197 research outputs found

    A room temperature 19-channel magnetic field mapping device for cardiac signals

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    We present a multichannel cardiac magnetic field imaging system built in Fribourg from optical double-resonance Cs vapor magnetometers. It consists of 25 individual sensors designed to record magnetic field maps of the beating human heart by simultaneous measurements on a grid of 19 points over the chest. The system is operated as an array of second order gradiometers using sophisticated digitally controlled feedback loops.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Domain Dynamics of Magnetic Films with Perpendicular Anisotropy

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    We study the magnetic properties of nanoscale magnetic films with large perpendicular anisotropy comparing polarization microscopy measurements on Co_28Pt_72 alloy samples based on the magneto-optical Kerr effect with Monte Carlo simulations of a corresponding micromagnetic model. We focus on the understanding of the dynamics especially the temperature and field dependence of the magnetisation reversal process. The experimental and simulational results for hysteresis, the reversal mechanism, domain configurations during the reversal, and the time dependence of the magnetisation are in very good qualitative agreement. The results for the field and temperature dependence of the domain wall velocity suggest that for thin films the hysteresis can be described as a depinning transition of the domain walls rounded by thermal activation for finite temperatures.Comment: 7 pages Latex, Postscript figures included, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.B, also availible at: http://www.thp.Uni-Duisburg.DE/Publikationen/Publist_Us_R.htm

    Interactions of Ar(9+) and metastable Ar(8+) with a Si(100) surface at velocities near the image acceleration limit

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    Auger LMM spectra and preliminary model simulations of Ar(9+) and metastable Ar(8+) ions interacting with a clean monocrystalline n-doped Si(100) surface are presented. By varying the experimental parameters, several yet undiscovered spectroscopic features have been observed providing valuable hints for the development of an adequate interaction model. On our apparatus the ion beam energy can be lowered to almost mere image charge attraction. High data acquisition rates could still be maintained yielding an unprecedented statistical quality of the Auger spectra.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures, http://pikp28.uni-muenster.de/~ducree

    Alternative shear reinforcement for reinforced concrete flat slabs

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    This paper presents the first series of validation tests for a patented shear reinforcement system for reinforced concrete flat slabs. The system, called “Shearband,” consists of elongated thin steel strips punched with holes, which undulate into the slab from the top surface. The main advantages of the new reinforcement system are structural effectiveness, flexibility, simplicity, and speed of construction. Four reinforced concrete slabs were tested in a specially designed test rig. The slabs reinforced in shear exhibited ductile behavior after achieving their full flexural potential, thus proving the effectiveness of the new reinforcement. This paper reviews briefly existing types of shear reinforcement and identifies the need for more efficient and economic solutions. Details of the experimental setup and results are given, including strain and deflection measurements as well as photographs of sections through the slabs. Finally, comparisons are made with the ACI 318 and BS8110 code predictions, which confirm that the system enabled the slabs to avoid punching shear failure and achieve their flexural potential. In addition, both codes are shown to lead to conservative estimates of flexural and punching shear capacities of reinforced concrete slabs

    Quantum jumps in hydrogen-like systems

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    In this paper it is shown that the Lyman-α\alpha transition of a single hydrogen-like system driven by a laser exhibits macroscopic dark periods, provided there exists an additional constant electric field. We describe the photon-counting process under the condition that the polarization of the laser coincides with the direction of the constant electric field. The theoretical results are given for the example of 4He+^4{He}^+. We show that the emission behavior depends sensitively on the Lamb shift (W.E. Lamb, R.C. Retherford, Phys. Rev. 72, 241 (1947)) between the 2s1/22s_{1/2} and 2p1/22p_{1/2} energy levels. A possibly realizable measurement of the mean duration of the dark periods should give quantitative information about the above energy difference by using the proposed photon-counting process.Comment: 7 pages RevTeX + 2 figures Phys. Rev A accepte

    Finite difference calculations of permeability in large domains in a wide porosity range.

