19 research outputs found

    Soil transformations in catchment of disappearing Sumówko Lake (Brodnickie Lake District, Poland)

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    Lake disappearing is a natural process which contemporarily escalates in consequence of human activity. It is estimated that within the area of Northern Poland from the last glaciation period (ca. 17 000 years ago) a half of lakes totally have disappeared. Areas exposed after water basins desiccation have become native rocks for new soils. Reduced water level results in changes of morphology and properties of the soils situated in direct vicinity of former water basins. The aim of this study was to estimate impact of the catchment groundwater level fall on morphology and properties of direct lake catchment soils, exemplified by the lake Sumowko (Northern Poland) as well as description of new soils formed of lake sediments. The analysis covered 11 soil profiles emerging within former lake basin (newly formed soils) and soils from direct vicinity of former lake (modified through ground water level fall). Obtained results prove that newly formed soils (Limnic Histosol Drainic and Haplic Gleysol) in majority are utilized as grasslands. Soils of the former lake surroundings prove relic features of gleying while they are also subject to mucking process because of dehydration

    The distribution and influence of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) on the perfusion pressure in the isolated ovarian artery in the pig

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    A moderate number of delicate CGRP-immunoreactive (CGRP-IR) varicose nerve terminals were found at the adventitia-media border of the sexually mature porcine ovarian artery by means of a routine single immunolabelling technique. Additionally, a pharmacological analysis was performed of the function fulfilled by &#945;-CGRP and its C-terminal fragment (Tyr27) &#945;-CGRP(27-37) in the porcine isolated ovarian artery, collected on days 8&#8211;13 of the oestrous cycle. It was shown that &#945;-CGRP (10-8 M) caused a decrease in the perfusion pressure of the porcine isolated ovarian artery of 16% (p < 0.05), while (Tyr27) &#945;-CGRP(27-37), added at the same concentration, reduced perfusion pressure by 13% (p > 0.05). Thus, we concluded that &#945;-CGRP released from perivascular terminals may cause relaxation of the ovarian artery and, furthermore, that the potency of this action is dependent on the length of the chain of this peptide produced during the deactivation of the molecule by tissue proteases

    Harpagophytum procumbens and Boswellia serrata - little known herbal plants occuring in veterinary commercial preparations

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    In this article, I would like to introduce knowledge about two medicinal plants and their use in veterinary medicines. Harpagophytum procumbes (known as devil’s claw), and Boswellia serrata, are traditional, medicinal plants for thousands of years. Herbal medicine is one of the most important aspects of complementary medicines. Native people, in the steppes of South and Southwest Africa, use extract of Harpagophytum procumbes for the treatment of various diseases. Many preparations of devil’s claw are currently used in animals, and have become very popular in recent years in the alternative treatment of inflammatory disorders of the muscloskeletal system. There is good in vitro and in vivo pharmacological evidence of the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of radix Harpagophyti. Boswellia serrata is a deciduous, middle sized tree, which is mostly concentrated in tropical regions. It is one of the most ancient and respected medicinal herb in Ayurveda. Historically, Boswellia serrata was is recommended for osteoarthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, soft tissue fibrosis and spondylitis without any adverse effect. Oleo gum resin, containing boswellic acid, obtained from that tree, may be used for alleviating bronchitis, asthma and various gastrointestinal disorders due to its antiinflammatory effects

    Heuristic analysis in the process of detecting serial offenders, part two - Victimology and Crime Scene Reconstruction through the lenses of Abductive Reasoning

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    In the article, victimology, from the point of view of satisficing is defined. Utilization of the abductive reasoning in analysis of crime scene is explained. Here, the cognitive limits related to criminal profiling are determined. The article is the second in a series of publications describing the use of computer aided heuristic analysis in the process of detecting perpetrators of serial crime (ViCLAS).Using the Konolidge’s and Bylander’s definitions, abductive reasoning is explained. The paper introduces reader to basics of an AI neural network and its potential of use in above mentioned process. Author presents engagement of the abductive reasoning in to process supervised learning

    Melia azadirachta and Centella asiatica - little known plants in veterinary commercial products

