98 research outputs found

    Piperidinols that show anti-tubercular activity as inhibitors of arylamine N-acetyltransferase: an essential enzyme for mycobacterial survival inside macrophages

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    Latent M. tuberculosis infection presents one of the major obstacles in the global eradication of tuberculosis (TB). Cholesterol plays a critical role in the persistence of M. tuberculosis within the macrophage during latent infection. Catabolism of cholesterol contributes to the pool of propionyl-CoA, a precursor that is incorporated into cell-wall lipids. Arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT) is encoded within a gene cluster that is involved in the cholesterol sterol-ring degradation and is essential for intracellular survival. The ability of the NAT from M. tuberculosis (TBNAT) to utilise propionyl-CoA links it to the cholesterol-catabolism pathway. Deleting the nat gene or inhibiting the NAT enzyme prevents intracellular survival and results in depletion of cell-wall lipids. TBNAT has been investigated as a potential target for TB therapies. From a previous high-throughput screen, 3-benzoyl-4-phenyl-1-methylpiperidinol was identified as a selective inhibitor of prokaryotic NAT that exhibited antimycobacterial activity. The compound resulted in time-dependent irreversible inhibition of the NAT activity when tested against NAT from M. marinum (MMNAT). To further evaluate the antimycobacterial activity and the NAT inhibition of this compound, four piperidinol analogues were tested. All five compounds exert potent antimycobacterial activity against M. tuberculosis with MIC values of 2.3-16.9 µM. Treatment of the MMNAT enzyme with this set of inhibitors resulted in an irreversible time-dependent inhibition of NAT activity. Here we investigate the mechanism of NAT inhibition by studying protein-ligand interactions using mass spectrometry in combination with enzyme analysis and structure determination. We propose a covalent mechanism of NAT inhibition that involves the formation of a reactive intermediate and selective cysteine residue modification. These piperidinols present a unique class of antimycobacterial compounds that have a novel mode of action different from known anti-tubercular drugs

    C. difficile is overdiagnosed in adults and a commensal in infants

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    Clostridioides difficile is an urgent threat in hospital-acquired infections world-wide, yet the microbial composition associated with C. difficile, in particular in C. difficile infection (CDI) cases, remains poorly characterised. Here, we analysed 534 metagenomes from 10 publicly available CDI study populations. While we detected C. difficile in only 30% of CDI samples, multiple other toxigenic species capable of inducing CDI-like symptomatology were prevalent, raising concerns about CDI overdiagnosis. We further tracked C. difficile in 42,814 metagenomic samples from 253 public studies. We found that C. difficile prevalence, abundance and association with other bacterial species is age-dependent. In healthy adults, C. difficile is a rare taxon associated with an overall species richness reduction, while in healthy infants C. difficile is a common member of the gut microbiome and its presence is associated with a significant increase in species richness. More specifically, we identified a group of species co-occurring with C. difficile exclusively in healthy infants, enriched in obligate anaerobes and in species typically found in the gut microbiome of healthy adults. Overall, gut microbiome composition in presence of C. difficile in healthy infants is associated with multiple parameters linked to a healthy gut microbiome maturation towards an adult-like state. Our results suggest that C. difficile is a commensal in infants, and that its asymptomatic carriage is dependent on the surrounding microbial context

    Drivers and determinants of strain dynamics following faecal microbiota transplantation

