-free, coherent, growing alloy films which could exhibit a morphological instability without nucleation. We investigate such strained films by developing a nonequilibrium, continuum model and by performing a linear stability analysis. The couplings of film-substrate misfit strain, compositional stress, deposition rate, and growth temperature determine the stability of film morphology as well as the surface spinodal decomposition. We consider some realistic factors of epitaxial growth, in particular the composition dependence of elastic moduli and the coupling between top surface and underlying bulk of the film. The interplay of these factors leads to new stability results. In addition to the stability diagrams both above and below the coherent spinodal temperature, we also calculate the kinetic critical thickness for the onset of instability as well as its scaling behavior with respect to misfit strain and deposition rate. We apply our results to some real growth systems and discuss the implications related to some recent experimental observations.Comment: 26 pages, 13 eps figure

    Effect of strain on surface diffusion in semiconductor heteroepitaxy

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    We present a first-principles analysis of the strain renormalization of the cation diffusivity on the GaAs(001) surface. For the example of In/GaAs(001)-c(4x4) it is shown that the binding of In is increased when the substrate lattice is expanded. The diffusion barrier \Delta E(e) has a non-monotonic strain dependence with a maximum at compressive strain values (e 0) studied. We discuss the consequences of spatial variations of both the binding energy and the diffusion barrier of an adatom caused by the strain field around a heteroepitaxial island. For a simplified geometry, we evaluate the speed of growth of two coherently strained islands on the GaAs(001) surface and identify a growth regime where island sizes tend to equalize during growth due to the strain dependence of surface diffusion.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, LaTeX2e, to appear in Phys. Rev. B (2001). Other related publications can be found at http://www.rz-berlin.mpg.de/th/paper.htm