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    With the revival of interest in natural products and the ‘back to nature’ call, researchers have started looking into the herbal literature of oriental civilisations, particularly those of India and China, in addition to European and other sources. In this article, I would like to introduce knowledge about two plants and their use in veterinary medicine. Melia azadirachta L. and Centella asiatica L., are a traditional plants known and used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes for thousands of years. Extracts of various parts of neem have proven its medicinal properties; antihelmintic, antifungal, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antiviral and antifertility. Neem use as an insecticide and pesticide was also well documented. The leaves and the whole herb of Centella asiatica, are used in Ajurveda medicine for thousands of years for improving memory and for treatment of central nervous system diseases, vasculo-cardiac disorders, chronic gastric ulcers, dermatopathies and hard healing wounds. The results of modern research have shown the merits of the application Centella asiatica in disorders of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, stomach ulcers, skin diseases and the positive effects on wound healing. Currently, for both presented plants, their therapeutic utilization is still under investigation

    Analiza heurystyczna w procesie wykrywczym sprawców seryjnych przestępstw ciężkich, cześć pierwsza – sygnatura sprawcy

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    The article presents issues related to the creation of a signature of serial offender. Using known dependencies and functions used in the natural sciences, which describe the iterative process of changes in the environment, the speed, range, time of emergence and augmentation of the psychopathology of a serial offender were determined. The article is the first in a series of publications describing the use of computer aided heuristic analysis in the process of detecting perpetrators of serial crime (ViCLAS). The paper presents the impact of the environment in the formative period on the evolution of the perpetrator's psyche. Using the Pierre-Francois Verhulst’s equation and Feigenbaum's constant, the direction, speed and cognitive limits in the signature development process were visualized. The concept of Signature is described, as well as the differences between Signature and Modus Operandi.Artykuł przedstawia zagadnienia związane z tworzeniem sygnatury sprawcy seryjnych przestępstw ciężkich. Przy użyciu znanych zależności i funkcji używanych w naukach przyrodniczych, które to opisują iteracyjny proces zmian w srodowisku okreslono szybkosc, zasieg, czas powstawania oraz augmentacji psychopatologii przestepcy seryjnego. Artykuł jest pierwszym w serii publikacji opisujących zastosowanie komputerowej analizy heurystycznej w procesie wykrywczym sprawców seryjnych (ViCLAS). Przedstawiono wpływ środowiska w okresie formatywnym na ewolucję psychiki sprawcy. Używając równania Pierre-Francois Verhulsta oraz stałej Feigenbauma, zobrazowano kierunek, prędkosć oraz granice poznawcze w procesie rozwoju sygnatury. Opisano pojęcie Sygnatury, a także roznicy pomiędzy Sygnaturą a Modus Operandi

    Remarks on the Automatic Cylinder Oil Mixing System for Two Stroke Dual Fuel Crosshead Marine Engines

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    The paper presents selected issues related to cylinder lubrication of the dual fuel, two stroke, high pressure fuel supply engine (MAN MEGI). I showed causes and effects of incorrect liner lubrication. These are based on results of sweep tests and scavenge space inspections carried out during first weeks of vessel’s operation, following delivery to the Fleet. The paper also describes methods required in avoidance of under and over lubrication, including test procedures. Operational observations were provided. Recommendations for system operation are presented

    Simulation-Based Training in Fire Prevention and Fire-Fighting of Scavenge Air Receivers Fires

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    This article presents topics concerning fire hazards during the use of low-speed diesel engines in marine vehicles. The causes and effects of fires in the spaces of scavenge air receivers in marine diesel engines are presented. Methods to prevent and fight these fires are shown, including the operating procedures required from ship engine room operators. The possibility of training personnel to apply the abovementioned procedures during operation using simulations of a Kongsberg MC-90 IVship engine room is presented. Simulations were conducted which included a fire in a scavenge air receiver occurring during the operation of a MAN B&W 5L90MC main engine, with loads corresponding to 50% and 100% of the machine’s recommended setting

    Simulation-based training in fire prevention and fire-fighting of scavenge air receivers fires

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    This article presents topics concerning fire hazards during the use of low-speed diesel engines in marine vehicles. The causes and effects of fires in the spaces of scavenge air receivers in marine diesel engines are presented. Methods to prevent and fight these fires are shown, including the operating procedures required from ship engine room operators. The possibility of training personnel to apply the abovementioned procedures during operation using simulations of a Kongsberg MC-90 IVship engine room is presented. Simulations were conducted which included a fire in a scavenge air receiver occurring during the operation of a MAN B&W 5L90MC main engine, with loads corresponding to 50% and 100% of the machine’s recommended setting