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    Determining effective hydraulic, thermal, mechanical and electrical properties of porous materials by means of classical physical experiments is often time-consuming and expensive. Thus, accurate numerical calculations of material properties are of increasing interest in geophysical, manufacturing, bio-mechanical and environmental applications, among other fields. Characteristic material properties (e.g. intrinsic permeability, thermal conductivity and elastic moduli) depend on morphological details on the porescale such as shape and size of pores and pore throats or cracks. To obtain reliable predictions of these properties it is necessary to perform numerical analyses of sufficiently large unit cells. Such representative volume elements require optimized numerical simulation techniques. Current state-of-the-art simulation tools to calculate effective permeabilities of porous materials are based on various methods, e.g. lattice Boltzmann, finite volumes or explicit jump Stokes methods. All approaches still have limitations in the maximum size of the simulation domain. In response to these deficits of the well-established methods we propose an efficient and reliable numerical method which allows to calculate intrinsic permeabilities directly from voxel-based data obtained from 3D imaging techniques like X-ray microtomography. We present a modelling framework based on a parallel finite differences solver, allowing the calculation of large domains with relative low computing requirements (i.e. desktop computers). The presented method is validated in a diverse selection of materials, obtaining accurate results for a large range of porosities, wider than the ranges previously reported. Ongoing work includes the estimation of other effective properties of porous media

    A large sample study of spin relaxation and magnetometric sensitivity of paraffin-coated Cs vapor cells

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    We have manufactured more than 250 nominally identical paraffin-coated Cs vapor cells (30 mm diameter bulbs) for multi-channel atomic magnetometer applications. We describe our dedicated cell characterization apparatus. For each cell we have determined the intrinsic longitudinal, \sGamma{01}, and transverse, \sGamma{02}, relaxation rates. Our best cell shows \sGamma{01}/2\pi\approx 0.5 Hz, and \sGamma{02}/2\pi\approx 2 Hz. We find a strong correlation of both relaxation rates which we explain in terms of reservoir and spin exchange relaxation. For each cell we have determined the optimal combination of rf and laser powers which yield the highest sensitivity to magnetic field changes. Out of all produced cells, 90% are found to have magnetometric sensitivities in the range of 9 to 30 fTHz. Noise analysis shows that the magnetometers operated with such cells have a sensitivity close to the fundamental photon shot noise limit

    Extended Classical Over-Barrier Model for Collisions of Highly Charged Ions with Conducting and Insulating Surfaces

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    We have extended the classical over-barrier model to simulate the neutralization dynamics of highly charged ions interacting under grazing incidence with conducting and insulating surfaces. Our calculations are based on simple model rates for resonant and Auger transitions. We include effects caused by the dielectric response of the target and, for insulators, localized surface charges. Characteristic deviations regarding the charge transfer processes from conducting and insulating targets to the ion are discussed. We find good agreement with previously published experimental data for the image energy gain of a variety of highly charged ions impinging on Au, Al, LiF and KI crystals.Comment: 32 pages http://pikp28.uni-muenster.de/~ducree

    Soil moisture and matric potential-an open field comparison of sensor systems

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    Soil water content and matric potential are central hydrological state variables. A large variety of automated probes and sensor systems for state monitoring exist and are frequently applied. Most applications solely rely on the calibration by the manufacturers. Until now, there has been no commonly agreed-upon calibration procedure. Moreover, several opinions about the capabilities and reliabilities of specific sensing methods or sensor systems exist and compete. A consortium of several institutions conducted a comparison study of currently available sensor systems for soil water content and matric potential under field conditions. All probes were installed at 0.2mb.s. (metres below surface), following best-practice procedures. We present the set-up and the recorded data of 58 probes of 15 different systems measuring soil moisture and 50 further probes of 14 different systems for matric potential. We briefly discuss the limited coherence of the measurements in a cross-correlation analysis. The measuring campaign was conducted during the growing period of 2016. The monitoring data, results from pedophysical analyses of the soil and laboratory reference measurements for calibration are published in Jackisch et al. (2018, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.892319)

    UV radiation enhanced oxygen vacancy formation caused by the PLD plasma plume

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    Pulsed Laser Deposition is a commonly used non-equilibrium physical deposition technique for the growth of complex oxide thin films. A wide range of parameters is known to influence the properties of the used samples and thin films, especially the oxygen-vacancy concentration. One parameter has up to this point been neglected due to the challenges of separating its influence from the influence of the impinging species during growth: the UV-radiation of the plasma plume. We here present experiments enabled by a specially designed holder to allow a separation of these two influences. The influence of the UV-irradiation during pulsed laser deposition on the formation of oxygen-vacancies is investigated for the perovskite model material SrTiO3. The carrier concentration of UV-irradiated samples is nearly constant with depth and time. By contrast samples not exposed to the radiation of the plume show a depth dependence and a decrease in concentration over time. We reveal an increase in Ti-vacancy–oxygen-vacancy-complexes for UV irradiated samples, consistent with the different carrier concentrations. We find a UV enhanced oxygen-vacancy incorporation rate as responsible mechanism. We provide a complete picture of another influence parameter to be considered during pulsed laser depositions and unravel the mechanism behind persistent-photo-conductivity in SrTiO3
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