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    Faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is an efficacious therapeutic intervention, but its clinical mode of action and underlying microbiome dynamics remain poorly understood. Here, we analysed the metagenomes associated with 142 FMTs, in a time series-based meta-study across five disease indications. We quantified strain-level dynamics of 1,089 microbial species based on their pangenome, complemented with 47,548 newly constructed metagenome- assembled genomes. Using subsets of procedural-, host- and microbiome-based variables, LASSO-regularised regression models accurately predicted the colonisation and resilience of donor and recipient microbes, as well as turnover of individual species. Linking this to putative ecological mechanisms, we found these sets of variables to be informative of the underlying processes that shape the post-FMT gut microbiome. Recipient factors and complementarity of donor and recipient microbiomes, encompassing entire communities to individual strains, were the main determinants of individual strain population dynamics, and mostly independent of clinical outcomes. Recipient community state and the degree of residual strain depletion provided a neutral baseline for donor strain colonisation success, in addition to inhibitive priority effects between species and conspecific strains, as well as putatively adaptive processes. Our results suggest promising tunable parameters to enhance donor flora colonisation or recipient flora displacement in clinical practice, towards the development of more targeted and personalised therapies

    A previously undescribed highly prevalent phage identified in a Danish Enteric Virome Catalog

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    Gut viruses are important, yet often neglected, players in the complex human gut microbial ecosystem. Recently, the number of human gut virome studies has been increasing; however, we are still only scratching the surface of the immense viral diversity. In this study, 254 virus-enriched fecal metagenomes from 204 Danish subjects were used to generate the anish nteric irme atalog (DEVoC) containing 12,986 nonredundant viral scaffolds, of which the majority was previously undescribed, encoding 190,029 viral genes. The DEVoC was used to compare 91 healthy DEVoC gut viromes from children, adolescents, and adults that were used to create the DEVoC. Gut viromes of healthy Danish subjects were dominated by phages. While most phage genomes (PGs) only occurred in a single subject, indicating large virome individuality, 39 PGs were present in more than 10 healthy subjects. Among these 39 PGs, the prevalences of three PGs were associated with age. To further study the prevalence of these 39 prevalent PGs, 1,880 gut virome data sets of 27 studies from across the world were screened, revealing several age-, geography-, and disease-related prevalence patterns. Two PGs also showed a remarkably high prevalence worldwide - a crAss-like phage (20.6% prevalence), belonging to the tentative subfamily, and a previously undescribed circular temperate phage infecting Bacteroides dorei (14.4% prevalence), called LoVEphage because it encodes ots f iral lements. Due to the LoVEphage's high prevalence and novelty, public data sets in which the LoVEphage was detected were assembled, resulting in an additional 18 circular LoVEphage-like genomes (67.9 to 72.4 kb)

    Drivers and determinants of strain dynamics following fecal microbiota transplantation

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    Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is a therapeutic intervention for inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but its clinical mode of action and subsequent microbiome dynamics remain poorly understood. Here we analyzed metagenomes from 316 FMTs, sampled pre and post intervention, for the treatment of ten different disease indications. We quantified strain-level dynamics of 1,089 microbial species, complemented by 47,548 newly constructed metagenome-assembled genomes. Donor strain colonization and recipient strain resilience were mostly independent of clinical outcomes, but accurately predictable using LASSO-regularized regression models that accounted for host, microbiome and procedural variables. Recipient factors and donor-recipient complementarity, encompassing entire microbial communities to individual strains, were the main determinants of strain population dynamics, providing insights into the underlying processes that shape the post-FMT gut microbiome. Applying an ecology-based framework to our findings indicated parameters that may inform the development of more effective, targeted microbiome therapies in the future, and suggested how patient stratification can be used to enhance donor microbiota colonization or the displacement of recipient microbes in clinical practice

    Genetic Diversity in Wheat: Analysis using Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) in bread and durum wheats

