404 research outputs found

    Flow-to-fracture transition in a volcanic mush plug may govern normal eruptions at Stromboli

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    Stromboli is a model volcano for studying eruptions driven by degassing. The current paradigm posits that Strombolian eruptions represent the bursting of gas slugs ascending through melt‐filled conduits, but petrological observations show that magma at shallow depth is crystalline enough to form a three‐phase plug consisting of crystals, bubbles, and melt. We combine a 1‐D model of gas flushing a crystalline mush with a 3‐D stress model. Our results suggest that localized gas segregation establishes hot conduits of mobile magma within a stagnant plug. The plug is prone to tensile failure controlled by gas overpressure and tectonic stress, with failure most likely beneath the observed vent locations. We hence argue that Strombolian eruptions are related to plug failure rather than flow. Our proposed three‐phase model of the shallow plumbing system may provide a promising framework for integrating geophysical, petrological, and morphological observations at Stromboli and in open‐system volcanism more generally

    Establishing temperate crustose early Holocene coralline algae as archives for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of the shallow water habitats of the Mediterranean Sea

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    Over the past decades, coralline algae have increasingly been used as archives of palaeoclimate information due to their seasonal growth bands and their vast distribution from high latitudes to the tropics. Traditionally, these reconstructions have been performed mainly on high latitude species, limiting the geographical area of their potential use. Here we assess the use of temperate crustose fossil coralline algae from shallow water habitats for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction to generate records of past climate change. We determine the potential of three different species of coralline algae, Lithothamnion minervae, Lithophyllum stictaeforme and Mesophyllum philippii, with different growth patterns, as archives for pH (ÎŽ11B) and temperature (Mg/Ca) reconstruction in the Mediterranean Sea. Mg concentration is driven by temperature but modulated by growth rate, which is controlled by species‐specific and intraspecific growth patterns. L. minervae is a good temperature recorder, showing a moderate warming trend in specimens from 11.37 cal ka BP (from 14.2 ± 0.4°C to 14.9 ± 0.15°C) to today. In contrast to Mg, all genera showed consistent values of boron isotopes (ÎŽ11B) suggesting a common control on boron incorporation. The recorded ÎŽ11B in modern and fossil coralline specimens is in agreement with literature data about early Holocene pH, opening new perspectives of coralline‐based, high‐resolution pH reconstructions in deep time

    Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for isolated extramedullary relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children

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    Relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) may occur in extramedullary sites, mainly central nervous system (CNS) and testis. Optimal post-remissional treatment for isolated extramedullary relapse (IEMR) is still controversial. We collected data of children treated with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) for ALL IEMR from 1990 to 2015 in Italy. Among 281 patients, 167 had a relapse confined to CNS, 73 to testis, 14 to mediastinum, and 27 to other organs. Ninety-seven patients underwent autologous HSCT, 79 received allogeneic HSCT from a matched family donor, 75 from a matched unrelated donor, and 30 from an HLA-haploidentical donor. The 10-year overall survival was 56% and was not influenced by gender, ALL blast immune-phenotype, age, site of relapse, duration of first remission, and type of HSCT. In multivariable analysis, the only prognostic factors were disease status at HSCT and year of transplantation. Patients transplanted in third or subsequent complete remission (CR) had a risk of death 2.3 times greater than those in CR2. Children treated after 2000 had half the risk of death than those treated before that year. Our results suggest that both autologous and allogeneic HSCT may be considered for the treatment of pediatric ALL IEMR after the achievement of CR2

    Short Prolegomena of a »Right to a Home« in the Consumer Bankruptcy Act

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    Kriza identiteta modela »socijalne drĆŸave« otvorila je niz pitanja za teoretičare i praktičare. Ovi problemi, naravno, nisu zaobiĆĄli niti sustav potroĆĄačko stečajne zaĆĄtite kojoj je primarni cilj ekonomska i socijalna »rehabilitacija« potroĆĄača ĆĄto je differentia specifica u odnosu na primarni cilj korporativnog stečaja, namirenje vjerovnika. Prostor koji ovdje imamo ne dopuĆĄta detaljnu raơčlambu ove problematike, pa smo prinuđeni ograničiti se isključivo na jedno od ključnih pitanja novog potroĆĄačko stečajnog zakonodavstva: prava na dom. Pritom se posebno analizira praksa Europskog suda za ljudska prava (dalje: Europski sud) u postupcima prema čl. 8. Europske konvencije za zaĆĄtitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda (»Pravo na dom«) jer polazimo od pretpostavke da saznanja o ovome mogu biti ključna za razumijevanje problematike rada, kao i za pravilnu primjenu instituta prava na dom. U cilju ĆĄto sveobuhvatnijeg odgovora na samu temu, uz uvaĆŸavanje prethodno navedenog, struktura i koncept rada je tome morao biti prilagođen. Ovaj rad mogao je biti podijeljen na tri dijela ĆĄto će se i vidjeti tijekom njegovog čitanja, ali to formalno nije učinjeno.The identity crisis of a »welfare state» model has raised a number of questions for theorists and practitioners. These problems, of course, have not surpassed the system of consumer bankruptcy protection which has the primary objective - economic and social »rehabilitation« of consumers and which is differentia specifica in relation to the primary objective of corporate bankruptcy − settlement of creditors. The scope of this paper does not permit a detailed analysis of these issues, and we are forced to limit ourselves exclusively to one of the key issues of the new consumer bankruptcy law: the right to a home. We specifically analyze the practice of the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter: European Court) in proceedings under Art. 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ("Right to a Home") because we assume that it is a key to understanding the paper subject, as well as to the proper application of the institute of “right to a home”. With respect to the foregoing, in order to have a comprehensive answer to the subject, the structure and concept of paper had to be adjusted. This paper could have been divided into three parts, but it has not been formally done