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    With increasing demands on the quality and quantity of food required now and in the future, improvements to current agriculture practices are required. Increased food production requires utilisation of more agricultural land, pushing crops into non- traditional areas. The need for advances in agricultural technologies are not only required for current crop varieties, but for new varieties with increased tolerance to environmental stresses. Technological improvement means better crop yields and reduced land, water, fertilizer and pesticide use. Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) was used to study wheat diversity, specifically to identify polymorphic markers between various wheat cultivars for use in marker- assisted breeding programs. The hybridisation based technology was used to analyse various bread and durum wheat cultivars for increased understanding of genomic diversity. Analysis shows that DArT is able to discriminate between tissue samples from wheat cultivars grown under various environmental stresses with polymorphic markers identified between samples treated with differing salt, light and temperature conditions. Epigenetic diversity was analysed through methylation detection using DArT to identify a list of candidate polymorphic markers. Markers were identified using the methylation sensitive restriction enzyme McrBC to generate control and treated targets. Diversity through cultivar exploration, looking at breeding experiments between cultivars with phenotypic extremes to examine salt tolerance versus in-tolerance using DArT produced a recombinant inbred line genetic linkage map. Bulk segregant analysis was also used to group phenotypic samples. Candidate markers were identified between cultivars that can be used to genotyping tetraploid and hexaploid wheat cultivars for germplasm identification. In addition, the identification of trait-linked molecular markers, such as salt resistance, plant breeders can genotype individual plants and populations of cultivars to determine the most suitable cultivar to plant that best complements to its local environment. This eliminates the need for multiple planting cycles to optimize crop selections, and gives the plant breeder the highest possible chance for crop success (yield, quality, performance and cost)

    Eye Tracking-based Evaluation of User Engagement with Standard and Personalised Digital Education for Diabetic Patients

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    The apobec mutational activity in multiple myeloma: from diagnosis to cell lines

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    Next generation sequencing (NGS) studies have highlighted the role of aberrant activity of APOBEC DNA deaminases in generating the mu- tational repertoire of multiple myeloma (MM). However, the contribu- tion of this mutational process across the landscape of plasma cell dyscrasias, or its prognostic role, has never been investigated in detail. To answer these unexplored aspects of MM biology, we used published NGS data from our own work as well as others, including the large CoMMpass trial for a total of 1153 whole-exomes of MM. Furthermore, we investigated 5 MGUS, 6 primary plasma cell leukemias (pPCL) and 18 MM cell lines (MMCL). Overall, we identified signatures of two mu- tational processes, one related to spontaneous deamination of methy- lated cytosines (30% of variants, range 0-100%) and one attributed to aberrant APOBEC activity (70% of variants, range 0-100%). APOBEC contribution was extremely heterogeneous among MM patients, but was correlated with a higher mutational burden (r=0.71, p=<0.0001) and with MAF gene translocations t(14;16) and t(14;20). The activity of APOBEC increased from MGUS to MM to pPCL, both in terms of ab- solute number of mutations and as percentage contribution. In MMCL we instead observed a bi-modal distribution whereby 8 cell lines showed the highest numbers of mutations caused by APOBEC (5/8 car- ried MAF translocations), while 10 where virtually devoid of APOBEC mutations (0/10 carried MAF translocations). The contribution of APOBEC to the total mutational repertoire in MM had a clear prognos- tic impact. MM patients with APOBEC mutations in the lowest quartile had a survival advantage over patients with APOBEC mutations in the highest quartile both in terms of progression-free survival (3-y PFS 46% vs 67% months, p=<0.0001) and overall survival (3-y OS 52% vs 83%, p=0.0084). This association was retained in a multivariate model that included age, gender, cytogenetic class, ISS, and quartiles of mutational load both in PFS [p=0.02, HR 2.06 (95IC 1.11-3.81] and OS [p=0.02, HR 2.88 (95IC 1.17-7.09)]. Interestingly we found that APOBEC mutations in the 4th quartile retained its independent prognostic respect to high mutational load and presence of MAF translocations. Overall, our data suggest that APOBEC-mediated mutagenesis is strongly involved in MM pathogenesis and its activity persists during different phases of evolution, playing a critical role in MM genomic complexity, and im- pacting prognosis of the patients

    From arylamine N-acetyltransferase to folate-dependent acetyl CoA hydrolase : impact of folic acid on the activity of (HUMAN)NAT1 and its homologue (MOUSE)NAT2

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    Acetyl Coenzyme A-dependent N-, O- and N,O-acetylation of aromatic amines and hydrazines by arylamine N-acetyltransferases is well characterised. Here, we describe experiments demonstrating that human arylamine N-acetyltransferase Type 1 and its murine homologue (Type 2) can also catalyse the direct hydrolysis of acetyl Coenzyme A in the presence of folate. This folate-dependent activity is exclusive to these two isoforms; no acetyl Coenzyme A hydrolysis was found when murine arylamine N-acetyltransferase Type 1 or recombinant bacterial arylamine N-acetyltransferases were incubated with folate. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy allowed chemical modifications occurring during the catalytic reaction to be analysed in real time, revealing that the disappearance of acetyl CH3 from acetyl Coenzyme A occurred concomitantly with the appearance of a CH3 peak corresponding to that of free acetate and suggesting that folate is not acetylated during the reaction. We propose that folate is a cofactor for this reaction and suggest it as an endogenous function of this widespread enzyme. Furthermore, in silico docking of folate within the active site of human arylamine N-acetyltransferase Type 1 suggests that folate may bind at the enzyme's active site, and facilitate acetyl Coenzyme A hydrolysis. The evidence presented in this paper adds to our growing understanding of the endogenous roles of human arylamine N-acetyltransferase Type 1 and its mouse homologue and expands the catalytic repertoire of these enzymes, demonstrating that they are by no means just xenobiotic metabolising enzymes but probably also play an important role in cellular metabolism. These data, together with the characterisation of a naphthoquinone inhibitor of folate-dependent acetyl Coenzyme A hydrolysis by human arylamine N-acetyltransferase Type 1/murine arylamine N-acetyltransferase Type 2, open up a range of future avenues of exploration, both for elucidating the developmental role of these enzymes and for improving chemotherapeutic approaches to pathological conditions including estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer

    Frequent somatic transfer of mitochondrial DNA into the nuclear genome of human cancer cells

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    Mitochondrial genomes are separated from the nuclear genome for most of the cell cycle by the nuclear double membrane, intervening cytoplasm, and the mitochondrial double membrane. Despite these physical barriers, we show that somatically acquired mitochondrial-nuclear genome fusion sequences are present in cancer cells. Most occur in conjunction with intranuclear genomic rearrangements, and the features of the fusion fragments indicate that nonhomologous end joining and/or replication-dependent DNA double-strand break repair are the dominant mechanisms involved. Remarkably, mitochondrial-nuclear genome fusions occur at a similar rate per base pair of DNA as interchromosomal nuclear rearrangements, indicating the presence of a high frequency of contact between mitochondrial and nuclear DNA in some somatic cells. Transmission of mitochondrial DNA to the nuclear genome occurs in neoplastically transformed cells, but we do not exclude the possibility that some mitochondrial-nuclear DNA fusions observed in cancer occurred years earlier in normal somatic cells.This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust. Y.S.J is supported by a European Molecular Biology Organization long-term fellowship (LTF 1203_2012). J.M.C.T. is supported by Marie Curie Fellowship FP7 PEOPLE-2012-IEF (project number 328264). P.J.C. is a Wellcome Trust Senior Clinical Fellow. Support was provided to A.M.F. by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) UCLH Biomedical Research Centre. The ICGC Breast Cancer Consortium was supported by a grant from the European Union (BASIS) and the Wellcome Trust. The ICGC Prostate Cancer Consortium was funded by Cancer Research UK with a grant from the Dallaglio Foundation (grant number C5047/A14835). R.E. is supported by National Institute for Health Research support to the Biomedical Research Centre at The Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. We also thank the National Cancer Research Prostate Cancer Mechanisms of Progression and Treatment (PROMPT) collaborative (grant code G0500966/75466) which has funded tissue and urine collections in Cambridge. The authors also acknowledge financial support from the Department of Health via the National Institute for Health Research comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre award to Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and Breakthrough Breast Cancer Research (ICGC 08/09 and KCL) (A.T.)