    Geoarchaeological Evidence of Middle-Age Tsunamis at Stromboli and Consequences for the Tsunami Hazard in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea

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    Large-scale landslides at volcanic islands are one of the most dangerous geological phenomena, able to generate tsunamis whose effects can propagate far from the source. However, related deposits are scarcely preserved on-land in the geologic records, and are often difficult to be interpreted. Here we show the discovery of three unprecedented well-preserved tsunami deposits related to repeated flank collapses of the volcanic island of Stromboli (Southern Italy) occurred during the Late Middle Ages. Based on carbon datings, on stratigraphic, volcanological and archaeological evidence, we link the oldest, highest-magnitude investigated tsunami to the following rapid abandonment of the island which was inhabited at that time, contrary than previously thought. The destructive power of this event is also possibly related to a huge marine storm that devastated the ports of Naples in 1343 (200\u2009km north of Stromboli) described by the famous writer Petrarch. The portrayed devastation can be potentially attributed to the arrival of multiple tsunami waves generated by a major landslide in Stromboli island, confirming the hypothetical hazard of these phenomena at a regional scale

    Unrelated donor vs HLA-haploidentical a/b T-cell- and B-cell-depleted HSCT in children with acute leukemia

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    Traditionally, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) from both HLA-matched related and unrelated donors (UD) has been used for treating children with acute leukemia (AL) in need of an allograft. Recently, HLA-haploidentical HSCT after ab T-cell/B-cell depletion (abhaplo-HSCT) was shown to be effective in single-center studies. Here, we report the first multicenter retrospective analysis of 127 matched UD (MUD), 118 mismatched UD (MMUD), and 98 abhaplo-HSCT recipients, transplanted between 2010 and 2015, in 13 Italian centers. All these AL children were transplanted in morphological remission after a myeloablative conditioning regimen. Graft failure occurred in 2% each of UD-HSCT and abhaplo-HSCT groups. In MUD vs MMUD-HSCT recipients, the cumulative incidence of grade II to IV and grade III to IV acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) was 35% vs 44% and 6% vs 18%, respectively, compared with 16% and 0% in abhaplo-HSCT recipients (P < .001). Children treated with abhaplo-HSCT also had a significantly lower incidence of overall and extensive chronic GVHD (P < .01). Eight (6%) MUD, 32 (28%) MMUD, and 9 (9%) abhaplo-HSCT patients died of transplant-related complications. With a median follow-up of 3.3 years, the 5-year probability of leukemia-free survival in the 3 groups was 67%, 55%, and 62%, respectively. In the 3 groups, chronic GVHD-free/relapse-free (GRFS) probability of survival was 61%, 34%, and 58%, respectively (P < .001). When compared with patients given MMUD-HSCT, abhaplo-HSCT recipients had a lower cumulative incidence of nonrelapse mortality and a better GRFS (P < .001). These data indicate that abhaplo-HSCT is a suitable therapeutic option for children with AL in need of transplantation, especially when an allele-matched UD is not available

    Structural Analysis of the Western Afar Margin, East Africa: Evidence for Multiphase Rotational Rifting

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    The Afar region in East Africa represents a key location to study continental breakup. We present an integrated structural analysis of the Western Afar Margin (WAM) aiming to better understand rifted margin development and the role of plate rotation during rifting. New structural information from remote sensing, fieldwork, and earthquake data sets reveals that the N-S striking WAM is still actively deforming and is characterized by NNW-SSE normal faulting as well as a series of marginal grabens. Seismicity distribution analysis and the first-ever borehole-calibrated sections of this developing passive margin show recent slip concentrated along antithetic faults. Tectonic stress parameters derived from earthquake focal mechanisms reveal different extension directions along the WAM (82°N), in Afar (66°N) and in the Main Ethiopian Rift (108°N). Fault slip analysis along the WAM yields the same extension direction. Combined with GPS data, this shows that current tectonics in Afar is dominated by the local rotation of the Danakil Block, considered to have occurred since 11 Ma. Earlier stages of Afar development (since 31–25 Ma) were most likely related to the large-scale rotation of the Arabian plate. Various authors have proposed scenarios for the evolution of the WAM. Any complete model should consider, among other factors, the multiphase tectonic history and antithetic fault activity of the margin. The findings of this study are not only relevant for a better understanding of the WAM but also provide insights into the role of multiphase rotational extension during rifting and passive margin formation in general.</p

    Optically guided mode study of nematic liquid crystal alignment on a zero-order grating

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    B. T. Hallam and J. Roy Sambles, Physical Review E, Vol. 61, pp. 6699-6704 (2000). "Copyright © 2000 by the American Physical Society."The characterization of a liquid crystal cell, which comprises one zero-order (that is, at the wavelength of study it is nondiffractive) diffraction grating and one rubbed polyimide-coated substrate, has been performed using an optically guided mode technique. The cell is filled with nematic liquid crystal E7 (manufactured and sold by Merck, Poole, U.K.). The excitation of fully leaky guided modes within the liquid crystal layer has allowed the optical director profile to be quantified under the application of weak in-plane electric fields. The fitting of angle-dependent optical data to multilayer optical theory yields the accurate twist profile of the liquid crystal for different field strengths. Comparisons with profiles predicted from elastic continuum theory, assuming a Rapini-Papoular-type anchoring at the surfaces, allow both the azimuthal anchoring strength at each surface and the twist elastic constant of the bulk to be accurately determined. Repeating these measurements as a function of temperature allows the surface and bulk order parameters of the grating-aligned liquid crystal to be deduced
